Page 24 of Sin's Betrayal

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“Well, then I guess I’m finding somewhere else to stay.”

“What?” I asked, my voice low and calm.

“You heard me. I’m taking Sophie somewhere else. I don’t see any proof that Breaker wants to harm us. At first, I was worried, but it’s been weeks. He would have tried something by now.”

“What about your place? It’s being watched.”

“Right. Well, I can check into a hotel for the next week. Make sure there’s nothing to worry about before I go back home.”

Frowning, I shook my head. “No. Absolutely not. You can’t just pack up your daughter and take her to a hotel. Everyone is here. They understand the danger and the need for lockdown.”

Her hands went to her hips, and I knew I pissed her off. “Mack Ravage I am not a prisoner, and I won’t be treated like one.”

“Never said you were, darlin’.” She caught the irritation in my voice.

“Then don’t make me feel like one.”

“I’m not. You’re just not leaving the compound.” I shrugged, not seeing the issue. “It’s simple.”

“Oh, it is, huh?” Her hip popped to one side as she narrowed her eyes.

Fuck me. She was goddamn gorgeous when she got fired up. The flash of her green eyes sparked a heavy lust in my loins.

“Charlotte, sweetness, you’re making this out to be something it’s not.”

“And if I disagree that I need to be confined to the clubhouse?” she asked, waiting for my answer with impatience.

“I might have to lock you in,” I answered with conviction.

“You, you,” she stammered, trying to come up with somethin’ good in response. “You big pigheaded brute!”

What? I couldn’t help my reaction. Laughter tumbled from my lips as I bent over, hardly able to contain it. “Oh, sugar. I do love having you around.”

“You’re just full of opinions, aren’t you?”

Her sass brought out the stubborn bull in me.

“Opinions are like assholes, sweet girl. Every fucking body has one.”

She blinked. Twice.

The look on her face was fucking priceless. So worth sayin’ that shit to her. My good girl sure had a stick up her ass when she got pissed. I loved her attempt at insulting me.

So goddamn cute.

She didn’t have a harsh or mean bone in her body. Charlotte wasn’t a vindictive bitch. I’d met plenty of those in my time. The curvy blonde in front of me was all sass and sweetness and fuck if I didn’t want to get her between the sheets to see if she played like this in bed.

My dick got all kinds of ideas about how I should fuck her, tie her up, and explore every inch of her body.

“Fuck, Charlotte. You turn me on.”

Before she could react, I bolted forward, snatching her into my embrace. My lips claimed hers in a kiss that made us stumble and I picked her up, pushing her up against the nearest wall. My hands grabbed her wrists, pinning them to the drywall above her head.

Her lower body rocked into mine as she bit my bottom lip with her teeth. Her face betrayed a mixture of annoyance and lust.

“You make me crazy.”

“And I turn you on,” I added, licking up the side of her neck before I nibbled on the smooth skin.
