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Never in my short life would I have thought that a 6 '7 Mafioso who had basically blown my entire life apart just a few hours ago would be the one to save me when things were looking their darkest. Yet, here Cosimo is, huge and dark and looking like he’s ready to end the existence of Luigi and Serg.

He doesn’t speak, stalking into the dining area where the two younger men have cornered me, punching Luigi in the jaw so hard that he immediately collapses to the floor with a fleshy thump and in the next breath grabbing Serg by the neck, slamming him against the wall and lifting him until his feet were swinging in the air.

It should have terrified me. But somehow, it didn’t. I had been terrified before Cosimo arrived, but now… now I just feel relief, because he’s here to save me.

The last ten minutes have been such a blur that I almost wasn’t surprised when Cosimo busted my door open with his shoulder. Embarrassingly, he had already been in my dreams when I heard Luigi and Serg pounding on the same door just minutes before, yelling that something was wrong with Mel and that I had to let them in so I could help her. Of course, there was no Mel, just those two creeps here once again to traumatize me in any way possible. That is, until Cosimo stepped out of my dreams and into my villa, ready to do anything in his power to defend me.

While I slept, thoughts of the tall, dangerous Italian had haunted me, but some wicked part of me welcomed the intrusion. When he had broken into the villa earlier today, there had been the initial fear, but as soon as I was able to get a good look at him something told me that he would never mean me any harm, and I relaxed a little. Once I calmed down, I was able to really get a good look at him and well…wow. I’ve quite literally never seen anyone quite like Cosimo.

There’s the height, of course, but the second thing I noticed were his surprisingly soft, sad, chocolate brown eyes, followed by the rough profile of his nose and jaw, and a mouth that was both tilted in a frown but still fascinating to me. When he spoke, his deep voice seemed to roll across my skin like a warm breeze. There was a white scar above his left brow, and his medium length jet black hair had been slicked away from his face. He was wearing a suit, which struck me as an odd choice of break-in clothes, but it was perfectly tailored so I could see just how much of Cosimo there was. Packed with muscle, clearly dangerous, but for some reason kind to me, Cosimo reminds me of a grizzly bear. More than likely not my smartest opinion, being attracted to the criminal after my father’s debt, but I’ve always been somewhat of an impulsive girl.

During those dreams, Cosimo didn’t just take me inside and have tea with me while chatting. Instead, he patted me down, telling me he was checking for wires and weapons with his breath fanning my ear as he did so. He touched me everywhere, and even though it was over my clothes in this little fantasy of mine, it was as if his touch burned through my clothes and right to my bare skin. Dream Cosimo had me put my hands on the wall of the villa terrace and spread my legs wide, going as slowly as possible and spending ample time on my most secret areas. When I woke up to the sound of Luigi and Serg pounding on my door, I shot up in bed, breathing heavily and more turned on than I have ever been in my entire life. I should feel a little guilty for that I suppose, but again… impulsive.

Now, he’s here, in the flesh like some savior, no longer in a black on black suit and tie, but in sweatpants and a t-shirt, but no less devastating for it. Cosimo scares me, but not nearly as much as the two younger men that came here wishing me harm. I avoid looking at Luigi, collapsed like a broken doll on the floor, and watch Cosimo’s next move.

“What the fuck are you doing here?” He growls, letting Serg’s feet touch the ground long enough for him to respond.

“Her friend is waiting on her,” Serg rasps brokenly, his eyes gone as wide as saucers. “Just coming to get her.”

“He’s lying,” I supply. “They said that they came here because they knew Mel had passed out at Paulo’s place and ‘they thought I would be lonely and needed some male company.’” I swallow hard, not wanting to say the next part but forcing myself to. “T-they said that they were here to make sure ‘the stuck up American girl didn’t leave Italy without giving Italian men a try’.”

With a sound that is more animal than human, Cosimo pulls Serg away from the wall only to slam him back into it twice as hard. “Turn around, Clara,” he tells me, voice as cold as ice. There’s nothing else I can do but obey.

