Page 38 of Wildcard

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“Yeah, but he was in with a really bad crew. They came after Camille one time. The Pride stepped in, and we thought we were rid of the problem. Now we’re thinking we may have missed something.” He tucks a hand under my chin. “Crusher knew you were under our protection. He was backing off. But then someone recognized Priest, and he became their new target.”

“But Priest is a Satan’s Pride. That’s crazy. What would make someone come after Priest?”

“We’re going to find out. The only reason someone would risk war with the Pride would be financial gain. I think there’s a bounty on his head.”

“Oh my God! That’s insane. Priest is one of the sweetest guys I know.”

“Not sure he’d describe himself as sweet, but you’re right, he’s a good man…with a past. The past can catch up with us. We got his back, though. No one touches a brother.”

“What can I do? I want to help.” I really do want to help. Priest doesn’t deserve this. He’s been nothing but supportive. I know he and Wildcard are close, even though his brother stabbed Wildcard once to get to Camille. Despite all that, they became great friends, truly like brothers.

“You’re doing everything, baby. You and those women.” He points down the hall. “You keep us centered. This is my life, and it’ll be Noah’s life if he chooses. Can you handle it?” he asks, searching my face.

“As long as you’re in my life, I can handle anything.” I press my lips to his for a light kiss.

“I want to keep doing this with you, but I’ve got to meet Guard and a couple of the others. Please don’t leave this compound. Hang with the others, have breakfast, but stay put. Promise?” he pleads.

“I promise.”

* * *


As much asI wanted to spend the rest of the day in bed with Charlotte, the Pride needs to deal with the man in the dungeon. It’s not often we keep people near the compound, but Guard had an underground steel soundproof room built for when we need to extract information from an enemy.

Guard, Ghost, and Risk are with men I presume are Nero and Luciano. They’re tall, well-built men wearing dark suits, without a hair out of place. They have a couple of men with them, dressed similarly.

“This is Wildcard.” Guard introduces me. “Nero and Luciano,” he says. Guard leads the way out of the building toward the back, all the while talking. “Crusher had one of our men taken and beaten, with the intent to kill him. If we hadn’t got there in time, we’d be attending a funeral today. This changes matters. You can have him, but I want answers. Why did they go after Priest? Who’s behind this? I’m told you’re quite capable of convincing people to talk. We only ask that you do this here so we can get what we need.”

Nero’s lips curve into a sinister smirk. “Look at that, Luciano, we have a reputation,” he kids. Luciano smiles and shakes his head. “Happy to oblige. I plan on making this last awhile. It’ll get loud. I’d get anyone out of the area who you don’t want to hear the screams.”

“Soundproof room. My men aren’t squeamish, and the women don’t know this place exists. Whatever you need to make this fucker talk, we’ll get it,” Guard says.

“We come with accessories.” Nero laughs and motions for his man, who leaves to retrieve their equipment from the trunk. “Shall we get started?”

Several hours later, Crusher is near death. I’ve got to give the asshole credit; it took this long to get this guy to talk. In the end, he tells us just what I’d been thinking. It started with Charlotte, but became about Priest when they saw him outside the diner. The shot was meant for Priest. It seems that the leader of Los Gatos had a brother in Mexico who decided to get revenge for his brother’s death. Seeing that this all started with Priest’s brother, John, and he was already dead, Vega, the leader’s brother, decided that instead of an eye for an eye, it was a brother for a brother.

Crusher was supposed to send Priest’s tongue and eyes to Vega once they’d made him suffer. Vega gave Crusher a place to meet tomorrow night. He’ll be getting a surprise, and not a good one.

“You got what you need?” Nero asks, wiping his bloody hands on a towel.

Guard nods. “Yeah.”

“I’m thinking he’s caused you more trouble than us. You want to end him?” Nero jerks his head to Crusher, bound to the wall by chains. His legs are buckling beneath him.

“With pleasure,” he replies smoothly. Guard doesn’t miss a beat. He takes a knife out of Nero’s hand and with one swift flick of the wrist, he flings it at Crusher, hitting him right between the eyes. Crusher expels his last breath.


Time’s Up


With sweet precision, Guard’s knife sliced through the air, and it was a direct hit. Ghost stood by Guard’s side, watching intently. This is a side of Guard I’ve never personally seen. I’ve seen him pissed, but nothing like today.

His was a quiet, seething temper. The kind that builds and builds until it bubbles into molten heat and finally erupts. The death of Crusher wasn’t the explosion. That’s still to come. I know it, and Ghost knows it. No one knows Guard better than his brother Ghost, and that’s why he’s on high alert.

The rest of Satan’s Pride sees the shift happening in Guard. This means that Risk is taking extra care planning the tactical attack on Vega and his men. War is rallying the troops and calling in the local chapters for backup. Orion, Demon, and I are finding all that we can on Vega. When did he get here? What’s his business? How deep does it go? All shit we’ve got to know before we make a move.
