Page 14 of Sin's Betrayal

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My jaw dropped open and I struggled for words. “Why?” I finally managed to ask, gripping his arm as he leaned closer. “Why would he do that?”

“A game? A perverse enjoyment? I don’t know, but I’ll find out.”

“You’ve been asking me all these questions, listening to all the shit from my past, but you haven’t told me why this concerns you. I need you tell me, Mack. Is he coming after my daughter?”

Mack’s hand cradled the side of my face, tilting it up an inch. “I know you’re scared, and this doesn’t make sense. It’s fucked up and I know it’s a lot to handle. The SOMC has been our rival for decades. The shit with that club is still unresolved. We’re working through it but with Breaker and his connection to you, a sister of an ol’ lady, this is serious. You’re being followed by Breaker and that means the Outlaws are keeping tabs while he’s in prison. It’s not safe until we figure out what Breaker plans to do.”

“Shit,” I whispered, clutching his shoulders. “I can’t stay at my place. He’s probably been there.”

“Count on it. I wouldn’t be surprised if he has surveillance on your home, workplace, and Sophie’s school.”


“I need a safe place to stay, Mack. There’s no way I’m going to put anyone else in danger. I can’t stay with my parents or any friends. Nowhere is safe.”

“Not true,” he contradicted. “You stay at the clubhouse. There’s always enough security there. I won’t take no as an answer.”

“What about Sophie? School? Shit! What about my students? I can’t just quit my job.”

“Shhh,” he replied, “we’ll figure this out. I promise.”

“Mack. This is going to get ugly, isn’t it?” Fear that Sophie might somehow become harmed filled my head. I tried not to panic, but it was almost impossible.

“Listen, sugar. You can’t predict shit. Too many unknown variables. We make plans and prepare for the worst. Hope for the best.”

“That sounds ridiculous,” I spat, slightly annoyed.

“You’re going to bring Sophie to the clubhouse tomorrow. We’ll pick her up and make it fun. Tell her it’s an extended sleepover with Leah. Edge and Rae will join us. I’ll have the prospects pick up Leah’s stuff from her room and keep an eye on your place. You’ll stay at the clubhouse until school gets out in a few weeks.”

Wow. He thought that through fast.

“And after that?”

“We could come up here to the cabin. It’s secluded and off-grid. No one knows the exact location except for Pete. I have other houses but this one I’ve kept secure. There’s not even a paper trail. It’s a good place to lay low until Breaker is dealt with.”

“And if it doesn’t take weeks? What if he shows up sooner?”

“We improvise,” he replied with a snarl.

“I don’t like this. What am I supposed to do about work? Just pretend like everything is normal?”

“Yes. Sophie goes to school. You go to work. We act like nothing has changed. Sure, he’ll find out you aren’t staying in the same house, but there won’t be anything he can do about it. When he figures out that you’re staying at the clubhouse, it’ll make sense. He’ll expect that because of your sister and connection to the Riders.”

“I suppose you’re right about that,” I conceded.

“Good.” He surprised when he pressed his lips to my forehead briefly. “Come on. There’s a couple of hours left of daylight. You’re going to learn to shoot.”

“Shoot?” I asked dumbly.

“Yes. A gun.”

“I don’t like guns,” I announced, practically spitting the words as he tugged me outside. “They’re dangerous.”

He gave a shake of his head. “Of course they are. They’re fucking meant to kill. No reason to aim unless you intend to follow through and accept the consequences.”

Meaning he didn’t have a problem with taking a life. Like he’d done so more than once in the past.

Mack stopped at a short distance from the house, pulling a weapon from his vest free. I never noticed it until now. He gestured to the cans and various bottles set up for target practice.
