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She leans forward and whispers in my ear. “Do you purr like her, too?” Her eyes are sultry, interested.

My body stirs with pleasure at her flirting. “You’ll have to find out, won’t you?”

She smiles.

“Here we are.”

The Italianate-style quarry-stone building rears before us, the red and green leaves of the Virginia Creeper that cloaks the walls glowing in the last rays of the summer sun. Jamie pulls up outside and leaves the engine idling.

“Ready?” I ask.

Sidnie swallows hard, then nods.

“You look amazing,” I tell her. “I can’t wait to introduce you to everyone.”

The comment pleases her—she smiles and blows out a long breath. “I’m ready.”

“Come on, then.”

“Text me if you want me to pick you up,” Jamie says.

“Will do.” We get out, and we make our way toward the club.

“So why’s it called Huxley’s?” she asks, gesturing at the name above the door.

“After Oliver Huxley, the owner.” I open it and we go inside.

We find ourselves in a foyer that leads to a series of function rooms. I place a hand in the small of Sidnie’s back and guide her over to the elevators. I stroke down her back with my thumb. Definitely no bra, and I can’t feel any other underwear either. Nice.

A carriage is waiting, so we go in, I press the button, and the doors close.

Sidnie stands facing the door, her hands linked in front of her. I don’t touch her, but it’s not a huge carriage, and I’m only standing six inches away. I can smell her perfume, an evening scent, different from the citrus perfume she wore earlier today. This is smoky and spicy, stirring my senses.

She’s staring ahead, but she knows I’m looking at her. Her pale cheeks bear a touch of rose pink. The pulse in her neck is beating fast, inviting me to lean forward and press my lips to it.

I don’t. But I want to.

She clears her throat. “So… what is a business club, exactly? I mean, I guess it’s a club where you do business, but…”

“Huxley’s is a place for top executives to meet and make connections.”

“Like yourself?”

“Yeah. CEOs, entrepreneurs, judges, politicians. It’s very exclusive. There are several restaurants, lounges, and bars.”

The doors open, and we walk out. The lobby is all polished wood and leather. Her hand sneaks into mine. I can see how she might find it intimidating if she’s not used to mixing in these circles.

I tighten my hand on hers, enjoying just touching her. “Huxley and I went to high school together. He opened the club a year ago.” I lead her across the lobby to the woman on the front desk. She’s in her thirties, dressed in a light-gray pantsuit and white blouse, her dark hair twisted up into a sophisticated chignon. “Evening, Gail.”

She smiles warmly. “Good evening, Dr. Hart.”

“This is my guest, Sidnie.”

“Very pleased to meet you, Ms…?”

“Sidnie’s fine,” she says, glancing at me as I try not to laugh.

Gail smiles. “Pleased to meet you, Sidnie.”
