Page 16 of Sin's Betrayal

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We settled into a comfortable silence, preparing the meal like we’d done it a hundred times before. She found her way around the kitchen easy, but it wasn’t hard considering the space wasn’t cluttered. The cabin wasn’t small, but certainly not huge. A comfortable space with a kitchen and combined dining area, the living room with a big picture window and flat screen, a guest bathroom with a shower, and two bedrooms. Mine had a master bath with a tub big enough to soak in while gazing out at the trees through the gigantic window. All wood throughout.

My grandfather built this place, and my father added the garage before he passed away. Over the years, I added my personal touch, updated the appliances, and remodeled the bathroom. I also added the massive deck that overlooked the Van Duzen River. The property was scenic, spacious, and not too close to any of the neighbors. Perfect.

Charlotte joined me on the deck as I fired up the grill, gazing out at the trees. Unlike the city, this stretch of land was quiet with plenty of crisp, clean air to breathe. The river babbled not far away while the wind lightly whistled through the redwoods. The sun lowered behind the mountains, bathing the area in shades of amber and pink.

“You have a treasure here, Mack,” she observed. “It’s so peaceful. The sounds of nature seem so loud without the city to drown them out.”

“Wait until the crickets chime in. You might regret sayin’ that,” I responded with a chuckle.

She laughed. “I think Sophie would love it. She’d get lost in the creek I can see down below. I bet there’s plenty of frogs and fish. All the things a kid needs to grow strong.”

“You bet,” I agreed. Just say the word and we’ll bring her up here. We’ll go wading in the river and collect rocks. There’s the best spot for skipping stones too. We can have a beach fire and roast smores after we float in the river all day. I keep tubes and beach chairs in the garage.”

Damn. That sounded fun. Just bringing Charlotte and Sophie up here and doing all of those things together. I’d want Pete and Rae and little Leah here too. All of them together. A family.

The idea didn’t bother me like I thought it would. There was something about Charlotte, a warmth and tenderness that reminded me of Patty in a lot of ways. Pete’s mother was the love of my life. Losing her gutted me. I hadn’t had a successful relationship since. Plenty of women in and out of my bed, but none that snared my heart.

Staring at the beautiful young woman on my deck, I wondered if I finally found the right one. I shouldn’t be thinking about this at all, but I couldn’t seem to stop. Charlotte felt my gaze and turned, giving me a small smile.

“Thank you for bringing me here, Mack. It’s just what I needed.”

I wanted to tell her that I felt the same. “You’re welcome, sugar. This place has a healing vibe to it. Glad I could share it with you.”

She stared at me so long I almost became uncomfortable. Flipping the chicken and ears of corn, I focused on the food. The foil pouches of potatoes and asparagus were nearly done.

“You aren’t at all like I imagined when we first met,” she announced, rising to her feet. “You might be a big rough biker, but you’re also one of the sweetest, most caring guys I’ve ever met.”

Sweet? Caring? How the hell did I give that impression?

She giggled, slapping a hand against my chest. “Mack. Your expression is priceless.”

“I don’t think anyone has ever described me as sweet.”

“You have your moments,” she murmured, looking up at me as I slipped an arm around her waist.

Don’t kiss her. Don’t do it.

My head lowered a few inches. Fighting off my attraction to her seemed a lost cause.

I might have hesitated, but Charlotte didn’t. She closed the rest of the distance, her soft mouth pressing against mine.

Fuck. I loved those plump lips. A rumble of approval filled my throat, and I deepened the kiss as I tugged her against my chest. This woman. She did wicked things to my brain. My cock and my heart both thrummed with the need for more.

What the fuck was I thinking?

Nothing but sordid, sexual fantasies. Charlotte naked in my bed. Her thighs spread wide. My cock thrusting inside her tight, wet pussy.

Fuck. I’d been single far too long.

Charlotte moaned into my mouth, and I broke the kiss, knowing if I didn’t stop, I’d have her naked and spread open within minutes. My dick grew so fuckin’ hard that I had to fight against the urge to rock my hips against her.

“Charlotte,” I groaned. “I’m not a good guy. You’re wrong. I’m all wrong for you.”

“Stop. You didn’t propose,” she teased. “It’s just a kiss. Right, Mack?”

Two in one day, but who was counting?

Fuck me. That sultry smile on her lips made me think of how pretty they’d look stuffed with my cock between them.
