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She threw her head back and laughed. He settled her onto the ground, kissed her for a very, very long time, and finally pulled away and told her, “You make me very happy, Ayla.”

“I feel the same.”

But something shifted, and he could see a longing deep in her blue eyes. A longing for them to be “really real”. He wasn’t sure how that could happen if neither of them could relocate. Could he leave his resort and his family? That was an insane question to even ask himself after knowing somebody for a day and a half. Whirlwind romance. Was he being as dumb as he’d been with Iluminada? He was older, wiser, and he was certain Ayla was genuine and perfect for him, not using him like Iluminada had. But he had no idea how to make this work. They could FaceTime each other every night. It wouldn’t be the same, but at least they could develop a deeper relationship.

He took her to his garage and got the snowshoes out, then found her some of his Klim gloves to keep her hands warm and a beanie. They set off on a trail behind his house. The sun was slanting to the west, but still breaking through the trees. Everything glistened on this bright mid-December day. Ayla exclaimed over the scenery, how much she loved snowshoeing, how much she loved his family, his valley, his church, his ski resort. His confidence grew that the question he wanted to ask might get a positive response.

They turned around to head back and the sun was dipping behind the trees as they approached his house. Their time together was expiring too fast. He didn’t like it, and he didn’t know how to stop it.

They stored the snowshoes in the garage and walked out into the fresh, chilly air. It smelled of pine and fresh air.

“Ah …” Ayla inhaled deeply. “Can you smell that?”

He eased closer. “My tantalizing cologne?”

She pushed at his shoulder. “The fresh scent of pine.”

“Ah. Yes, my cologne does have pine undertones.”

She laughed and he figured this was his opportunity to wrap her up tight. He kissed her, savoring each movement of their lips working in a symphony of deliciousness.

“Ayla,” he breathed against her lips.

“Yes, Jace?”

“You love everything about Summit Valley?”

“I do.” She ran her fingers through his hair and gently massaged his scalp. He loved the tingly sensation, but he couldn’t get distracted.

“Would you stay?”

Her eyes widened, and she tried to step back.

“I don’t mean indefinitely. Unless you want to. That job offer is still on the table. I can work out numbers with Ammon. It might not be what you made working for Bryan, but I promise it will be enough to pay off your debts eventually and help your grandma. You can live with my parents rent-free until …”

He stopped. The look on her face was not what he wanted to see. He was rushing too fast, and she wasn’t ready. She didn’t want to tell him no, but she was going to.

He didn’t quite know how to convince her, but he did know he should proceed with more caution. “Just stay for the week or even a few days. Give us more time together.” With more time, could he convince her that he was enough? Convince her to never leave him behind?

“Oh, Jace.” Her brow squiggled. “I want more time together, but I have to get home, figure out a new job in Barstow, see my parents, and be there for my grandma.”

At least she hadn’t said she was going back to her old job. He admired her commitment to her family. He felt the same about his family. If only it wasn’t keeping them apart.

“You could stay for a few days at least.” Should he offer to go there? What would he even do there? He’d leave Ammon in a lurch with ski season just beginning. He wanted to say he’d do anything for Ayla, but he’d left Ammon for two years while he’d pursued his dreams. He’d promised himself he’d never do that to his brother or his family again.

But Ayla … she wouldn’t stay here. He knew it. Despite the incredible time they’d had together, it was just like with Iluminada. Ayla had never lied to him, but he wasn’t enough—enough to keep her here, enough to fall desperately in love and never want to leave his side. He could offer to go see her, they could try long distance, but maybe this had just been a fun vacation romance for her and he was awkwardly pushing her too hard.

“Jace, I’m so sorry, but …” she trailed off and looked away. Then suddenly she gasped and pointed.

Jace spun around and saw the shadow of an angular man next to the garage.

A man who was pointing a pistol at them.

Bryan stepped out of the shadows. His hand shook, but his finger was firmly on the trigger. Anger radiated from his face. His coat had rips in it, his pants were soaked from mid-thigh down, and his face looked haggard and exhausted. He looked more than a little insane.

Jace stepped in front of Ayla. If anybody was taking a bullet, it was him.

“Bryan, what are you doing?” Ayla cried out.
