Page 15 of Owned For Xmas

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I interrupt her with a loud smack on her voluptuous ass, and she yelps.

“Who’s ass is this?”I ask in a gruff voice, barely hanging on to sanity by a thread.

Emma answers in a shaky tone, “yours… it’s all yours.”

“Damn fucking right, it is,” I growl.

Stuffing the tip of my nose in her pussy and sticking my tongue far enough to run its point over her clit. At the same time, I’ve pulled her ass down, so she’s now completely seated on my face, and I fill my big hands with the juicy flesh of her bottom, sticking my thumbs in the crack to play with her anus. First pressing on the flesh to open it, then slowly pushing one finger in and out, till the tight ring of muscles relaxes a bit. Emma moans loudly.

I give her another hard spank, still feasting on her wet cunt, barely taking a few seconds to detach my face and grunt out, “I’ll do whatever the fuck I want. Fuck every single one of your holes, as it pleases me.”

She gasps and I feel her come all over my face. The walls of her pussy contract around my tongue that’s stuffed as far as I can go. Her asshole gripping on to my thumb, proof that she did enjoy the intrusion. Her intense orgasm also confirms what I found out during our first night together. My girl gets off on my dirty talk. And now I learn she loves herself a good spanking.Fuck, she’s perfect!


Six Months Later


Thank God Alex’s office doesn’t have any glass panels!I’m sitting on top of his desk, facing the door, waiting for him. I’m wearing nothing but a pair of lacy burgundy underwear and stilettos, my trench coat hooked on the back of the door.I know, not very original.

My resolve weakens a bit when I see the door-handle go down, and hear two male voices.Shit!

I slide down from the top of the desk and start scurrying to the back of the room, but it’s too late. Two fine-ass Italian stallions, looking like they’re ready for a GQ shoot, crowd the office door with their large, tall frames.

“What the…” Michele DeLuca, my man’s personal security drawls, eyebrows climbing up to his hairline.

Then his expression of surprise morphs into an amused smirk.Fucking hell, I’m so dead.

“Out!” Alex growls at his friend without removing his eyes from me for even a second.

His coal-dark gaze igniting a blazing path all over my skin.

Michele raises his hands in mock surrender and turns on his heels.

Alex moves a hand to his back and I hear the ominous sound of the door getting locked. Then he prowls toward me, a muscle jumping in his cheek, eyes burning. He’s absolutely magnificent. Tall, broad, powerful, exuding so much raw masculinity.

I walk backwards till my back meets the cold panel of the floor-to-ceiling glass window.

“Alex…” I whisper, not sure what to say.

He doesn’t let me finish. Alex comes looming over me, dwarfing me, even in my five-inch heels. And there must be something very wrong with me, or very right with our relationship, because all I feel is excitement and desire.

He lifts his big hand and cups my jaw, thumb coming to caress the side of my face. The tender gesture, completely at odds with the psycho vibes emanating from his body.

“Thought today was a nice day to fucking come surprise your man at the office?” he rasps in my face.

And he’s so close, I’m basking in his heat, the fragrance of his cologne, the scent of his body. So close, I can feel the press of his hard muscles against my soft curves. Alex pushes himself further into me, bringing our midsections flush. Making his hunger for my body crystal clear.

“I… thought it could be… fun.”

He scoffs with derision. And I’m getting wetter by the second, perversely turned on by this side of Alex. the rough, dominant alpha male.

“You knew exactly what would happen coming to me dressed like this,” he adds in his deep, velvety voice.


I’m so fucking pent up I’m acting like a total caveman. I fucking love that Emma isn’t put off or scared of my behavior. Her big, brown eyes are lit with desire, her breathing erratic. The rise and fall or her full tits in this fucking gorgeous bra is driving me out of my fucking mind. I haven’t let my eyes slide lower. If I do, there will not be a single word exchanged for a long while, other than ‘yes, please, more’.
