Page 27 of Wolf

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Amara couldn’t bring herself to finish her plate. She’d been sitting at a table in the clubhouse bar for over an hour and while talking to her brothers and sister. Even though they had funny anecdotes of stuff that happened before Amara was born, her mind couldn’t focus on anything but Wolf.

She couldn’t believe that after what happened between them earlier today, he had the gal to flirt with Zara and Molly as they poured him a drink at the bar. She didn’t want to sound like some civilian stuck-up who’d never seen the inside of a clubhouse before, but she’d seen enough to know that Wolf was heading for disaster.

Everything about his corded muscles, his angry scowl and his straight shoulders told her that he was about to pick a fight to let off some steam. Or he would go into the back and fuck one of the club whores. She hoped he didn’t pick the latter.

She sniffed. Why should she care? She’d already lowered her standards by offering Wolf to be fuckbuddies for the next few weeks.

Amara wasn’t a no-string-attached kinda girl. Wolf knew this, and of course, he rejected her stupid idea. She should thank him for looking out for her. Amara rolled her eyes at herself.

Just hours ago, he’d admitted that he’s been fighting his feelings for her for years. And even though she’d handed herself to him on a silver platter, he still pushed her away.

Dragon plunked down in the vacant chair next to her, greeting her with a knowing, cheeky smile.

“Hello, Princess. How are you tonight?”

She pulled a brow, wondering why he thought she wanted to talk to him of all people.

She leaned in and whispered, “I’m not sucking your cock.”

His loud bark of laughter turned several heads around the bar. It was the only reason why she didn’t stood and left, since Wolf also had his eyes trained on them. Was it bad that she wanted to have him a taste of his own medicine?

“That’s a shame. I’ve heard you’refuckin’ perfect.”

“Yeah, you’ve probably heard a lot of things you shouldn’t have.”

“Dragon, you botherin’ my sister?” Zeus asked from across the table.

“You have nothin’ to worry about with me, Prez.”

Amara read the double entendre in his tone of voice. She gave him a look that hopefully would make it clear that she didn’t appreciate his jokes.

“Relax. Your secret is safe with me. I promise.”

“What are you sitting here with me for, then?”

“Can’t a brother sit next to a pretty girl?” Dragon asked before gulping down his beer.

“You might be my brother’s cousin, but it’s not like I really know you.”

Dragon nodded. “I know. Demon and I haven’t been that close since I’ve been on several tours while you grew up.”

“I’m waiting on an off-handed remark about me growing up into a slut.”

Dragon narrowed his eyes. “What? Fuck no. I’m no man to judge. You’ve probably already heard a thing or two about me.”


Dragon lowered his voice. “The only thing that I’m worried about is that this will blow up and come between our Prez and VP.”

Amara shifted in her seat, slightly turning her back on her brothers. “Wolf made it very clear that it won’t happen again.”

Dragon snorted like he couldn’t believe she’d said that.

“Look at him. The man is about to storm over and haul you over his shoulder. I’ll give it three minutes.”

Turtle walked up to their table. “Dragon. Princess.”

“Hey, Turtle. How’s it going?” Amara asked.
