Page 33 of Swear on My Life

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“Getting paid under the table means twice the pay when not having to dole out for taxes.”

I nod in response, knowing he won’t give it up because of my warning. “I still don’t know how you manage the lack of sleep.”

“I sleep all day.”

“Good point. I have classes I can’t miss.” Hopping down onto the curb, I say, “I won’t be able to make it, but I’m sure Mia will be more than enough to handle tonight.”

He cracks a smile. “That’s what you never understood. You’re the only chick I know who I don’t have to handle. It’s just easy being friends with you.”

“Should I take offense to being called easy?” I grin, but he doesn’t. I snap my fingers. “Hey, that was supposed to be funny.”

“Sorry,” he says, forcing a smile. Leaning on the steering wheel, he looks ahead through the windshield, seemingly lost in thought again. When he turns back, he says, “Don’t settle for less than you deserve, Lark.”

This is unlike our typical conversations, so I can’t help but laugh awkwardly. “I’ll try not to.”

“No, I mean it. There are a lot of . . . There are a lot of shiny fucking objects that will draw your attention away and steal your heart. Underneath the gleam, they’re not like us.”

“Who’s they?” The words remind me of when Harbor asked the same question.

“You know who. The Pointe kids.”

An ache threatens my stomach as an image of Harbor fills my head. It’s as if Dane can read my mind.Am I that obvious?

He continues, “Their motives will always outwit your good intentions.” He shifts the truck into drive. “Don’t settle, okay?”

“I won’t,” I reply, not entirely sure what he expects from me. I step back from the truck and shut the door, though, as some form of guilt inches its way into my subconscious.

“See ya, Lark.”

“See ya.” His words slow my steps as I walk to the front door.Did he see Harbor and me talking last week at the party? Catch us alone upstairs? Or is Dane just looking out for me in general?

He may be sharing what he thinks is best, but he also tried to plant a seed of doubt.

He seems to have forgotten that I’m usually a good judge of character. I might have been blinded by Harbor’s good looks, and he certainly has a way with words, but our interactions have been sincere and not fake in any way.

Although Dane’s looking out for me, he’s also being overprotective when he has no need to be. Irritation covers me like an itchy wool sweater. I scratch my chest before the seed embeds itself and go inside the apartment.

I work hard.

I study all the freaking time.

No one needs to worry about me.

I’m the same girl I’ve always been.

I’m not like the typical Pointe crowd, and that’s why Harbor likes me.

He likes me for me.


But just in case, I should take a shower and wash away the smell of work. I set the tip Larry gave me aside for tonight and then hurry to take a quick shower.

As soon as I’m dry, I pull on a dress that I never thought I could pull off, but Harbor inspires me to want to try. The T-shirt material of the dress clings when I roll it down my body. The dusty-rose color makes it lean toward sweet instead of being too showy, which I prefer.

The lace line of my undergarments wraps around my hips, but it doesn’t bother me. Trying to be as fast as possible and still look my best, I run a towel over my hair once more and decide to let it hang naturally.

I struggle to apply my makeup while taming the butterflies that have been fluttering inside my belly since I got home. I left Dane’s words at the door. Harbor’s given me no reason to second-guess his intentions and given me plenty of reasons to trust him and continue to do so until he proves me otherwise.
