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“Don’t worry. I’m going to take very good care of you.”

The first lick made her back bow. The second had her moaning, and I was just getting started.

* * *


Floating. I felt like I was literally floating after two, no three, intense, firework producing orgasms. Dean was sprawled on top of me, and I didn’t want him to move, ever. It was perfect. Even our breathing was in tune. My fantasies had been poorly directed because what just happened far exceeded my imagination.

And one thing I discovered was Dean didn’t do shortcuts. No, he took his time and knew how to use his tongue.

I giggled at the direction my mind had gone, then quickly slapped a hand over my mouth to muffle the sound. Laughter after sex that spectacular wouldn’t earn me a repeat performance, and I planned on more than just another round. More like ten at least.

“What’s so funny?” Dean stirred, then raised his head, looking me in the eye.

Damn, he was handsome. Sleepy-eyed, hair a mess from my hands, and a very satisfied grin lifted his full lips.

Yeah, there was no way I was going to let him in on my inner dialogue. Didn’t want to feed his ego or make him think he was anywhere done.

“Oh, shit!” He flipped himself over, landing on his back. “Nori, I didn’t use any protection. I’m clean, I swear. It’s been months and…dammit, you must know I’d never put you at risk.”

I curled onto my side, facing him, and placed a hand on his chest. “I know you wouldn’t. In the short time we’ve been together, I’ve learned you have a good heart. I’m on the pill, and it’s been longer for me. Almost a year, in fact.”

He captured my fingers, pulling my hand up to his lips and placed a soft kiss on my palm. When his breathing evened, he said, “Not to get too deep here, but that was…great, right? I mean…heck, I’m no poet, or good with flowery words, but tell me I’m not alone here when I say that was off the charts.”

This man was a definite boost to my ego. And he was right. Our connection was incredible, but what did that mean? Was it because we were in this cocoon where our inhibitions were no longer an issue and, like an idiot, I told him he was my fantasy come to life? Would he think I was looking for more than just a good time? A really good, spectacular time that in less than twelve hours, I was thinking about how to make this work between us once we’re back in our real lives.

He was waiting for a response, so I needed to keep it light and not scare him off. “Well, if my screaming your name over and over was any indication, I would say most definitely.” I couldn’t remember the last time I had pillow talk with a lover, but something tugged at my brain, telling me to guard my heart. Unbelievably, I found myself wishing for this storm to keep us snowbound and cut off from the outside world.

“Ready for some coffee? Breakfast?”

I nodded and before I knew it; he was kissing me hard but way too short, then bounded out of bed, whistling. I watched him walk toward the bathroom and sighed. Yes, that man had one fine ass.

“I’ll get some water boiling on the stove, then take a quick shower. Wait, no hot water. Sponge bath it is. You stay in bed and rest. I have plans for you.”

“You’re pretty bossy in the morning. Was that the awesome sex or are you always this way?” Doing as instructed, I snuggled deeper under the blankets. I could get used to being waited on.

The only answer I received was a rumbly chuckle. Then the bathroom door shut. Smiling to myself, all sorts of naughty things came to mind for our next time.

I must have drifted off because the last thought I remember having was I’d let him boss me around anytime, especially if my reward was more toe-curling orgasms.

“Hey, sleepyhead. I’ve got your coffee and scrambled eggs.”

Cracking open an eye, I woke up to his smiling face and a steaming mug of happiness. “Please tell me you have creamer.”

“Powdered. I put in two teaspoons.”

I accepted the coffee and took a long sip. Oh, my, that first sip of the day was always the best. I grinned at him and said, “Be careful or you’re never going to get rid of me. Coffee, scrambled eggs, and multiple orgasms. You really know how to treat a girl right. Thank you.”

Dean inhaled a quick breath and let out a short laugh. “You’re welcome. I’m going to go chop some more wood. It looks like the storm finally broke during the night, but there’s got to be another foot of snow since we got here.” He backtracked to the kitchen and shoved his arms into his jacket and opened the door in the kitchen that led to what I assumed was the backyard.

He was acting…weird. I forced a smile onto my face. “Okay. I’ll go wash up and help you bring it in when you’re done. Did you check to see if we have cell service?”

He shook his head. “No luck there. Don’t worry. With the break in the weather, the plows should be out. It may take a while for them to reach us, but I don’t think it’ll be more than a day. We should be out of here by tomorrow.”

He disappeared outside, and I was left chewing on the fact we’d be here another day. I flopped back and groaned.Good job at spooking him, Nori.I needed to remind myself that what happened between us was nothing more than chemistry. It wasn’t going to lead to some romantic happily ever after. It couldn’t be anything more than two strangers enjoying each other as long as it lasted.

