Page 18 of Ginger

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Christopher pitches in like a champ. He follows every instruction and is brave enough to make suggestions, which Ginger encourages. I knew they'd get along, which makes what I want to talk to her about a little easier. Being a teacher, she'll understand how important mentoring is to me. It's taken time to cultivate Christopher's trust, and I need Ginger's trust, too.

We finish for the evening, and the stage sets are perfect. Christopher tries Santa's chair on for size, beaming with pride.

"Your students are lucky, Ms. McKay." Christopher rests his forearms on the chair like a king. "Thanks for letting me help tonight. Would it be okay if my mom and I come to the play? I want to show her the stuff I helped with."

“Of course.” Ginger glances at me. She bites her lip and contorts her forehead in quick thought. “The play is open to everyone.”

"Let's get you home, kiddo." It's late, but hopefully, Ginger's still open to talking. I link my fingers with hers as we lock up. Christopher hurries ahead to the car, giving us a moment alone. "Thanks for everything tonight."

"I couldn't have gotten this done without your help. You and Christopher deserve my thanks." Her eyes shift to the car. She bites her lip again, and I realize she's anxious. "Will he and his mom be able to make it to the play? It'd be a shame if they missed it."

“I’ll make sure of it.” I run my hand over her arm as she shudders in the cold. “You still open for a chat later?”

She nods, then slips a hand in her pocket to pull out her car keys. “I’ll text you my address. If you’d like to come over, that is. The coffee shop’s closed by now.”

The community center’s been our meeting place up to now. The way things transpired over tacos sent my head reeling. I’ve never fallen so hard and fast for anything or anyone in my life. I’ve walked away from friends, homes, and belongings so many times in my life with all the moves my parents had to make. But I don’t think I can ever tear myself away from Ginger unless she pushes me away.

“If you’re sure, I’d like that.” I brush a red curl over her shoulder and lean in for a goodbye kiss.

She grabs my coat lapels and pulls me closer. Her green eyes shimmer in the dim parking lot light. Her eyes flutter closed, and she tips her head, laying the softest, sweetest kiss on my lips.

"I'm certain unless this is goodbye."

That's when I see the apprehension and mist in her eyes. I've gone about this all wrong. She's anxious, expecting the worst. Her fingers white knuckle grip my lapels.

“I can’t say goodbye to you, Ginger.” I stroke her cheek, aware of the time ticking away with Christopher waiting in the car. “That’s the last thing I want.”

“You’re not finished because the project is over? You haven’t done all this because my brother set you to it?”

Her worry tears me up inside. I'd scoop her into my arms and kiss all her concern away if Christopher weren't waiting on me.

“Killian’s my boss and friend, but I promise I’m not here because of him.” I make sure I have her full attention. “I’m crazy about you, Ginger.” I glance back to the car. “I wanted to talk to you about him and the play, not say goodbye.”

Relief washes over her features. When she manages a weak smile, my heart lifts. I cuddle her to my body and hold on, never wanting to let her go. She kisses my neck and releases her death grip on my coat.

“I’m crazy about you, too.” She smiles sheepishly but speaks with confidence. “I’m ready to be daring.”

Damn, she knows how to get my heart racing.

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