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“I’m coming.” Dean shouted my name as his fingers worked my clit, pounding into me over and over as we came together, our bodies shaking with our release. Whispered words of satisfaction mingled between us, and in that moment, I knew.

I knew that there would be no one else for me. Not after this.

But how was I going to tell him I’d been keeping a big secret from him and hope that we could maybe figure out a way to be together? Would he be able to forgive me? Would I be able to forgive myself for not being honest with him from the start?

* * *


We never did get around to eating lunch. Spending the rest of the day in bed, we dozed off at some point, then around four in the afternoon I woke up chilled. I’d forgotten to stoke the fireplace, so I left Nori softly snoring, and tugged on my jeans. I fed the fireplace and the stove, then padded over to the front window. A light snow had started to fall again. Earlier, before we’d fallen asleep, we’d both decided to check our phones. Mine was dead, but Nori’s had one bar and about five percent battery left, so she sent off a text to her parents, letting them know where she was just in case we couldn’t get out until after Christmas.

For a quick moment I wished we’d be stuck here for the rest of the week, but we had little food left and the last forecast I was able to get on the ancient radio was calling for clear skies tonight. The county plows would definitely be out in full force by then.

My stomach rumbled, so I went about putting some food together for dinner. More soup and the jerky that Woody insisted I buy would have to do.

“Hey, handsome. What you doing over there?” Nori’s sleep-filled voice called out.

“You wore me out, woman. Need to refuel. How does clam chowder sound?”

“Mmm-mmgood. But I need to shower first.” She sat up in bed, her glorious hair a mess around her face and shoulders. She sent me a grin before she threw the covers off and quickly dressed. With no guilt, I watched as she put her clothes back on, booing after she covered up her curves. I’d spent quite a bit of time tracing every inch of her, learning how she liked to be touched, where she was most sensitive. I was just getting started with her, but she didn’t know it yet.

“I see that look on your face. I’m not sure I’m ready for more amazing orgasms right now. Wait, I can’t believe I just said that. Okay, how about this? Food and maybe another nap, then I’m all yours.” Laughing, she closed the bathroom door. I waited a beat for her to realize there still wasn’t any hot water.

“Dammit!” she shouted.

I stood outside the door. “Sorry. I could heat up some water on the stove?” I heard some muttering, then a heavy sigh.

“No, that’s okay. I’ll do a quick sponge bath and be right out.”

Chuckling at her pouty tone, I responded. “Well, at least the toilet functions. Best fifteen hundred I ever spent.” Walking back to the kitchen to dish up the soup, I sent out a quick thanks to the salesman who talked me into buying a composting toilet.

An hour later, after filling up on soup and bread, we were back in bed. But Nori kept her word and as we spooned, we shared the funny and mundane things from our lives before she fell back to sleep. I was happy to just hold her go over the things I’d learned about her in such a short amount of time.

Like the stuff you find out over months of dating. Our time together had pretty much turned into one long super date. Where typically you’d see each other a couple times a week for a

few hours during the early part of a relationship, we’d had non-stop time together and the more I learned, the more I liked about Nori. She was funny, independent, and sexy as hell, and I was hooked. I didn’t think at forty-three I’d find someone like her, someone I could see myself growing old with.

Watching the flames dance in the fireplace, my brain worked out different scenarios for after our time here was up. First, I needed to find out why she was hiding her last name from me. Although, I had a pretty good idea of why I’d like to hear it from her.

But the real challenge was figuring out how to convince her I’d fallen in love with her and how to keep her in Pineville.

Later that night, not sure what time it was, I felt icy fingers digging under my shirt. “I’m cold. I need someone to warm me up.”

“There might be another blanket around here somewhere. Hold on, I’ll be right back.” I faked getting out of bed, but she threw a leg over me. I wasn’t going anywhere, and she knew it.

“Clothes off, mister. I need you.” The raw hunger I heard as she quickly undressed and welcomed me into her arms buoyed my confidence that she wasn’t ready to see this end any sooner than me.

What we had was more than sex.

I would not waste whatever twist of fate that had put us both in that gas station at the exact right time, at least not.

I took my time loving her. Slowly. Deliberately. Drawing out her pleasure. Feeding off her, I wrung her dry until her voice was hoarse from screaming my name, and only then did I fill her up and take mine as well.

Somewhere around three a.m. the sound of snowplows woke us. Holding each other tighter, we knew. Spending another day, hiding out from the world, wasn’t meant to be.


