Page 58 of Swear on My Life

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“I didn’t leaveyou, Lark. I left the situation.”

He’s still sitting on my bike like he intends to ride it. It’s not exactly an even exchange, but he doesn’t budge or make a move to get me out of his car. I rest my arm on the door, my elbow hanging out, like I’m settling in for the night knowing I have the sweeter deal right now. “Same thing, Harbor.”

“I didn’t leave you. I swear.” His tone is as genuine as his expression. Giving up the fight, he gets off the bike and comes to the open window. Kneeling beside the car, he rests his hands on my arm. “I made the decision to honor my cousin and my family a long time ago. You may not understand why, but it was something I’ve come to terms with before ever meeting you.”

The stubborn wind leaves my sails because secretly, I like the way he feels with his hands on me like I’ll slip away if he doesn’t hang on. And because his eyes never lie to me, I believe him.

I let out a deep breath, my body eased against the seat, and say, “Okay.”

He stands with his hands still on me and says, “I’m sorry. Relationships are new for me. I’m not making excuses. I’ve really just never had to consider someone else’s feelings. I want to change.For you.”

“I don’t want you to change for me.” I’m freezing, but I try to keep my teeth from chattering. “I want us to learn how to handle these situations together.” I fail, and my chin trembles.

He notices the goose bumps popped on my arms and cups my jaw. “Let’s get you back home.” He says, “Pull over there and roll up the window. Crank on the heat. I’ll take the wheel off and get the bike in the back.”

I do as he says ready to be warm again. A few cars stop to offer him help, but he’s become a master at deconstructing my bike and fitting it in the car. When he comes around to the driver’s side, he opens the door for me to get out.

I say, “I’m good to drive home.”

I don’t think he hears me because he’s staring at my legs. Looking down at my lap, I realize the shirt isn’t as long as I thought, just covering my butt and barely reaching the top of my thighs. His eyes lock on mine, and then I see him take a long, slow breath. On the exhale, he says, “We need to go.”

He runs around the vehicle and gets in on the other side. “Hit the gas.”

I don’t.

The last thing I’m going to do is wreck this very expensive car. Harbor accuses me of purposely torturing him. “Going the speed limit isn’t a slight against you, babe.”

As soon as I park at the curb, he grabs the bike and wheel hanging out of the trunk and runs it to the side of the house before I’ve even locked the car and set the alarm. Standing at the front door, he says, “Shake a leg, baby.”

I do.

I shake my ass, too, realizing that I might just get my wish, after all.



Lark jumps into my arms,wrapping them around my neck and kissing me like she wants to medal in the Olympics for it.

I kiss her right back, holding her bare ass in my hands, and carry her inside not only to get her out of the cold but to fucking apologize.

When I kick her bedroom door closed, our lips remain attached until the very last second when I lay her down . . . a few inches above the mattress. Laughter erupts from her as she lands with a bounce.

She has a way of getting me to confess my darkest secrets, the desire to have someone else sharing the burden in carrying them runs deeper than I could have imagined. I’ve never had the inclination to share at this level with anyone else. She bared her body, but I know she was also baring her soul to me. Me doing the same wasn’t as hard as I would have thought.

It was our way of communicating, to get to the core of the issues, reminding me of something I once overheard my mom telling Loch. Every couple has their own way of working through a problem. As a team, they have to find their method and always respect each other.

“When I said I love you, I meant it, Lark.”

She catches her breath and lies on her back, studying my face when I sit down. “I know you love me, babe. I wouldn’t have let you come back here if I didn’t love you just as much.” Sitting up, she anchors her hand to the bed, and says, “You said you’d always come back to me.”

“I will. I promise you, I will.”

Grabbing hold of my arm, she pulls me down until we’re both lying flat on the mattress, our heads barely touching and staring up at the ceiling.It’s been a night already.

Talking about her, Liz, and then when I shared some of my history with Lucas. We talked more than I have in years. I’m usually one more for listening, but for Lark, I’ll stay up all night and talk if that’s what she prefers.

There’s just the matter of this not-so-small issue of my erection. It’s not going away. As if knowing that she’s naked under that T-shirt isn’t enough to keep me hard, I will never in my life forget the sight of her in my car, dressed the same. She’s a fantasy come to life.
