Page 11 of Sin's Betrayal

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When I parked my bike in the Ravagers lot, I shut off the engine, prepared to hit with her an onslaught of questions. She didn’t give me the chance.

Charlotte rose from the seat, ripping the helmet off her head as soon as we stopped. She didn’t hesitate to head toward her car, yanking open the driver’s side door.

“Hey,” I shouted, jogging over before she could shut the door. “Charlotte.”

“I need to check on Sophie, Mack.”

“She’s with Edge and Rae. My son is keepin’ all those girls safe. Don’t you doubt it for a second.”

Her chin dipped and I heard her sniffle. “Please. I’m not good company right now.”

“Honey, I can see that, but I don’t think you should be alone. Why don’t you let me drive? I’ll take you wherever you wanna go and if you just want to drive, we can do that too.”

I thought she’d argue, but she didn’t.


I caught a brief flash of her sexy, rounded ass as I settled behind the wheel before she sat to my right, tugging on the damn seatbelt like it meant to do her harm. Gently, I reached across, gripping the belt and pulling it the rest of the way until the buckle clicked.

Charlotte turned her head, glancing out the window as I pulled forward, and Cara tried to walk toward us. R.J. tugged her against him, whispering in her ear. I didn’t have to hear the words to know that he was tellin’ his woman that Charlotte was safe with me.

I was the fucking president of this club. No one questioned a damn thing I said or did. My word was law. More than that, I’d never hurt a woman and wasn’t about to do so now. All of my brothers understood that.

“Where to, sweet girl?” I asked as the gate to the compound shut behind us and we merged onto the open road.

“I don’t know,” She whispered, staring out the front windshield. “Surprise me.”

Nodding, I decided to take her somewhere no one else had ever been, other than my kin. I’d brought Edge many times over the years, so he knew the location of my cabin. Hell, it was where I’d spent most of my time since his mother’s death nearly fourteen years ago. Why I decided to drive charlotte to the cabin, I’d never figure out. Just felt right.

Over the years, the forest full of redwoods had become a haven. A place to find peace and reconcile with my demons. To let go of the past and try to find a way to forgive myself for my mistakes. I sure had a fuck ton of them.

Maybe Charlotte could find a little solace among these same trees. There was something soothing about nature and living life far from the city. I missed the quiet, the absence of drama, and remaining hidden from the world.

I didn’t say much to her during the drive, but she didn’t seem to need it. I checked on her often, noticing the flutter of her lashes before she dozed off, head resting against the cool glass of the window. The further we drove, the more I relaxed. Something about leaving all the bullshit behind for a short time helped to focus my energy where it was needed. On Charlotte.

I parked her car outside the garage of my cabin, feelin’ a bit guilty that it was full of old motorcycles, junk, and my truck. No room for her car. About all I could squeeze in there was my Harley and I left it in Providence.

Turning off the engine, I pocketed the keys and exited the car. She didn’t wake as I walked around, opening her door and giving her shoulder a gentle shake.

“Hey, sweetness. Found us a place to stop.”

Charlotte’s eyes popped open, and she startled, blinking at me like she didn’t know who I was for a few seconds. Then she gasped, pulling her phone out of the small purse she’d slung across her body for the last few hours.

“Shit, Mack. I’ve got to call Sophie.”

“Go ahead. I’m gonna unlock the cabin.”

She nodded, already dialing Rae’s number. “Hey, baby. Yes, I’m fine. I’m so excited for you! You’re spending the night with Leah.”

I didn’t listen to the rest of the conversation, opening up the cabin and a few of the windows to get rid of the musty smell. That happened during the humid months and there wasn’t much I could do about it. The forest climate had its own agenda. I found a candle that smelled like pumpkin and lit it, smirking when I remembered Rae sayin’ she thought the place could use a women’s touch.

Nah. The cabin was perfect.

The scent did help it feel cozy inside as I turned on the coffee pot, brewing a fresh pot. I was one of those guys who could drink coffee any time of the day or night and it didn’t faze me. Maybe I already had enough bad shit in my system that it didn’t matter. Couldn’t say that I’d quick cigarettes or coffee, not for any reason.

Charlotte walked in just as I was filling two mugs. I brought them to the table that occupied the open space in the kitchen and offered her some nondairy vanilla creamer. Rae had insisted on keeping it stocked during her last visit.

When Charlotte added three of the little liquid singles, I knew Rae had been right. Women rarely drank coffee black. At least, any of the ones I met.
