Page 26 of Sin's Betrayal

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My ears began to ring, and I shook my head. No. I couldn’t pass out. Not now.


Mack’s voice sounded far away as I slumped over, blinking my eyes as I tried to focus. Everything seemed to be fading.

“Mack,” I whispered, knowing I wouldn’t stay conscious much longer. I must have hit my head when the stairs collapsed.

His handsome face appeared in front of me, twisted with concern. I’d always thought he was the sexiest silver fox I’d ever seen. Instead of the typical short hair you see on a man his age, he had long thick hair that reminded me of the Witcher. Henry Cavill was serious competition for Mack. Maybe someday I’d tell him that I fantasized about being with both of them at the same time. One out of two wasn’t bad either.

I must have been losing a lot of blood. My thoughts were all over, scattered in odd directions.

“Mack,” I whimpered.

His voice penetrated the fog in my head. “Sophie is safe. Edge has our baby. No one is gonna hurt her. I promise, my sweet girl. She’s not in danger.”

I wanted to believe him, but it didn’t seem possible. The explosion wasn’t the only noises that I heard.

Breaker’s voice whispered in the darkness right before I lost my grip on reality.

“I’ve got you both now.”

I didn’t know how, but I was positive that Breaker found us.

THOSE FUCKING OUTLAWSdrove a goddamn cement mixer into the side of my clubhouse!

“Motherfuckers!” I yelled, slamming a new clip into my gun before lifting the 9mm, pointing at the next asshole who dared to enter my club.

Carnage and chaos spread out around me, accompanied by smoke, debris, and blood. I didn’t want to think about how many of my brothers were injured. We didn’t have a lot of warning before that cement mixer slammed through the front gate of the compound, barely slowing down before it rammed into the exterior wall.

Part of the bar was completely destroyed. The stairs had taken a massive hit, crumbling that entire section of the clubhouse.

We wouldn’t be able to get upstairs anytime soon.


Charlotte and Sophie were upstairs!

I started yelling for Charlotte, making my way through the barrage of gunfire to the other end of the bar. Blonde hair stuck out among the rubble, and I lost my shit.

“Charlotte!” The agonized bellow drew everyone’s attention as I fell to my knees, pushing sharp pieces of drywall and heavy chunks of cement out of the way.

My woman was partially buried in this mess, blood trickling from a slash on her forehead. I managed to clear everything out of the way, freeing her body from the rubble as I cradled her against my chest.

“Charlotte, sugar, can you hear me?”

Her lips moved but no sound came out.


I looked up, catching Pete on the second floor. He had Sophie in his arms.


“I’ve got her, Sophie. I promise I’m going to take care of her and then we’ll come find you.”

Tears filled her eyes, streaming down her little cheeks. “Daddy Mack!”

Shit. That went straight to my heart. I couldn’t figure out why she called me that, but it felt good.
