Page 28 of Misfit

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“Exactly. Not a single drop of blood behind you. We just fought a horde of demons and not a single one got past you. So you want to tell me again how you’re just that scared little boy?”

“Fuck you, Drake,” I said without venom. He laughed and walked past, clapping a hand on my shoulder.

“Harlow’s probably worried, and I think she’s in her room right now. Might want to swing by and tell her you’re getting your head out of your ass,” he said before walking away.

It took me a few minutes to realize he was right. I was being a dumbass, hiding away like a scared child while the world unraveled around us. Harlow needed me and Hiro more than ever and I was nowhere to be found.

“Fuck,” I bit out and stalked from the room.

As I headed back to the third floor, I forced my insecurities away, reminding myself I’d kept Hiro safe all these years. That counted for something. Drake and Harlow both thought I was capable, and that was huge. There weren’t a ton of moments in life I could remember someone giving a shit about me, much less thinking I could protect them.

I winced at how loudly I knocked on Harlow’s door. She opened it with wide eyes and dagger ready but the moment she saw me she panicked.

“Is that blood? What happened? Are you all right?!” she asked as her hands lifted my shirt, checking for wounds underneath.

“Did I ruin this?” She froze at my question and looked up with wide green eyes that quickly narrowed at me.

“Wait. Between us? Is this you doubting again, Roman, because if so, then I’m going to kick your ass,” she threatened, pointing at me. I backed away, trying not to laugh at her attempt at intimidation.

“Look. Drake gave me a not-so-subtle reminder that I can protect you, that I won’t fail you like I did my brother. My head is back on straight. But I want to know how much I have to fix,” I admitted.

“Well, right now you can fix this blood situation.” She wrinkled her nose as she looked at her now blood-covered hands. “Then come back and prove to me you want me. Prove to me that you’re going to be present and want a part of this chaos that’s now our lives. If you don’t, that’s something I’ll handle, but if you do, show me.”

The challenge had my cock stirring already, and I slammed my lips to hers before running to my room for clothes, then the showers to clean up. I had a woman to win over, and I would not hide this time.

* * *


When Roman knockedon my door the second time, I was ready for him. I needed to send Drake a fucking fruit basket or give him a blow job or something for what he did or said to knock Roman out of his own head.

Roman was the rock. The one who was protective and observant and took no shit. Seeing him in his head like that had nearly killed me, especially since I couldn’t convince him he was worthy of me.

“Holy shit,” he breathed out at the sight of me in my bra and panties. With everything going on, we’d never progressed past our first encounter, and I was more than ready.

“You like?” I asked as I spun in a circle, showcasing my frame for him. He moved forward and closed the door so fast I barely let out a startled laugh before I was in his arms and on the bed.

“Do you know how long I’ve wanted you?”

“Not too long, I’ve only been here a few months,” I joked but his face never faltered from a serious reverence as he studied me.

“You’re perfect,” he said instead. My heart clenched as he leaned over me, hovering just over my face before brushing his lips over mine, then deepening the kiss. My toes curled as he claimed my mouth, tasting and teasing me until I was breathless and rocking my hips into him.

If he could kiss like that, then I was ready to see what else he could do.

His hands were everywhere, gliding over my skin delicately as he continued to kiss me. Our tongues warred as he unclasped my bra, letting my breasts spill free. He pulled back and moved lower, teasing the tip of his tongue over my hard nipples before sucking one into his mouth, kneading the other.

He was still too dressed, and I couldn’t help but tug at his clothes, fighting against them since my focus was split between the need to see him naked and the pure fucking bliss his mouth was inflicting on me.

“Clothes off,” I demanded, and he pulled away. His eyes danced with amusement and pride as he ripped his clothes off.

“I’m glad I could affect you as much as you affect me,” he purred as he climbed between my legs. “Now let’s see just how much I can unravel you, Harlow. I want my name falling from those gorgeous lips of yours.”

“My pleasure, literally,” I joked, deflecting the overwhelming emotion I was feeling in the moment. This was a huge moment for us, and I wasn’t usually the sappy sort, but it felt amazing to know he trusted me enough for this.

The moment his tongue descended on me again, I was lost. He swirled over my clit before pushing into my core. As he pulled away and refocused on my clit, he pushed two fingers inside of me. Roman expertly brought me to the brink before he was slowing back down. I might have protested if he weren’t already ramping it right back up with fervor, each flick of his tongue and curl of his fingers inside of me had my moans turning to pleading.

“Come for me, Harlow,” Roman demanded, sucking hard on my clit and giving me no choice but to comply. My body clenched around his fingers and my back arched off the bed, pleasure coursing through me and leaving me boneless as he pulled away and settled on his knees, cock already teasing my entrance. He teased up and down, coating himself in my release before sliding in. It was a slow, yet unforgiving motion, forcing me to take him all at once before finally pausing and giving me a chance to adjust. He was nowhere near the size Monty or Kol were, which was a good thing. I wasn’t looking to be broken tonight, just thoroughly fucked.
