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“I hope so.” She’d actually met his mom, but he’d like them to spend more time together.

“I would love to. After you make me breakfast.”

“Two bowls of cereal coming up.”

She laughed. “Okay, I’m making breakfast.”

They made omelets together, laughing and teasing and chatting like old friends. Neither of them said anything about her leaving tomorrow, Bryan, or what would happen with her family, her job, or her debt. Jace was usually one to deal with issues and not procrastinate, but with Ayla’s situation, he wanted to push it away and only focus on the happiness they had together right now. A happiness that would disappear come tomorrow. A long-distance relationship? He didn’t like that idea, but he’d take anything he could get. All he knew was he couldn’t lose her.

She got ready for church, showering and putting back on the same dress. She confided in him it was the only one she’d brought. He didn’t care. He loved it on her. Then they drove to his cabin, and she waited while he got ready. She made a fuss about how handsome he was in his dark gray suit, and he kissed her until they were almost late for church.

They got to church only a minute late. The grand entrance wasn’t his favorite, as he’d have questions from the entire town for weeks to come, but walking in with Ayla’s hand in his and the most incredible woman by his side felt pretty great.

After Pastor Sam’s lovely sermon on bringing the Savior into every aspect of their lives and praying always for help and strength, a message Jace knew he needed right now, the final song sped by too fast, there was a prayer, and then they were inundated.

His mom, Ammon, Bentley, who bragged that he already knew “beauty Ayla,” Klein, Alivia, Thor, Shelly, Reed, Esther, and a whole slew of Delta family members and other people he’d known and loved his entire life.

Ayla greeted and charmed everybody, hugging them all as if they were already her best friends. Jace knew he was in for a lot of questions later, but right now he just got a lot of head nods and approving looks. Holly Delta even told him in a stage whisper, “She’s a keeper, Jace. A million times better than that brat you wasted time chasing.”

“Thank you, Mama Delta.”

They left the church and drove back to the rental house. All was quiet; no sign of Bryan. That was good. Jace felt badly the guy thought his life was in danger, but he’d brought it on himself and if he listened to Jace and went to the FBI, he’d probably be just fine.

Ayla changed into comfortable clothes and the boots and lavender coat he’d brought her from lost and found. If she agreed to stay here, he’d outfit her in top of the line ski gear. Would she protest that? It could be part of the many Christmas gifts he would buy her.

They drove up the mountain and parked in his garage. He changed into a long-sleeved T-shirt and joggers and they walked over to his parents’ house for dinner. Ayla fit with his family as if she’d always been a part of them.

“So, Ayla.” Ammon gave her a smirk at a break in the conversation. “How did this brother of mine get a beautiful sweetheart like you to fall for him?”

“Who says I’ve fallen for him?”

Everyone laughed, Ammon hooting the loudest. Jace didn’t mind the teasing, especially as Ayla held his hand under the table and gave it a reassuring squeeze and him a conspiratorial glance.

“So what you’re saying is, I’ve got a chance?” Ammon asked her, winking broadly.

“Don’t even think about it,” Jace growled at his brother, threatening him with a look that should have had him running for cover. They’d brawled for a lot less than Ammon trying to go after Ayla. The fact was, Ammon would never go after Jace’s girl. He only wanted to tease and rile him.

Ammon laughed at Jace’s threat, pumping his eyebrows at Jace and saying in an undertone to Ayla, “It doesn’t matter how you found me, beautiful. All that matters is we’ll be together in the end.”

“Stop it,” their mom commanded.

Jace knew Ammon was teasing, but it was time to push away from the table and flatten his brother.

“Sadly for you,” Ayla interrupted the impending brawl. “I am absolutely gone over this guy.” Ayla softly kissed him, and Jace relaxed out of fighting mode but revved up into kissing mode. He wanted to kiss her for a very long time, and without his family as an audience.

“Ah,” his mom sighed.

His dad smiled.

“They’re kissing,” Bentley screamed, then went back to shoveling mashed potatoes in.

Ayla started eating again, too.

Jace thought it was only prudent that he make sure Ammon knew to keep his distance. “Stop flirting with my girl, or I’ll give you another scar on that pretty boy face.”

“Now, boys,” his mom cautioned. “No fighting over our gorgeous Ayla. It’s obvious she’s smitten with Jace.”

“I’ll have to hide my feelings better,” Ayla teased, giving him a cute wink and squeezing his hand. “And you’re the prettiest boy I’ve ever seen, so don’t give poor Ammon any more scars.”
