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“The guy seems to really love you,” Joseph said. “And he’s a good guy. I can tell.”

Ayla had thought she could tell that too. Apparently she was easy to dupe.

“Thank you,” Jace said to each of them in turn.

“Do you love her?” Mary asked.

Jace focused fully on her. “I love Ayla more deeply than I ever thought I could love someone.”

Ayla wanted to roll her eyes, but she couldn’t. That declaration of love. Despite the pain, she felt his love all the way through. She couldn’t swallow or breathe or move. She clasped her thought with her palm and gasped out, “Can’t … breathe.”

Jace crossed the distance to her. He gently tugged her hand away and stroked her lower back with his other hand. “I’ve got you. Deep breath in.”

She took a gasping breath in.

“There you go. And out.”

She pushed it out, lost in his eyes, trembling from his touch. It felt like a lifetime since he’d held her, and it was all she wanted right now. She wanted to lean in and let him hold her and never let her go.

“It’s all right now. I’m here.”

“That is so sweet,” Mary squealed.

“It is pretty sweet,” Joseph said gruffly.

Ayla snapped out of her stupor. He’d kissed Iluminada for all the world to see. Was nobody on her side? Where was Taryn?

“Fine.” She stepped back, done with the audience. “Come say your piece, then you’re leaving.”

“Good luck, man,” Joseph said.

“Be sweet with him,” Mary admonished.

Ayla ignored them both and strode back into her condo. Sadly, there wasn’t much room to stride. She heard Jace thanking them and saying goodbye and then he was in her apartment, filling up the space, making it smell like musk, fresh out of doors, pine trees, and man. He was bigger than she remembered, more handsome, more all-consuming. That was silly. She was being dramatic. She was tired and overwrought and emotional. She prayed for help and strength. Discernment. She needed discernment to know what was real and what was right.

Jace softly shut the door behind him. He didn’t step closer. That was good. She could retreat into the kitchen, but that would show how deeply he affected her. So she stood her ground, folding her arms across her chest and glaring across the three feet of space between them.

“Ayla …” He slowly looked her over, as if memorizing her every feature. “I’ve missed you.”

She almost softened, but stayed strong. “Oh? I’m sure it was really hard on you, risking your life for some crazy stunts and then kissing your wife for the world to see.”

“She’s not my wife,” he said fiercely. “I should’ve followed you immediately. When you walked into that airport, it was like my life was over. I went home and stewed and prayed and Ammon showed up at my door.” He shook his head and pushed a hand through his hair. “He told me to go after you, to make this work. I told him I couldn’t leave him or our family again, but he said you were the right woman for me and I should move here, date you properly, and prove you could trust I’d be here for you. He said he’d lost the woman he loved and he wouldn’t stand by and let me lose you.”

He smiled briefly. “He did make it clear I’ll have to deal with accounting, marketing, scheduling, and any other issues I can online.” His smile disappeared. “Ammon’s going to pick up my slack, again, because if you need to be here, Ayla, this is where I’ll be. By your side, no matter what.”

“Are you really real?” she demanded.

He smiled at that and eased closer.

“No. Stop.” She held up a hand, and he immediately obeyed. “I’m serious. Are you giving me lines again? You’d move to a barren wasteland, get some job you’d probably hate, leave your family, friends, and beautiful mountains and the ski resort you built with your own bare hands, and stay by my side? Why?”

“I love you.” The words were said so simply, but she felt them down deep.

Was he lying? Was he the best actor she’d ever met? She wanted to call his bluff, make him move here, get that job, take her on dates, and see if he could really prove himself to her. But she could never do that to him. He’d hate it here. After spending two days in the heaven of that Christmas-perfect Colorado valley with Jace,shehated it here. But …

“Why did you kiss Iluminada?”

“Oh, Ayla. I had no idea she would show up like that. I had promised Hudson, Klein, and Ammon I’d do the heli-ski with them this morning. They got Lieutenant Van too. He’s more crazy than technically sound, but …”
