Page 30 of Sin's Betrayal

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I was learning that he liked my sass and enjoyed giving it to him on occasion.

My words and attitude didn’t faze him. “Sweet girl, I got a hell of a lot I can teach you if you’ll relax enough to let me.”

Sweet girl.He loved to call me that endearment. I never knew if it was in jest or if he meant that sexy, throaty way the words tumbled from his lips.

Before today, I might have wondered and doubted a little, but after all we’d been through in such a short time we’d bonded. It happened so seamlessly, so quickly I didn’t realize it until now.

“I’m counting on that,” I replied. “You should give me a little sample and kiss me.”

And he did.

The entire night Mack held me, brushing his fingers across my skin, kissing me in that all-consuming way that almost curled my toes, and proved that bikers weren’t all assholes. Breaker might be the biggest jerk I’d ever met. Mack was the exact opposite.

He was already winning me over, heart, body, and soul.
