Page 22 of Sin's Betrayal

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The next week rolledby without a glitch. Nothing from the Outlaws. No messages from Breaker. As far as I could tell, everything was smooth without a hint of trouble.

That was usually went shit went down.

I called for church, slamming down the gavel once all my officers were inside. My son sat on my right, the place reserved for my V.P. as expected. My SGT at Arms sat to my left. Valan was sober today. Thank fuck. Hangman gave me a chin lift, always ready to have my back. Tank and Judge, the enforcers, sat at the opposite end of the table. That left Ghost, the secretary on one side of the table next to the treasurer, R.J. And last, G.Q. Luke kicked back in his chair, lighting up a smoke. As road captain, he always plotted the routes we’d take on any ride. Today, he didn’t have much to do, but that would change soon enough.

“Church is in session, brothers,” I announced. “Got to admit, I’m feelin’ antsy. It’s too fucking quiet.”

Edge snorted. “That’s how it is. The calm before the storm.”

“And that storm is Mack,” R.J. joked.

Ghost snickered. “Truth.”

“I don’t like it,” Hangman announced. “There’s too much tension and bad blood for the Outlaws to sit on this for long.”

“I agree with you,” Judge added. “This isn’t good.”

“We need to be prepared. The club should be on lockdown, pres,” Hangman advised.

“Already on it,” I replied. “Until Breaker is no longer a threat and shit is settled with Bryce, the club is at risk.”

“What about Charlotte?” Valan asked, staring right into my eyes. “She’s the sister of an ol’ lady. Family. We need to keep her safe.”

“And she will be,” I declared, keeping my feelings hidden. This wasn’t the time to get into a pissing contest with Valan. “That’s why we’re going into lockdown. To keep all the women and kids safe.”

A few of the men nodded.

Edge spoke up. “Rae is due in eight weeks. I want to keep her comfortable and limit the stress. It’s not good for my son.”

“That’s why Cara and Charlotte and the girls will be around. They can do girly shit together,” R.J. informed us all with a chuckle.

“The club girls need to stay put. No runnin’ around or makin’ trouble. Ghost, I want you keepin’ them in line.”

“No problem, pres.”

“Hangman, Judge bring your ol’ ladies and kids. I want them secure in case shit goes down.”

“You got it,” Judge agreed.

Hangman frowned. “Meg is on that fucking cruise, remember? She won’t be back for another week.”

“Fuck. I forgot. If shit ain’t resolved by then, she comes here from the airport”

“I’ll be picking her up. She knows how shit works.”

Hangman and Meg were high school sweethearts. Nearly twenty years later they still only had eyes for one another. That was love right there. Waking up every morning to the same face and never wanting that to change.

I wondered if Charlotte was a forever kind of girl, not because she needed security as a single mother, but because she wanted to be with her guy until she died. From what I knew of her, I had confidence the answer was yes. The thought increased the longing I felt inside to claim her as my ol’ lady.

“Glad I’m single,” Tank observed. “This shit is stressful.”

A couple of the other brothers agreed.

“We need to increase security.” Valan ticked his chin my way. “What you want us to do, pres?”

“Keep the front gates closed at all times. No one in or out without my or Edge’s approval. Keep the prospects on watch, rotating shifts. That means we’re all pitchin’ in. I don’t want to hear shit about it either. The last thing we need is the Outlaws showin’ up while our pants are down and fucking us in the ass. Feel me?”

A few chuckles erupted around the room. No one said a word to contradict me.
