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“It was great fun,” I reply, smiling as Mack gives me the trophy to hold.

“How’s your arm?” he asks, turning me so he can inspect where the ball hit.

“It’s okay.” I’m lying—it hurts like hell, but there’s no point in making a fuss. Mack frowns as he examines it, though, because it’s already starting to turn purple and green.

“How did you get that?” Chrissie asks.

“David smacked it at her from about six feet away,” Mack states.

Huxley, who joins us in time to overhear the comment, says, “Seriously?”

“It’s fine,” I say, seeing Elizabeth frown and remembering that David works for her.

But Huxley and Mack exchange a glance that tells me they’re not going to forget David’s behavior today.

We stay for one more glass of Champagne, and by then everyone’s starting to get ready to leave. Huxley and Victoria have to get back to the club ready for the evening, and most of the players announce they need some downtime before the party.

We grab our bags and, still holding our trophy, I wave goodbye and follow Mack out of the sports club and over to where Jamie’s standing talking to Emma by the car, Gus lying by his feet. We all get in, and Jamie drives us back to the apartment.

“Quite a day for you guys,” Emma says as we all go up in the elevator. “I bet you’re knackered.”

“At least we have a few hours before the party,” Mack says. “Are you two sure you don’t want to come?”

“No, thank you.” Emma exchanges a glance with Jamie, who gives her a small smile.

“What’s going on?” Mack asks.

Jamie hesitates and looks at his girlfriend, who nods, her eyes dancing. “We weren’t going to say anything,” he says. “It’s still early. But… Emma’s pregnant.”

“And feeling very sick,” she admits with a laugh, “so I’m going to bed early tonight!”

Mack’s eyebrows shoot up, and he pulls his brother into a bearhug while I throw my arms around Emma. “Oh, congratulations!” I say to her. “How far along are you?”

“Only eight weeks, so it’s a bit too soon to announce it really. But we couldn’t keep it a secret from you guys.”

“I can’t believe it.” Mack moves back to study his brother’s face. “It’s fantastic news. I’m so pleased for you.”

“Thank you.” Jamie’s face is flushed, and he’s obviously pleased at Mack’s reaction. “We don’t mind saying that it wasn’t planned, but we’re really happy about it. And I’ve asked her to marry me, and she’s said yes.”

That leads to more cheers and hugs. “We only want a small do,” Emma says, “I’m not into the big white wedding, and I don’t have a lot of family. We might even have it on the beach up north.”

“That sounds amazing,” I say. “Oh, what fun.”

“We can all talk more about it later,” Emma says. “Right now I’m sure you two need a rest!”

“And you,” I tell her, “I’m sorry you’re feeling so sick.”

“Throwing up three times a day,” she says cheerfully. “See you later.”

They walk out of the elevator into their apartment, and we go up to the top floor and head toward Mack’s. Gus runs in before him, sniffs around, then immediately gets in his bed, exhausted from all the day’s excitement.

We put our bags down, and Mack stretches, then goes into the kitchen and takes out a bottle of water from the fridge. He drinks half of it, then glances over at me mid-drink and slowly lowers the bottle. He wipes his mouth and raises an eyebrow. “What?”

I shake my head. Honestly, this guy. He’s still in his tennis whites, although he’s taken off his shoes and socks now, so he’s barefoot. He’s all sun-kissed and glowing, his normally neat hair ruffled. I know he’s going to be warm and sweaty beneath his top.

Maybe it’s the fact that I’m still buzzing from our win, or because of what happened on the court with David and Felicity, or it could be the two glasses of Champagne I had on a nearly empty stomach, but I feelhot as, so turned on that I could easily push him onto the floor and do him then and there.

He screws the top back on the water bottle, leaves it on the counter, and comes over to where I’m leaning on the countertop. “Seriously,” he says, amused. “All that exercise, and you’re still thinking about sex?”
