Page 22 of Obsession

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It was an affront to my authority, an affront to the hierarchy.

The problem?

Alena was to be traded for our prisoners of war. That was the reason for this mission. We had one hostage per prisoner, if Alena was included in those numbers.

If she was not, then one of our prisoners would remain behind enemy lines. If I claimed Alena, and did not exchange her, there would be a mutiny on my hands, and it would be justified.

But surely Tor knew this. Surely this was his ploy:hecould claim Alena, and cause the exchange to go poorly, and no one would like it, but there was nowhere for Tor to fall in this hierarchy. The only other outcome of this scenario was for Tor to expect me to challenge him, to order that he give Alena up. And that would trigger a fight – not that I was afraid of it, but it would spell death for Tor.

My job, as the alpha leader, was vast and difficult, but central to everything was to keep the unitcontent.

I hadn’t gone with my gut after I lay with Alena. I had a feeling then that I ignored.Ihad wanted her,Ihad entertained ideas of claiming her for myself.

It had been a mistake to not understand that every other man would feel that way for her, too.

The truth? I didn’t want to give Alena up, not in exchange for our prisoners, and not to the other men Even if it was my duty. Even if, as an alpha, I knew in my bones that I needed to sacrifice for my men, for the sanctity and survival of the clan, and for my civilization. We were warriors.

This kind of thing was not for us.

Black was a good wing man, a perfect beta, and I usually relied on him for advice in situations, like this one, that proved too tricky to maneuver alone.

I was reluctant to confide in him for some reason.

Not some reason.

Because ofher.

It always came back around to her.

I walked to the internal portal and brought up Alena’s quarters. She was asleep, of course, exhausted by all of these men, her arm flung across the pillow just as Black had lain her on the bed. She must have fallen asleep instantly.

The feel of her hot pussy on my cock, her cervix rubbing the tip of me, the scent of her neck and her juices wafting up to me, filled my head, and my cock lengthened, unfurling with blood and lust like it always did when I saw her, or smelled her, or tasted her.

I switched the screen off. Rage that I had not felt for decades, since I had brought it under control in army training, erupted, and my fist was flying through the air, toward one of the many objects that littered the quarters of the Solymus Hybrid army ship we had hijacked.

I caught myself. Just in time.

But the rage still coursed through me.



I slept and slept, waking up, for the first time in a long time, without being woken. There were no timepieces in my room – to tell the truth, I never really had time to take stock of my room – and so I lay in bed for a while, wondering why I felt so well-rested.

I shifted in the bed, and the anal plug reminded me of the soreness I had developed yesterday. My bottom was still tender from the spankings I’d received, but now it felt pleasant, a dull pain that reminded me of the taboo exhilaration of my punishments. The sting faded in waves, and I thought of Rhys holding me on his lap after spanking me.

Already, the craving for more – more of everything – began to throb in my pussy. I gingerly pushed myself to the edge of the bed and let my legs dangle over the edge for a bit. It seemed much later than I was usually allowed to sleep and be alone.

Black appeared while I was in the bathroom, entering so quietly that I had no idea he was there. When I walked out of the bathroom, a towel around me, I saw him seated on the bed and I yelped.

Black, who was usually up for fun and enjoyed startling me, had a sour expression on his face, and it didn’t change.

“You scared me,” I said, uncertainly. I didn’t know how to behave around Black when he was serious. It scared me more than anything the other men might do.

The whole evening, and my confession to Rhys and then Black about Tor, came back to me in a rush, and I felt like I was going to cry. This must have been the reason Black was sitting here, his expression serious.

I physically felt my face lose color, and I started to feel like I might faint. I clutched the towel in my right hand. “What happened?” I asked, in a whisper that was much softer than I had intended.
