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“Um, no. Actually, I just bought it a few months ago. As a getaway of sorts. My son and I were going to spend the holiday up here. That’s why I was here earlier, to double check the generator. This snowstorm wasn’t supposed to dump this much snow. From what I’ve been told, the area doesn’t see real snowfall until February. Guess Mother Nature’s getting the last laugh this year.”

He moved toward the sturdy pine table, sat on its edge as he dangled his beer in his hands between his wide legs, and rubbed his chin. “I should probably try calling him again. Cell reception is spotty up here, even on a clear day.”

Dean set his beer down, then made that move that men did, and women drooled over. He reached behind his head and pulled the Outlaw embroidered sweatshirt off, revealing a short-sleeved shirt molded perfectly to his lean, muscular frame.

My mouth dried up at the sight before me. My brain—scrambled. It had to be the situation, forced to be together in a cozy space that was making me so aware of him. I’d been in close quarters with attractive men before and had never been this turned on. Searching for a safe subject, I struggled to find one.

My parents. Aha, yes! Thinking of them was an instant cold shower. I could try calling them, but they didn’t know I was this close. Should I let them know? Or save them the worry and just show up when I was able to get back to my rental car and have it pulled out of the snow berm and the tree?

They were used to me being in war zones and long ago gave up asking me to keep them informed of my travels. All it did was cause undo worry. Sometimes it was better not knowing that your child was in a dangerous situation until after they were safe. Deciding I’d wait till morning to see what the forecast would be for tomorrow, I sat back on the couch and took another sip of the beer, surprised that I didn’t find it as bitter as other beers I’ve tried.

“You said your son is in college and home for the holiday break, right?” I was seeking anything to talk about other than taking the chance that I’d blurt out how much I admired his arms, his shoulders and, yes, his ass.

“He is. Now that he’s an adult…man that sounds weird to say, he just turned nineteen. Anyway, he doesn’t have to worry about following a schedule for the holidays and breaks anymore between his mom and me, but I’m glad he chose to spend this year with me. I hated he had to go through years of back and forth, but he seems to have come out more mature than I was at that age. I never thought I’d get divorced, but I suppose most people don’t.”

Dean was quiet for so long, I wondered if he was expecting me to say something about his failed marriage. Yeah, I wasn’t going to touch that subject. I’d never been married. My parents were still happily together after forty-one years, so I had no experience with divorce other than I’m sure it sucked even if it turned out to be the best thing for everyone.

His deep voice jarred me out of my musings. Sitting up a bit straighter, I gave him my full attention.

“Anyway, sorry for rambling like that. I rarely talk about my personal life this much. His mom remarried not longer after the split. So, he has much younger half siblings, which he loves, but right now they have nothing in common. So, the plan was to spend Christmas together, watching football and eating takeout or delivery.”

I hadn’t thought much about him being a dad. He sounded like a really good one. Caring. And his young adult son actually wanted to spend time with him, which I’m sure was not the norm. I had a couple friends who’d grown up without their dads, so I’d heard plenty of stories of being forgotten or used as a pawn between their parent’s issues, but it was nice to hear that Dean was the opposite.

Having a child was something that I thought would happen one day once I found the right guy, but I never did. The obvious love he had for his son came through loud and clear. It sent my overactive imagination into high gear, and just like that, I found myself wondering what our child would look like.

“Hey, there. I lost you. You okay? How’s your head?” Dean’s face showed concern. He stepped closer to me, peering into my eyes, searching. In my head, I knew he was looking for signs of a concussion, but my heart fluttered at his closeness. Tipping my head back, I said, “Yes, doc. I’m fine. I’ve had a concussion before. And I feel nothing close to what I felt then.” Smiling at his concern, I tore my gaze from his and looked over his shoulder. “Hey, how about I help with dinner and then we can play my favorite game since it looks like we won’t have power for the TV?”

I felt him still looking at me as I tossed the blanket off and stood. When I dared a peek at him to see why he’d grown quiet, I froze at the hunger I saw in his eyes. But before I could say a word, he shook his head, stood up straight, and rubbed the back of his neck. His cheeks were flushed, and he looked cute at being caught checking me out.

His interest gave me a boost of confidence. Could I take this opportunity and turn it into something more than two people forced to spend time together because of Mother Nature? Maybe nature’s storm was just the boost I needed to live out one of my recurring fantasies.

“Twenty questions, huh? That’s doable, but you need to let me check on you throughout the night just to make sure it’s not a concussion.” Hands on hips, he waited till I agreed.

“Sure. Why not? It’s not like I have anywhere to go tomorrow. Unless the snowplow shows up soon?” I asked hopefully, like someone who wanted that to happen, even though I wouldn’t mind getting to know Dean better.

He shook his head. “Not with the way the snow is still falling and the wind blowing it every which way. Afraid you’re stuck with me for at least the next twenty-four hours.”

Stuck? It was more like serendipity. And if I could get over my nerves, I was planning on getting to know Dean Jefferson very well. I just needed to make sure when we played twenty questions that I didn’t let it slip that his top relief pitcher, Tyler Yagasaki, was my younger brother.



Bless the former owners for leaving a cast-iron skillet behind. We used it to make grilled cheese sandwiches for dinner, using it on top of the wood stove. Throw in a can of tomato soup and it felt like the good old days when my mom would make it for me after losing a baseball game when I was nine, maybe ten.

“Okay, so you have three younger siblings and no pets. And you already told me your parents live in Pineville. What about hobbies?” I crumpled my napkin and aimed it at the paper sack I set out as a temporary trashcan.

“Nice toss. You should try out for the Lakers.” Nori teased.

“Funny.” I shot back. “So, what do you like to do when you’re not working?” She was sitting on the floor in front of the fire and the light from the flames cast a surreal glow around her, making my mouth water for just one taste. Her arms were wrapped around her drawn-up knees, her head tilted as she bit her lower lip as she considered my question. Lust flowed straight to my cock.

“I like getting myself stranded and saved by good Samaritans, then mooch off their generosity, drink their beer and eat beef jerky.”

Her almond eyes twinkled, and my cock took another hit.Oh, man, she was perfect.Was she enjoying our banter? The need to know about her grew and so did my erection whenever I happened to catch her checking me out.

I wouldn’t turn down making the most of our time together. My first thought to test the waters had been, “Hey, baby, let’s get naked,” but it didn’t seem like the best idea when we were stuck here with no way to leave.

And for the first time in forever, I was truly interested in finding out more from a woman other than if she was single and wasn’t looking for anything other than one night together.
