Page 21 of Cabin for Three

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I titled his chin up with a light touch, and when he met my gaze I said, “This place is fantastic, and so much more than I’m used to. Besides, I’d be happy no matter what, even if you, me, and Kel ended up living in a van with the dog and his pet chinchillas.”

He grinned a little. “Well, when you compare it to a van, I guess this place isn’t so bad.”

Kel came into the kitchen just then, carrying two bags of groceries and a bouquet of flowers. He threw his arms around both of us and exclaimed, “Honeys, I’m home! I brought us champagne, and stuff to make a nice dinner, and some fancy little desserts. Let’s celebrate!”

Hudson nodded, but then he gestured at the keys Kel had put on the counter and said, “I forgot, I was going to go by a hardware store and make you your own set of keys, Noah. Kel has my only spare set, but you need some, too. I’m sorry.”

I could see his parents’ handiwork in his insecurity—the idea they’d drummed into him that he had to be perfect to be worthy of love. And really, the only way to counteract that was to keep loving him unconditionally, until he finally got the message that he didn’t need to earn it. I kissed him gently, and then I tried to lighten the mood with, “It’s fine, baby. Really. Now, let’s show Kel the stuff you got for Sadie, including her outhouse. I want to buy a tiny pink flamingo for it, because I’ve never had a lawn before. After that, we can drink champagne and eat way too much, because technically we’re still on vacation, so why not? And later on, there’ll be blow jobs for everyone.”

Hudson smiled at me and pointed out, “You know, you often use the promise of blow jobs as a motivational tool.”

I nodded. “That’s true. I guess it’s my version of dangling a carrot in front of you—so to speak.” That earned a pair of well-deserved groans.

* * *

That night, after a big dinner, and drinks, and yes, blow jobs as promised, the three of us curled up in bed. “It’s nice to have the whole family together,” Kel murmured, as he snuggled in on Hudson’s left. Sadie had discovered a second, nice new dog bed waiting for her in the main bedroom, and the chinchillas were cozied up in their carrier, which was on the dresser.

I snuggled in on Hudson’s right and grinned as he whispered, “I couldn’t agree more.”



“It’s bittersweet, knowing this is my last pink Victorian party as a resident,” Kel said, as the three of us got comfortable on a cozy loveseat near the towering Christmas tree. All the furniture had been pushed to the sides of the living room to create a dance floor, and the three of us had been dancing nonstop for close to an hour.

But now that we’d finally stopped moving, Kel looked wistful. I kissed his temple and told him, “I know, sweetheart. But once you’re a part of the Pink Victorian Crew, that’s for life. Just look at how many former residents are here tonight, and how much fun they’re having. This place becomes a part of you, no matter where you end up.”

“You’re right,” he said, “and I love the fact that Noah’s friend Timothy is so excited about moving into my old room. Just look at him over by the fireplace, laughing with Lark, Yolanda, and JoJo like he’s known them all his life. This place is going to be perfect for him.”

“I’m so happy about that,” Noah said. “I felt bad about leaving him all alone in his tiny studio, but now I know he’ll be in good hands.”

“The best.” Kel perked up when the Scissor Sisters’ “I Don’t Feel Like Dancing” came on. “I love this song! Are you guys up for another round? Or is your knee bothering you, Sonny?”

Noah and I both got up, and I said, “The knee’s fine. I’m wearing my stretchy brace under my jeans, and I took the good drugs earlier—the painkillers that don’t actually reduce the pain, but that make me totally indifferent to it.” My boyfriends’ brows creased with concern, but I grabbed their hands, pulled them onto the makeshift dance floor, and started shaking my ass. When they saw I really was okay, they enthusiastically joined in.

We kept dancing until just before midnight, when glasses of champagne were handed out and everyone got ready for the countdown. Kel, who was a bit tipsy, pointed at us and said, “Pick a number between one and a million.” Noah picked three-hundred-fifty-two-thousand, and I picked six. Then Kel announced, “Since a three-way kiss on the lips isn’t going to work, I’m going to kiss Hudson first at the strike of midnight, then Noah, and then you two can kiss each other. Normally, we wouldn’t need to schedule it like this, but that whole New Year’s kiss ritual was perplexing until I figured out a system.”

I smiled at him and said, “That’s very wise. So, what was your number?”

“What number?”

“The one we were trying to come closest to.”

“Oh. I didn’t have one. I was just going in numerical order, and six comes before three-hundred-whatever,” Kel said.

Just then, JoJo climbed up on the coffee table, looking angelic in her white dress. “It’s almost time, friends! Count down with me,” she called.

Everyone began to chant, “Ten, nine, eight,” as my boyfriends and I joined hands. I glanced at Kel, then Noah, and I just had to smile. This was both a new year and a new beginning. For the first time, I felt optimistic about my life and the way it was finally coming together.

The crowd yelled, “Happy New Year,” and Kel pulled me into a deep kiss before kissing Noah in turn. Then Noah pulled me close and kissed me. When I wrapped my arms around both of them, my heart felt so full.

* * *

We’d made plans ahead of time to spend the night in Kel’s old bedroom, both because we figured we’d be a bit tipsy, and because getting a cab would be next to impossible. All that remained in there was a bed and dresser, which Kel was leaving for Timothy, who’d decided he liked them better than what he had. We’d also brought along the chinchillas in their travel carrier and Sadie with her dog bed, so the whole family settled in for the night. Lark was going to watch our pets for us on New Year’s Day, while we were gone on a quick trip.

The next morning, we got up early and took turns in the shower before getting dressed in the change of clothes we’d brought. Then I slung a garment bag over my shoulder, and we headed downstairs with Sadie.

To our surprise, all of Kel’s housemates were waiting for us in the living room. The New Year’s decorations were still up, but they’d replaced the hand-lettered sign over the mantel with one that said, “Good luck in your next chapter, Kel, Hudson, and Noah!”
