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Best news ever? Better than she’d been praying for? Then why had she been crying and why was there a rock settling in his gut. “What’s the news?” He forced a smile on his face. No matter what, he’d be happy for her.

“I got offered a job as an exclusive flight attendant … for Avalyn Shaman!” She squealed and hugged him again.

“That’s amazing.” He picked her up and swung her around. “She’s lucky to have you.” He set her down and smiled at her, keeping her close. This was amazing news. For her. Her cousin Melene was a manager for Avalyn Shaman, creator of Health for All, a worldwide company that brought health care to people in third world countries. He knew Melene had said she’d see if Avalyn had an opening for Ivy as Avalyn’s personal flight attendant was close to having her first baby. Apparently Melene had convinced Avalyn to take a chance on her cousin. More likely all of Ivy’s inspiration that she could go help children around the world had been felt by the impressive Melene Collier and Avalyn Shaman. No matter how it ripped him apart.

“I’m the lucky one, no blessed,” she amended, her entire face lit up, “It’s insane that she’d hire me. No experience.”

“But you rocked your schooling.” He kept forcing a smile, hoping she didn’t see how he was cracking inside. She was leaving him. For how long? He’d wait.

“True.” She’d done the schooling last summer in Denver. Before they were dating. He knew she’d try to be a flight attendant somewhere, but to have an opportunity like this one was incredible for her. “I’m flying to New York tomorrow to meet Avalyn.” Her eyes were bright with wonder. “Avalyn Shaman. She’s the most accomplished and incredible woman in the world and I’ll be working for her. When I’m not doing a flight for her, or one of the Hawk brothers who funds her,” A knot of jealousy tightened his gut. The Hawk brothers were accomplished billionaires. What if one of them noticed Ivy? How could they not? She was a shining light. “I’ll be able to volunteer with Health for All,” she continued, “and see the world like I’ve always dreamt of doing.”

He nodded. Tomorrow. She was leaving tomorrow. Was it too early to ask when she’d come home? It definitely was. “That’s amazing,” he repeated, sounding like a robot.

“Come with me,” she begged.

Ammon could only blink at her. First Jace now Ivy. They both knew he’d only leave Summit Valley for vacations. They had their inspiration and he had his. They’d discussed it. Too often.

“My spot is here,” he said softly, knowing it would upset her.

She pulled out of his arms and he stepped back. He didn’t want to, but it was obvious she was upset. She folded her arms across her chest and glared up at him. “You won’t even pray to know if you should come with me. You won’t even try.”

“Pray and try to desert my family and my future?” he asked. He wanted her to be his future, but maybe it was farther in the future than he wanted to think about.

“How can you be so much fun to be around and also be the most grounded and stinking responsible eighteen-year old I’ve ever met,” she flung at him.

“And that’s a bad thing?” That was exactly what he wanted to be, what his parents and grandpa had taught him to be: fun, grounded, and responsible.

“When it keeps us apart it’s a bad thing.”

Ammon arched his eyebrows. “Ivy. Even if I didn’t feel this was my spot, even if I could leave my mom and grandpa to deal with everything here.” The thought of leaving his family and his resort ripped at his insides, but losing Ivy would be worse. He wasn’t losing her. She’d go travel and volunteer. She’d see the world, get her fill of it, and then she’d come back to him, her family, and this incredible valley. Right? “I can’t just climb in Avalyn Shaman’s jet with you like a stowaway. You’re not going to ask that of your new boss.”

She looked away and he knew he was right. She was blessed to get the job. Bringing along a boyfriend would be presumptuous and weird.

“I’d love to do the charity work.” He did think the work would be great, helping children and families throughout the world, but he didn’t get excited about the travel and he knew there was no way he’d leave his family. He and his family did a lot of charity work in Denver with their favorite shelter. It would be great to help those more in need than any American could comprehend but it wasn’t his role right now. “But I don’t have a job that would support me.” He tried a different tactic.

“I can take care of us both.” She jutted out her chin.

“No way.”

“Chauvinist,” she flung at him.

“Seriously?” His neck was getting hot. “It’s not chauvinistic to refuse to take handouts. I won’t live off of you.” The very thought of it grated at him. He worked harder than anyone he knew and he refused to bum off his girlfriend. Ivy knew her philanthropic boss wasn’t going to want her boyfriend tagging along, riding in her plane like a worthless leach and even if he worked for the charity they didn’t pay their workers, people volunteered so all the donations they received, mostly from the Hawk brothers, could go to help others. That was one of the many impressive facets of Avalyn’s charity.

“My dreams are here,” he said firmly. “This ski resort is my future and I’m going to build it up and be successful here.”

Her lip trembled and he realized why her eyes were red-rimmed. She’d known he had his answer and he wouldn’t leave his family and the resort. She’d been crying for him. That softened his heart but he didn’t know how to change who he was, change heaven’s inspiration, or turn his back on his responsibilities and his dreams. Luckily for him, everything was firmly in Summit Valley. Except her.

“What about when Jace comes back? Would you come with me then?”

“Jace isn’t coming back anytime soon. At least three years. How long are you planning on being gone?” His upper back tightened and he feared the answer he knew was coming.

“Forever,” she said, her dark gaze intense. “You have your inspiration and I have mine. I’m going to see the world and help children on every continent. I’m never moving back here.”

He loved her idealism and her faith. If only it didn’t mean they wouldn’t be together. Never moving back here? Was she being dramatic? Looking into her deep-brown eyes, he feared she wasn’t.

“And you’re selfishly going to rot away in Summit Valley.”

“Selfish would be me not listening to my own inspiration and letting you provide for me while my family suffers without me,” he flung right back.
