Page 13 of Sin's Betrayal

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Chapter 6 Charlotte

“Breaker, Owen as Iknew him, deceived me,” I began. “He pulled over on the side of the road when my car ran out of gas and offered to help. I didn’t even notice what he was wearing at first,” I admitted. “I was thankful that someone noticed and didn’t leave me stranded.”

Mack sat across from me on the other end of the couch, leaning forward slightly as he listened. I noticed his hands clenched once, but he seemed to calm down once I started talking. I couldn’t stop staring at the tight fit of his black t-shirt that hugged the hard, chiseled muscle of his upper body and rounded, bulging arms. Dark ink covered most of the exposed skin and I had to fight to keep from drooling. He was pure sin and I wanted to spend a night with him pounding between my thighs. A man like him, all confidence and swagger, and at his age and maturity, definitely knew how to touch a woman’s body.

But that was the kind of impulsive decision I made nine years ago and started all the trouble I found myself in now.

I learned my lesson.

“How old were you?”

“Seventeen. I thought I knew everything,” I admitted with a small smile. “I couldn’t have been more wrong about the boy who gave me a ride on his Harley and promised a perfect night under the stars.”

Mack frowned. “He didn’t force you, right?”

I shook my head. “No. I was a stupid girl who wanted to feel loved and beautiful and desired. He made me feel all of that. At least for a few hours.” Shame colored my cheeks crimson as I felt heat creep up my neck and into my face. “I shouldn’t have done that. I was young and stupid.”

“Hey, you think I’m judging you? Fuck no. Everyone wants to feel those things. You didn’t do anything wrong, Charlotte.”

“I should have done things differently. I don’t regret having my daughter, Mack, but I do regret who became her father.” I sighed, leaning back against the cushions. “I didn’t love him, and he didn’t love me. I knew that. It wasn’t that part that hurt.”

Mack scooted closer, staring into my eyes as I faced him. “What did he promise?”

I snorted, not the least bit surprised that he figured out what Owen had done. “He said he’d be back the next night. We’d go out on his bike and ride to the ocean. I believed when he said it wasn’t just one night, that I meant something to him. I thought we had shared a special connection.”

“Did he ever tell you his last name?”

“No, but I remembered the patch on his vest and the logo on the back with the devil’s face and red horns.”

Mack’s jaw tightened and I swear I heard his teeth grind together. “You tried to find him, didn’t you?”

“When he didn’t return, I realized he used me. I felt stupid. It was horrible,” I admitted, sniffling as I tried to fight tears, “but then I kept getting sick and I knew it wasn’t the stomach flu. I bought a test and took it. Two pink lines. Positive.”

Mack’s hand rested over mine. “I’m sorry he hurt you.”

“He lied. Owen could have told me the truth. Why didn’t he? I would have been upset, but it was better than wondering if something happened to him or waiting in limbo, hoping he’d come back. I thought he would show up one day and see my belly, that maybe he’d be happy about being a father. Such a silly thing to wish for,” I admonished myself, swiping at the tears on my cheeks.

“Aw, sweet girl. I wish it could have been what you wanted.”

“I don’t. It wasn’t real. Any of it,” I replied bitterly. “I had to raise a daughter on my own. It’s the hardest thing I’ve ever done. He should have been there to help.”

“Yes,” he agreed slowly. “You’re right.”

“I don’t understand why he didn’t come back. He’s known about Sophie. He could get a paternity test and take me to court for parental rights. How the hell would I explain that to my baby girl? She wouldn’t understand. I told her that Owen died before she was born.”

“We don’t have the answer to any of those questions, sweetheart. Not yet. We just got to take one day at a time.”

Blinking, I sniffled as a few more tears slipped free. Mack wiped them away gently with his fingertips. “I’ll fight him. I swear I’ll do whatever it takes to keep Sophie safe. He won’t get near her. I don’t want violence around my child.”

Mack lifted a brow, nodding as he processed my words. “Motorcycle clubs are what they are, Charlotte. If you bring Sophie around, she might see something. I can’t help that.”

“I know. That’s why I’m careful. We usually only come to family functions. It’s just that having Cara and R.J. together has complicated things.”

“Right,” he agreed. “I know you want to keep your daughter safe and I’ll do whatever I can to help. You’re part of the family now. That’s important for you to understand.”

“I do.”

“There’s a few things that aren’t adding up for me.” Mack removed his hand from mine, maintaining eye contact. “I want to know why he’s kept tabs on you all this time. Why stalk you and your daughter? He’s had time to come forward and take a paternity test. My guess is he’s known all along Sophie is his. He never actually left.”
