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He smiled. “How could I ever leave you?”

She pointed at him. “Don’t you dare move. I’m going to brush my teeth and then I’m going to kiss you all over your face.”

“That is a fabulous threat to wake up to.”

She giggled and then disappeared.

Jace wanted to obey and not move, but he had to get a better taste in his mouth if she was going to kiss him all over his face. He sprang off the couch and hurried to the guest bathroom, using the bathroom, splashing his face with water, and looking in vain for toothpaste, floss, or mouthwash. Nothing. He hurried back into the main room, grabbed a glass, and filled it with water. He took a long drink and then swished and spit a few times. On the counter, he spotted some mints in the welcome basket. Yes. He hurried to pop one in just as he heard footsteps coming down the stairs.

Looking up, he could only focus on the vision descending the stairs. Ayla was still wearing the flattering wraparound dark-red dress, her blonde curls flowing down her back. Her face was washed clean, and her blue eyes sparkled at him.

She stopped a few feet away and suddenly looked shy. “Thank you for staying. I was afraid I’d wake up and the dream would’ve disappeared.”

“What dream?”


That did it. He hurried across the space separating them, gathering her into his arms and praying the mint had done its job.

She smiled sweetly up at him. He hurried to crunch the mint between his teeth, swish it around, and crunch some more.

“What are you doing?” She laughed.

“I was worried I had morning breath, so I’m trying to crunch up a mint so my breath will smell good.”

She laughed louder, and then she arched up toward him. His heart immediately raced out of control.

“Jace …” Her voice was breathless, beautiful, and inspiring.

“Yes, Ayla?” He savored the feel of her firm back as his hands trailed along the smooth material of her dress.

“I don’t care if you have morning breath.”



“Are you really real?”

“Hey.” Her eyes widened, a teasing glint in them as he’d stolen her line. “I wondered the same thing about you. Can this absolute stud and handsome ski expert be really real?”

He smiled, loving her cute compliments. “Let me show you how really real I am.”

Then he pressed his lips to hers.

Ayla returned the kiss, and he was lost in this incredible woman. Could he ever get enough of her? How could she leave tomorrow?

The kiss ended, and he asked, “Will you go to church with me?”

“Church? No snow activities today?”

“Not today. We close the resort and focus on the Savior.”

“One of the many reasons you’re so impressive. I’d love to go to church.”

“And dinner at my mom’s after?”

“Why, Jace Jardine.” She slapped her hand playfully against his shoulder. “You’re taking me home to meet your mama?”
