Page 115 of Hopelessly Wild

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I groan loudly.

“Oh, please.” Dana rolls her eyes. “Listen to you spring chickens.” She claps her hands and almost stands between Ethan and me. “Let’s get this work done so we can celebrate.”

Picking up my coat, I place it on the back of my chair and fire up the computer for the day. I set my phone on silent and then scroll through my emails. My heart jumps at an email from Christopher McMahon, and attached is a response from the Colombian Embassy. “Finally,” I breathe out the word, my hand touching the heart necklace on my chest, the one Samuel gave me. Only it’s the shortest email stating that Samuel’s visa is registered in Venezuela, and he hasn’t left the country as far as they know.

It was dated only days after their last email.

I wonder why they waited to send it?

Below the attachment is a short response from his parents.

Please don’t worry about Samuel. He’s fine.

Is it polite to reply withFFS, listen to me!

Ugh. I move on to the next email.

Today is a stress-free day. I’ll not spend it worrying about Samuel and whether he’s alive or freaking dead because I need a day of peace. Head down, I focus on work and not the future.

Dana comes out of the kitchen area and leans her hands on my desk. “It’s time.”

“What?” I gape at her.

“C’mon, birthday girl, it’s cake time.” She runs her fingers over the material of her navy skirt as she stands and looks around.

Ethan strolls in with an oversized chocolate glazed birthday cake. The top is alight with as many candles as could fit. The office door swings open, and along with a gust of air, Yasmine and Amy stumble in as though they’re blown in by the wind.

“What the?” I say and laugh.

“Dana said to bring bubbles.” Amy holds up two bottles and grins at me.

“Dad is allowing this?”

As if summoned, Dad comes out of his office and checks his wristwatch. “Your mum, Faith, and Rose should be here any minute.”

“Faith is just parking the car,” Yasmine tells us.

I shake my head in surprise at my family and friends who are like family. “Thank you. I feel so special to have you take time out of your day to celebrate with me. I really didn’t expect it.”

“We know.” Amy places a hand around my waist. “But we wanted to.”

I lower my gaze. “I’m sorry I’ve been no fun for a while. But…” I meet all their gazes, “… it will change from today. It’s not your job to cheer me up, but I’m so grateful because I can’t keep going on like this.” I convey an apology with my eyes. “Today is special, so thank you, and from now, my misery ends. I mean, I’ve been drearier than the damn weather.”

Yasmine chuckles.

Everyone is smiling except Ethan. He is staring as though he’s hanging off my every word, and my every word holds a silver lining. I’m not sure what to think, but I can feel his eyes beyond my skin to where he once owned a piece of my heart.

The door swings open, and everyone spins and laughs at how my sister and Mum, holding Rose, are swept inside by the wintery August wind. “What did I miss?” Mum asks.

“Eden’s speech that she’s going to be cheerier than the weather,” Dana replies.

“Well, that’s easy. It’s mad out there.”

“Is that a bad omen on my birthday?” I ask Mum. She looks at me blankly.

“Is it bad luck?” I question Dad.

“You have Gran’s diary,” Faith says, finger-combing her hair away from her face. “Start reading it because I’m sure she’d reference her superstition.” She hugs me. “Happy birthday, sis.”
