Page 21 of Sinful Chaos

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“Hey.” I push boxes of cereal aside and wrack my brain for what’s off. “You’re awake already?” I cast a glance toward the clock on the wall. “It’s still early, babe.”

“I woke up because your side of the bed was cold.” Grumbling that way she does when she’s not yet caffeinated, Minka sits up in bed—I can practically see it—and rubs a hand across her face. “I seem to recall a promise that I won’t sleep alone anymore.”

“Sorry.” I close the cupboard door and move to my fridge. “I came to my apartment so I could pack some things and bring them over. I’m living with you now, right?”

She sniggers, soft and sleepy. “Works for me. I’m glad you’re cool with coming here rather than me going there. I like my apartment.”

“I like it too.” Scouring the inside of my fridge, I find more Greek yogurt than I ever recall buying. “Did you do groceries for me?”

“What?” I hear sheets rustle, then a whimpering grumble as she leaves her bed. “Groceries? For here? I’ve been bus—”

“No, for here.” I snatch a tub from the top shelf and read the use-by date on the side. This yogurt was bought in the last day or so. “My apartment feels off.”

“What?” Alert now, her voice comes out sharp. “Someone’s in your apartment?”

“No, I don’t…” I toss the tub back and close the fridge with a slam. “I’m not sure what’s going on. Did you leave a bottle of water on my coffee table?”

“No. Archer!”

Minka is usually pretty cool under pressure. She’s not apt to freak out, and the fact she studies death day in, day out, never rushing, and never jumping to conclusions, only solidifies how calm she is in tense situations. But now, on the other end of the line, she moves through our apartment with fast steps and hurried breath.

“Walk outnow,” she snarls. “Get out of your apartment and go somewhere safe. Then we’ll have someone walk through and clear it.”

“It’s okay.” I tuck the phone between my ear and shoulder, then reach down to my gun and bring it free of its holster. If someoneishere, then I’ll be faster. “I’m safe. But I’m gonna hang up, okay?”


“So I can concentrate,” I tell her. Calm voice. Unhurried words. “Everything’s okay.” Turning into my hall and heading toward the main bedroom, I flip the safety off my gun and cock it when a soft whisper at the end filters through my heightened senses. “I’m gonna hang up, but I’ll call you back in five. Okay?”

“No! Not okay. Because if someone is there to hurt you, I’d rather you didn’t hang up on me, Archer.”

“You’d prefer to listen?” I tease.

I sound untroubled, but inside, adrenaline fires through my veins with dizzying speed.

I work to slow my breathing and listen to every sound that passes through the walls. “Take a breath, Chief. Put on your professional face and harden the fuck up before you hyperventilate. I’ll call you back in a sec.”


I kill the call and slip the phone into my pocket. Then I slow in front of my bedroom door and press my ear to the wood.

Whispers. Moans. There are at least two people in my bedroom, and whoever they are, they already know I’m here.

I probably should’ve called Fletch for backup, but it’s too late now.Time to step up.

Readying the gun in my right hand while my pulse throbs deep in my ear, I use my left hand to turn the knob and free the door from the catch. Finally, I push it open with the toe of my boot and glance into the darkness that shrouds my room.

Sprawled on my bed with a nasty sneer plastered across his arrogant lips, my brother fucks a woman’s face and laughs when our eyes meet. His fingers twine through her hair, holding her close so she has no choice but to continue what she’s doing. “Hey, Arch. How’s it going?”

“Dammit, Felix!” I shove the door the rest of the way open and feel no guilt when the handle bounces off the wall and chips the paint. “I would’ve shot you, stupid!”

“Welcome home.” He sniggers like this is all a joke to him, but then his companion does something he likes, and he throws his head back and growls in ecstasy. He lifts his hips to the same beat she bobs her head, so when she comes down and he pushes up, he fills her throat—and sends licks of disgust rolling through mine.

“Did you become a voyeur since we last hung out?” he pants.

“For fuck’s sake.” Lowering my gun, I cross the room and tear the curtains open so the morning sun blinds them both, then I wait for the woman to lift her head and bring her eyes my way.

I don’t look at my brother’s bare cock, and I sure as hell don’t look at her uncovered tits.
