Page 53 of Demon Valley Marked

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It was the third time now that the club incident had froze me in front of my enemies. Colton and Lauren may have been present for the majority of it all, but I didn’t fear their judgment in comparison to the sheer mockery Travis must be delighting in at witnessing my weakness firsthand.”

“You know what makes Lexianne powerful?” Lauren randomly brought up. “She’s unpredictable. She reacts, adapts, makes mistakes, and doesn’t back down even when her stubborn nature leads her to tricker situations. Those qualities are what inspired me to make a bargain with her. Especially when I realized she was doing it all on your behalf.”

She paused and lifted her hand, an onyx glowing butterfly landing upon her index finger. It invited more of the fluttering creatures that came out of their hiding places within the shadows, leaving me to admire how delightful it was to see the blossoming speck of life in the world I thought could only create creatures of agony.

“Though it's not the way the world projects one who is deemed a ‘hero,’ isn’t that an example of what heroes do? Some may blatantly show the world that their actions are altruistic, but there are those heroes who do such selfless actions in the shadows. You fear being who you’ve always wished to be will be perceived as negative, and due to the situations you’re pulled into, you’re left feeling unsatisfied and questioning your own worth in this world. Those feelings are valid, but can you judge yourself so harshly when you never really gave it your all?”

“I see what you’re trying to say,” I quietly began. “But the vision of myself I had as a kid would make me look like a weak ruler as an adult.”

“How so?” she countered. “Because you have a compassionate heart? Because you seek to publicly express your affection to the woman you love? Because you want to lead without ruthless punishments and sacrifices? All the qualities that can make you a respectable leader and award you with loyalty from your pack of demons are there. All you’re missing is the confidence to be exactly that. You’ve painted an image of what an Alpha of this valley is supposed to look like, and that’s why your true form looks like the man standing before me, but do you know who Lexianne fell for first?”

She used her free hand to swipe through the air in an arch motion, and there was Nathan and me. Our backs were pressed together as the holographic display slowly spun to show each side of us. It was the image of me before I’d been sacrificed—the me that looks so similar to Nathan.Whatever I’d thought I’d lacked was fixed in my image of Nathan, and that’s why it felt like we’d been treated differently.

At least in my mind, that’s what I’d always thought.

“The you back then didn’t know the potential you carried, but did it stop your true mate from loving you? From admiring you and respecting you even as she knew the ultimate truth of your dual existence?”

“I feel like I haven’t given Lexianne enough to be given such love in return.” My voice was barely there and yet she heard me clearly.

“You feel that way because you never really got to enjoy receiving love the way you’ve given it in return. In your shifter world, love is in the form of sexual gratification, and even that is a rarity with how the pack dynamics have become. However, your affection for Lexianne is received in a way that resonates with her. She trusted you’d save her when she sacrificed herself for the voodoo doll fleet. She also knew you’d keep her safe when she passed out in front of Haven A. When she faced the beast from earlier, she knew that you’d come to witness her display of resistance, and even after everything we went through with Baker at the restaurant, she only allowed herself to lose consciousness because she was confident you’d catch her. Don’t you think that shows that she loves the safety you deliver her? That she enjoys how easy it is for her to switch personalities and be true to herself? The jacket she had earlier was yours, and she clung to it until she had no choice but to let go and fight those kidnapping douches. Do you think a piece of clothing is what helps her feel safe?”

She smiled and closed her eyes.

“The jacket isn’t the blanket of security she craves, Malifer. You are her safety net. You are the one she loves enough, with whatever flaws you deem unworthy of her affection, to take any form of abuse just to see you prosper. You don’t need to be the ruthless king who’s scary, sexy, and proves his power by raping women before their ack and putting the men through agonizing training sessions to be worthy of any woman’s love,” she stressed and opened her eyes. “A queen falls in love with the king she sees within the castle walls. The men who don’t fear showing their true intentions.”

“But… that man isn’t a monster.”

“And who said she wants a monster? I’m sure she’s had her share of monsters who enjoy the sound of her shrill screams and whimpers of agony. I’m not saying she wants a knight in shining armor or a prince to come and kiss her into wakefulness.” Lauren shook her head to emphasize her point. “She needs a man that will support her independence and crave to help her be better. To be stronger, wiser, and expand her views of the world that she’s been shunned from for the majority of her life. I believe you can do that and more, and maybe that’s what you need to implement what you’ve wanted for your pack all this while.”

Something clicked then.

“How did you know about the trials? Or about my coat jacket that she clung to?”

Lauren smirked and feigned innocence with a shrug.

“There are other ways of grasping information when you're a Time Keeper,” she insisted and quietly sang, “ViViVo.”

“You…” I decided to drop it. “Don’t even elaborate.”

She giggled then. “I have to leave. Your valley will get anxious with my presence if I stay much longer. Is there anything else you’d like to know? I won’t be as generous with giving information the next time we meet.”

“Will my father be coming to steal the valley from me?”

“Yes.” The answer came out so easily.

“He knows Nathan is me,” I assumed, but she seemed conflicted as to how to properly answer.

“Yes and no. Yes, he sometimes sees the similarities you possess that are identical in nature, but what continues to make him second-guess is your ability to use your Maleficient Astra form since you were a child. That’s questionable and is a good reason why he hasn’t been able to make a confident move in that area, but this confrontation with Baker gives you two choices,” she elaborated. “You can allow Nathan to return and act like you figured out an alternate route to escape the wards that kept you captured in your spots, or you can use this opportunity to feign Nathan’s death and give your father the gleeful satisfaction he yearns for.”

She let the butterfly flutter away before crossing her arms over her chest.

“Like you’ve guessed, the pack wouldn’t miss you much. They would be excited by the chance of replacing you even. This can be your chance to focus on making your vision into a reality. To accomplish what you seek if you do wish to walk down that path. All I’ll suggest is giving yourself the time you’ve wished to have to think about it. If you don’t allow yourself to observe what you’ve created, how will you appreciate the unexpected blessings?”

“I can see why Tainted Time Keepers are sought out,” I muttered more to myself.

“Not all Tainted Time Keepers are as generous as I am,” she reminded. “I’ve chosen which side I wish to support, though I can’t undo the bargains I’ve accepted in the past. I have my own responsibilities above, but I’ll am to visit these realms more often if you do succeed in achieving the vision you carry for the valley.”

“Is it safe for you to keep impersonating Laura?” I inquired.
