Page 84 of Sinful Chaos

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The answer, in my mind, isyes. Because Fentone is arrogant tonight. He’s on top of the world and thinks he’s untouchable. That arrogance guarantees a third little girl will be in my autopsy room by morning.

But Archer’s a cop. He’s loyal to his badge, and his ability to forgive my actions prior to marriage may be tested if I willingly go out tonight and kill a man.

My options suck, but there’s only one that would haunt me if I don’t act.

So I nod. “Yes. Tonight. Because I don’t want our first case tomorrow to be yet another little girl who should’ve been safe.”

My phone dings in my hand and an unknown number pops up to snag my attention, but I look to Archer instead. I study his eyes and pray he can understand, just as I understood his need to go to New York. “Ihaveto do this, Archer. I don’t have a choice.”

He stares for a minute more. Directly into my eyes, his gaze penetrating, so his study is like a physical caress.

Finally, he nods. “I’ll come with you.”

“No, you don’t—” My stomach turns heavier as his stare grows more heated. “Archer, you don’t have to.”

“We got married,” he says gently, following his words with a kiss to my temple. “I made a promise to always put your needs above my own. I made a vow to protect you above all else. That’s all there is to it.”

With a wink, he leans in fast and presses a noisy kiss to my lips. Then before I can prepare myself, he scoops me up so I scream, and the sound draws eyes and hoots of approval from our group.

“I’m taking my wife to bed!” he announces. His words slur just a fraction, and his grin is goofy enough to pass for Felix’s. “It’s been too long,” he says too loudly. “I’ve missed the shit outta you.”

“Hey!” Fletch claps his hands over Mia’s ears. “There are children present!”

“Don’t worry about it,” Archer barks out a laugh. “We’re leaving anyway.” He carries me through the bar, making damn sure everyone sees his scene, then he lifts his chin for Fletch, that silent code between men that might’ve evolved from the cave dweller telling his brethren he’s going to fuck. “I’ll see you tomorrow, partner, back on the job.”

“You’re making a scene,” I groan. But I cuddle into his chest and wrap my arms around his neck. “Archer! We could’ve been completely forgettable if we’d just left quietly.”

“Instead,” he kicks the door open and slams his lips to mine. He steals my breath and almost smacks my head against the doorframe. “Everyone will remember how I was taking my wife home so I can get laid.” He whispers his words and takes my lips with his. “Your alibi is me, a fuckin’ cop. And no one will even think to ask me for an alibi.”

“But if they did,” I sigh. “It’s me. Chief Medical Examiner.”

“Mm…” He sets me on my feet the second the bar door closes, then pushes me back to the wall so today’s sunlight, still trapped in the bricks, warms me all over.

Resting his forearm on the wall above my head and leaning in like we’re making out, it’s not his sex eyes I see staring back down at me, but something else entirely. Something much darker. “I’ll do it.”

“What?” My eyes flicker between his, searching one, then the other, for any kind of sense. “You’ll do what?”

“I’ll kill him.” He dives in for a kiss by my ear. “We change things up. So the cops are looking for a different body type. Different height. Different profile. Different, different, different—and none of it leads to you.” Pulling back, he studies me with a glint of menace in his stare. “Let’s go make Copland a little safer for the innocent. We signed a contract, right?”
