Page 135 of Swear on My Life

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“How much what?”

“How much are you wagering on destiny?” I love seeing a mischievous gleam in her eyes.She’s invested.How much remains to be seen.


“Everything?” She sits upright. “The car and the answers you’ve never given? The—”

“The house, the condo, my heart,” I say, sneaking that in.

Renewed energy flows through the car as the weight of earlier finally dissipates.

She asks, “How will we know if we win or lose?”

“Guess we’ll just have to wait to find out.” The city looms in the distance, and by the time we’re crossing the Washington Bridge again, dread sets in. I’m not ready to say goodbye or good night to her.

I hear her swallow, making me believe she feels the same.

I know her address, though I’ve never been in the area. Still, this is about what she wants, so I ask, “Where would you like me to drop you off?”

“You can drive me home. Thank you.”

I’m inventing scenarios to justify why she’d give up that information so easily to me—like her not wanting to walk in those heels or it being dark—she says, “I trust you, Harbor. You have always looked out for me. I know you never hurt me on purpose. I can see that now. You left me to protect me. Maybe one day you’ll trust me enough to tell me why.”

Lark’s always been so damn smart, but her heart reads me so well. She’s not asking me, so I nod, knowing one day I will.

After she directs me to her neighborhood, I can’t say I’m impressed. It’s fine, but I’d prefer her somewhere with more security, like a lobby and a doorman, some barrier between her and the street. But that’s not my place, and I won’t make her feel bad or worry about something that she can’t help.

I stop at the curb, get out, and come around to help her. She’s steady already when she takes my hand. I’m not sure I am being this close to her.

She says, “How did you know where I was tonight?”

“I followed you from the hospital.” I watch her carefully, waiting for her reaction.

Her eyes glance at the car behind her. “How in the world did I miss a silver Maserati following me?” She doesn’t sound bothered in the least. She sighs dreamily as her hand touches my chest. “I’m glad you found me. It’s been a good night, even with the bumps in the road.” She pulls her hand back quickly as if it had gone rogue and was fraternizing with the enemy. Exhaling with a little coo, she moves around me and heads for the door to her building.

I close the door and turn around to watch her, to make sure she gets in safely. She punches in a code on the keypad and then opens the door. I don’t know where we stand or where we’re leaving this, but I have to try.Again.Not just for me, but because I don’t want her living the rest of her life trapped in pain from the past either.

This is it.

My last chance.

“Hey, Lark?”

Shouldering the door open, she turns back. “Yes, Harbor?” She can say all she wants to about not wanting to metaphorically open the door to me again, but I hear that threadbare hope hanging on for dear life in her voice.

“Are you free Saturday night?”

Her gaze goes sideways along with her hip. She can put on the show like she doesn’t want to go, but her heart does. I can feel it. She just needs to get out of her head. “I don’t think that’s a good idea.”

“Really?” I ask, surprise rising inside. “I think it’s a fucking great idea.” I walk around my car and open the driver’s door. Leaning on top of the hood, I say, “Is five good for you?”

“Harbor?” She plants her hand on her hip. “What are you doing?”

“Giving us the redo we deserve.”


