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Nori’s words played over and over in my mind as I chopped wood. It was effing cold, and the wind was biting, but I needed to get as much done before the snow began falling again. The cell service may be down, but I was able to tune in a station on an old radio I found under the sink and the weather report called for another front to move in mid-day.

Working on the generator was a no go since I didn’t know what the heck I was doing, anyway. I should have just bought a new one before making plans to spend Christmas up here with Heath. At least he was back home, safe with his Xbox and pizza delivery.Mmm, pizza. And bacon, hamburgers, and fries. Damn, I had to stop thinking about food. But I did have one thing my son didn’t have, and that was Nori.

What happened between us had hit me like a freight train. There was something about her that felt like we’d known each other forever, while at the same time, I wanted to learn so much more before our time was up and we’d have to go back to reality.

I set down the ax and filled my arms with wood and went back inside. She was lacing up her boots, and her expression fell when she saw me. My heart took a hit at her disappointment. What was this woman doing to me that her reactions were already affecting me?

“Sorry I took so long. I wanted to help.”

“If you really want, you can go grab as much as you can carry. Then we should be good until late this afternoon.”

Her face lit up, making me feel ten feet tall. In that moment, I knew I was going to spend the rest of our time together doing everything possible to keep that look on her face. I’m not sure why it was so important, but my heart and my head seemed to be in agreement: this woman could very well be the one I had given up hope of ever finding.

We worked in silence for the next half hour, getting both the fireplace and the wood-burning stove in the kitchen blazing to the point it was comfortable enough to no longer wear our jackets.

“So, what made you buy this place instead of building something brand new?”

Our earlier awkwardness faded. We’d made the bed, folded it back into the couch, but nothing much else needed attention since it was just the two of us and we’d already cleaned up the dishes in the kitchen. I’d found some packets of cocoa I’d brought with me from home and we each sat staring into the fire, sipping on the chocolaty treat.

“It has good bones, and I wasn’t looking to put the time in on new construction. I wanted something I could use this year. This storm wasn’t supposed to be this bad, so I convinced Heath we should hang out here for Christmas. Surprisingly, he agreed. And I am glad I decided to come up a few days early to check the place out and bring a few things from home.”

Nori tucked a strand of hair behind her ear and all I could think about was leaning over and kissing the delicate skin she’d exposed. Man, I had it bad.

“You did good on the decorations. I was curious about that when we first got here, but that makes sense you’d want a bit of home here. Good call on being prepared.”

“Well, I’m not sure about being prepared. If anything, this storm showed me how unprepared I really was. But one good thing did come from it.”

“Oh yeah, what’s that?”

“Meeting you.” I leaned in for a kiss but stopped less than an inch away from her lips. “I know things have moved pretty fast.”

She licked her bottom lip, and I was instantly hard. Well, harder. It seems my natural state around her was sporting wood. “Tell me what you’re thinking, Nori. You were all in on living out your fantasy, and I’m so thankful you did, but now I’m getting this feeling that maybe you’re wishing you hadn’t.”

Shaking her head, her long hair fell around her shoulders, framing her face, and all I could think about was tugging her hair back and devouring her lips in the hope of convincing her that what we shared shouldn’t cause regret.

“No regrets, Dean. I told you I wanted it, you. But after, it was just so unlike me. I guess I didn’t know how to act is all. And we don’t know much about each other, not really. Except this incredible physical connection and I don’t know what to do with that. Does that make any sense?”

Smiling, I took her mug and along with mine placed them on the side table, then gathered her in my arms, sinking deeper into the cushions of the couch. “It does. So, how about this? We finish playing twenty questions, then we’ll have lunch and then who knows? We could get naked again, or there’s a five-hundred-piece puzzle in the closet we could put together until the roads are plowed.”

“Hmm,decisions, decisions. More orgasms or a puzzle? I’ll give you my decision…after lunch, but right now I’m dying to know what your favorite color is?”

“Dark brown.”

“Umm,okay. Unusual choice. I’m sure there’s a story there.”

There was, but she was pretty quick, so I’m sure she’d figure it out. I asked, “What’s your favorite meal?”

“Ugh. That’s so hard.” She pouted.

“Not as hard as I am right now.”

“Yeah, I noticed. But if you behave and play the game, the odds of more naked time will increase.” She grinned.

“My mother makes the best pepper steak with garlic mashed potatoes.”

“Dean, it’s my turn.”