The sound of Serg’s struggles don’t last long, and when Cosimo drops him in a limp heap on the ground next to his friend, I have to force myself not to turn around and look. I don’t know if either of the men are alive or dead, and as long as I don’t investigate further, I can continue to believe that they’re just unconscious. Now that I’m fully awake, panic is starting to set it, and it’s coming on relentlessly.

I suck in breath after shuddering breath, mind reeling about how I’ve gotten myself into this situation. All it took was one little lie, telling my dad that Mel and I were taking this trip for school, for me to find myself facing down mafioso’s and would-be assaulters. Completely alone. Maybe this desperation is the reason I’m okay with Cosimo helping me, but even knowing that he’s on my side can’t calm me down now. I just want to go home and forget this ever happened. I want to never step foot in Italy again.

I wrap my arms tightly around myself, tears pricking at the corner of my eyes, right as I feel two large, gentle hands on my shoulders. “I’m going to walk you to my car, sweetheart. Just look ahead for me until we’re in the vehicle, okay? Can you do that for me?”

Beyond words, I nod.

“Okay. Watch your step. Let’s go.”

Cosimo leads me out of the villa and into the cool night air. There are insects singing in the trees and on the grape vines in the distance, and the moon is full and white. If it wasn’t for my life going to hell in a handbasket, it would be a beautiful night to behold. I focus on putting one foot in front of the other, until we’re standing in front of a deep green Tesla, and Cosimo is helping me inside, one hand on my lower back. Legs feeling like jelly, I happily lower myself into the vehicle and let my head fall back against the headrest as soon as Cosimo shuts the door, leaving me inside. I still feel like I want to scream, but being here in the little enclosed space of the car gives me a little semblance of security at least.

He doesn’t take long to join me, sliding into the driver’s seat with ease. “I’m taking you to my home. I’ll send some of my people to clean this mess up, and then you can give my staff a list of what you need from your villa and they’ll pick it up for you. From here on out, this place is off limits to you, do you understand?”

Miserably, I nod again. It already sounds like a prison. How am I supposed to be okay with going to some random man’s house? But what other choice do I have? I lower my head into my hands as Cosimo pulls the Tesla out into the road, and allow myself a few moments of full-hearted weeping.

My new captor doesn’t speak the entire drive, but I can tell that he’s pissed by the way the leather continues to creak under his palms where he’s holding the steering wheel, as if he’s flexing his hands over and over. I keep my own face in my hands for the entire drive, too messed up inside to even enjoy the view of the city. I want to sink into myself and disappear. Maybe if I disassociate enough I’ll open my eyes and be back in my student apartment in the states?

No such luck. When the car rolls to a silent stop and I peek out from between my fingers, we’re definitely still in Naples, and Cosimo’s presence is oppressive beside me. I know he’s watching everything that I do.

“We’re here, sweetheart,” he tells me, trying to put on a comforting tone over the obvious anger he’s still feeling. “I had hoped to have my home better prepared for you, but it will only be unfit for tonight.”

I look up at him, pushing my hair behind my ears. “Does that mean you were going to take me either way? If my dad paid, you’d still have made me come with you?”

Cosimo winces, either at being caught or because this wasn’t a road of conversation he wanted to go down. “Not necessarily. I’ve just collected a lot of debts throughout the years, so my faith in people is quite low.”


Cosimo looks at me over one more time and sighs heavily before exiting the vehicle and coming around to my side, opening the door and reaching his hand out to me. I stare at the offered appendage, remembering the jolt of energy I felt when I took his hand the previous afternoon, but I’m too tired to worry about what it all might mean. I place my hand in his, and there’s that jolt just like before, only more subdued this time. His expression is soft as he walks me to the front door of his sprawling home.

We’ve driven to one of the higher points of the city, and his villa is clearly one of the most expensive in this area. Made from pale stone, tinted just slightly with a coral color, it’s perched on the edge of a peak, built into the cliff side. It’s massive, two stories tall with white and gold accents that I can see glimmering in the moonlight. Ivy climbs up one side of the stucco, white flowers blooming even in the night. Even as exhausted as I am, the place takes my breath away.

“You have a beautiful home, Cosimo.”
