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“Then get her up tomorrow.”

“She wouldn’t want to spend Christmas Day with strangers.”

“A stranger is just a friend you haven’t met yet,” Aroha points out.

“I bet she’d like to spend it with you.” Koro smiles.

“Why don’t you phone her?” Jamie suggests. “Sound her out? She might say she wants to be with her dad anyway. But I bet she’d appreciate a call.”

“All right, I’ll call her, but just because I was going to ring anyway.” Glaring as they all grin, I get to my feet, pick up my phone, and head away from the house, along the sand.

I’ve been out in the sun all afternoon, and as I’m only wearing swim shorts, the sea breeze is pleasantly cool on my skin. My toes sink into the sand as I walk along the water’s edge, scrolling down to Sidnie’s name. I pull up the contact, then hesitate. Jamie’s right and going away from home might be the last thing she wants to do. Then again, she might enjoy a night away.

Just one night. But what implications does it have? One more date. Asking her here, to a place that’s very special to me? To meet my family? That’s not something you do with a girl you have no intention of seeing again.

But do I really think I won’t see her again?

We all have to grow up sometime.

I press the call button and hold the phone up to my ear.

I’m a great public speaker. I’ve talked to members of Parliament at the Beehive; I’ve given lectures at universities; I’ve spoken at an international conference to over a thousand people.

But I’m nervous calling this gorgeous twenty-two-year-old. Why am I nervous?


“Hey. It’s me. Mack,” I add, just in case my name didn’t come up on her screen.

She gives that gorgeous giggle. “You think I didn’t recognize your voice?”

“I said it without thinking. I’m nervous.”


“Because I’m calling you.”

“Aw. If it’s any consolation, my heart leapt through the roof when I saw your name.”

I smile, looking down at where the waves are washing over my feet. “How are you doing?”

“Not too bad. Just watching a movie with the folks.”

“How’s your dad?”

“It’s a good day for him. He’s been telling jokes. Excited about Tuesday.”

“That’s good.”

“What are you up to?”

“Standing with my feet in the Pacific, talking to you.”

“Sounds idyllic.”

“Yeah, kinda.”

“Better than South Auckland.” She laughs.
