Page 6 of Obsession

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"Unless Alena has displeased any of you since our last ritual, we will have the ritual of gratitude now."

My bottom was screaming in pain, so while I loved this ritual in many ways, I was grateful that it was over for today.

"Hold up, Cap."

It was Tor's voice. My insides twisted. I never knew what Tor would do. He wasn't going to have me punished, was he? But there was no way for me to move, or squirm away, or even look at him.

"I want her punished."

A long pause, while my heart sank in my chest and the skin of my bottom throbbed in hot waves.


“She failed to please me.”

There was no sound from behind me. I didn't dare look at Black for help, because there was nothing anyone could do. Decisions like this were made by Rhys, and Rhys alone. If he wanted my input - which he never did, not here, in front of his crew - he would tell me.


But I didn't understand what Tor wastalkingabout.

Failed to please him, how?

"Hmm." This was Rhys. The sound of his voice, no matter how it manifested itself - as a grunt of displeasure, or pleasure, or a command, or a tender word in my ear - made things happen inside of me that I couldn't describe.

Since the first ritual of punishment, which had taken place weeks ago, I guarded a secret that I shared with no one, not even Rhys. I liked this ritual. I liked the spankings. I thought about them, daydreamed about them, fantasized about them. I could even go so far as to say that I craved them.

The first ritual was confusing, and I thought of it as something to endure. But Rhys had explained to me its purpose, going in to it: a proper spanking like this was needed, in order to maintain my biophysical submission.

If I am being honest, I thought that was a big crock when Rhys told me.

But during that first ritual spanking, around the fifth stroke on my ass, it felt like something switched inside of me. My eyes glazed over, and even without seeing myself, I knew that I looked much like one of the women I had seen in their psychological test videos. The one with her chest on the bed, her ass high in the air, naked. That was all the more there had been to that snapshot, and yet it had stayed with me. Thinking about it made me wet, and I hadn’t understood why until I experienced the same thing myself: a conversion to complete submission. The same, vacant stare.

I would have thought it felt different, that I would feel forced into it, and want to buck against it. But strangely, it felt more like I was accessing something inside of myself. Instead of feeling like I was being forced to do something, it felt more like I was accessing my true nature. I felt complete, whole, satisfied.

I was starting to wonder if maybe ATDC actually had everything wrong. Maybe a societycouldfunction, and be structured around a sexual hierarchy like this.

Ordinarily, I was actually disappointed when the spanking ended, and I often fantasized about more. But today, with my bottom so soundly spanked before the ritual even started, the idea was not as appealing. I squirmed on the table, but said nothing: Rhys would make this decision, and he would not make it based upon anything I said or did. I knew better than to try to to argue: Tor would only get angrier. Even if I didn't know what his anger was about to begin with.

I felt Rhys's hand on my ass. I knew it was his without looking behind me. I knew his touch, the shape and contours of his fingers and palm. The roughness of his skin, the gentle way he rubbed me. He rubbed the heat into my right buttock, massaging gently. His fingertips felt my skin in feathery touches, activating the heat, making my skin burn and itch.

“She’s had too much today,” Rhys said at last. “She was punished last night.”

There was a tense silence. My eyes were welling up with tears.

“Cap, she was disobedient -” Tor began.

I couldn’t see behind me, and I didn’t dare look, but something must have happened – probably a simple, cold look from Rhys – that shut Tor up right away.

“You are entitled to your grievance,” Rhys said, quietly, after a long silence. The temperature in the room had changed: there was a definite tension among all of the men, and it was unsettling. “I’ll allow you to choose one of two options. Delay her punishment until the next ritual, or take her for yourself for an extra rotation, today.”

An extra rotation with Tor.

This would spare me a spanking, but Tor was a cruel master, and always trying to get me into trouble with Rhys. Tor was the whole reason I’d been spanked many other nights, and he would probably get me spanked again tonight if he had his way and got an extra rotation.

But I knew my place, and I knew better than to speak up. At least my spanking would be delayed until later, giving my skin a chance to heal. And while Torwasa cruel master, he was not all terrible: he pulled out all the stops trying to make me come, and he was often successful, in spite of my efforts to obey Rhys.

This wasn’t theworstform of torture in the world.
