Page 63 of One Kind Heart

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Dakota pulled onto a dirt driveway, the headlights illuminating all manner of nighttime bugs flying about. “I promise to remain humble.”

When his house came into view, humble was the last word Leah would have used. The two-story log cabin rose like a dark shadow surrounded by trees. A barn was set back a bit from the cabin. The porch that spanned the front of the cabin and appeared to wrap around to the back was inviting with soft lighting, spilling a misty glow down over the logs. The darkness made it impossible to see all the details, but there was no question this property was a work of art.

“Did you build all this?” she asked, still in awe from looking out the truck’s windshield.

“My dad and I did. Noah helped too.”

“It’s amazing, Dakota.”

“Thanks.” He angled his head at the cabin. “It’s lacking something though.” Then he looked at her, his gaze intense. “Maybe you can help me figure out what’s missing.”

Perhaps he could do the same for her.

Chapter Twelve

The inside of Dakota’s cabin was as gorgeous as the outside. He gave her a quick tour of the first floor, which included an open kitchen, dining, and living room area as well as a half-bath, mudroom, and office. A breezeway off the kitchen led to the barn which Dakota told her was full of machinery—some for work, some for play. He promised to show her that space later.

“Right now,” he said. “I need to get you upstairs.”

“What’s upstairs?” She fingered the bulky, knotted wood railing and glanced up the stairs. The second floor was set at the back of the house so the downstairs had a cathedral ceiling that showcased exposed beams and timber framing. A loft at the top of the stairs overlooked everything below.

With another one of those sexy growls, Dakota stepped around Ginger who had been dutifully sniffing every square inch of his pants. She’d been no doubt cataloguing that her daddy had eaten steak and hadn’t brought any home for her.

“Follow me.” He didn’t let Leah make the decision to follow him though. Instead, he grabbed her hand in his solid grip and took the steps two at a time.

Laughing, she did the same. No easy feat in high-heeled boots and a dress.

He pointed to the doors as they breezed by them in the hallway. “Guest room, workout room, bathroom, closet…” He pushed a set of double doors open at the end of the hallway. “Master bedroom.” Those two words were whispered in her ear as he rubbed his stubbled jaw along her cheek.

She took a minute to capture his mouth in a fiery kiss as he backed them farther into the room. Sounds she hadn’t made in ages came out of her throat. They all added up to showing how much she wanted this to happen with Dakota. Tonight.

Breaking the kiss so she could survey the room where this magic was about to happen, she turned in a slow circle. “This isn’t what I pictured.”

An eyebrow rose. “You pictured my bedroom?”

Shit.She was not doing slick well tonight. She blamed him.

“Actually I pictured that you slept outside in a tent or something. You know, roughing it all the way.”

His laugh filled the room. “I do that, but usually only for a week at a time when I’m on vacation.”

A king-sized sleigh bed was centered along the far wall with two matching end tables. Tall lamps with bear silhouettes on the shades sat atop the tables and cast a warm golden light around the room. A closet and chest of drawers took up another wall. The third wall, however, really caught Leah’s attention.

“Are those doors?” She pointed to the wall of windows as she wandered in that direction.

Dakota nodded and strode over, reaching around her to open a set of French doors and let in the crisp October night air. “One of my favorite spots right here.” He flicked on a spotlight.

A small balcony jutted out from the cabin with two wooden lounge chairs sporting bulky cushions. The table between them was a slice of wood atop a carved bear cub on all fours.

“My dad made that.” Dakota pointed to the table.

Leah crouched to inspect it, running her fingers over the cub’s face. “The details are amazing. So real.”

“There are a couple of other things Dad has carved in town. I’ll have to take you on a scavenger hunt so you can find them.”

She straightened to stand in front of him. “Everything’s an adventure, huh?”

“Yup.” He slid his hand into her hair and coaxed her closer. “I think I’m about to have my favorite adventure right now.”
