Page 32 of Forever Bite

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Owen put Reika in the comfortable recliner and stood at a distance while Holo examined his mate. He’d been so afraid that he hadn’t really thought about what would happen next.

What if they can’t cure her?

Owen shut his thoughts down, refusing to create fear in himself. They had finally made it to the healer, and he had to wait to hear what she said before he let his emotions carry him away.

Holo took her time, taking some blood and checking Reika’s vitals a few times while she listened to Reika explain her symptoms. When Holo went away to run tests on Reika’s blood and urine samples, Owen returned to her side.

“Do you feel better?” he asked. She shook her head.

“Not really. She said she can’t give me anything until she knows what’s wrong with me.”

Owen took her hand and rubbed it gently. Reika seemed to have perked up a bit since coming back to a familiar place, and that gave him great hope.

Holo returned quickly, and Owen knew that if she had diagnosed Reika already, it had to be bad. He braced himself for the news as Holo sat across from them.

“It seems congratulations are in order,” Holo said with a small smile. “You are about to enter your second trimester of pregnancy, my dear.”

“What?” Owen cried.

“What?” Reika echoed.

Holo nodded. “You conceived some time ago, Reika. The baby will develop and be born as a human. You mustn’t shift anymore. I can give you something for the nausea now, and I want to get a good look at the baby with an ultrasound. Okay?”

Reika nodded, staring forward with wide, glassy eyes. Owen could relate … he was utterly shocked too. She must have gotten pregnant that very first night they spent together.

He looked down at her, and Reika turned her eyes up to his. Even though both of them were reeling from the news, at least they knew now what was wrong and that Reika could be helped.

Owen could feel a great joy building inside him. Now he didn’t just have a mate … he had a child to welcome into the world too.



Reika relaxed into Holo’s good care, finally feeling comfortable for the first time in weeks. While she stretched out on a comfortable bed, Holo set her up with an IV drip and organized an ultrasound.

Owen stayed by her side, concern written all over his face. Reika could tell he was excited, but he was too worried about her to simply celebrate.

Holo took some time with the ultrasound, making sure she examined Reika thoroughly. The healer informed them that the baby was okay, but Reika was going to need to make some changes if both mother and child were going to be healthy through to delivery.

Reika lay back, closing her eyes as she waited for Holo to return with her treatment plan. It felt so good to be comfortable that she drifted, letting her mind go blank, and her body relax.

Owen’s hand tightened on hers suddenly. Reika looked up, seeing her parents at the door. At first, she was excited to see her family, but as she sat up to greet them, she saw the stern looks on their faces and immediately began to feel afraid.

“Mother, Father,” she said softly.

Why aren’t they running over to me with open arms, happy to welcome their grandchild?

“Reika,” her father said in a firm tone. “It is important that we speak with you.”

He glanced at Owen with a look of such disgust that Reika was infuriated. He couldn’t treat her mate like that, no matter how he felt about the Raff pack. Even worse, after that one hate-filled glance, her father ignored Owen completely.

“I am glad that you’re here, so we can help you make the right decision,” her father said, his eyes cold. Reika felt fear rising in her, especially when her mother took her hand and squeezed it, but looked worried and sad instead of excited.

“What’s happening?” she asked them, keeping a firm hold on Owen’s hand. No matter how they tried to push him away or ignore him, she wasn’t going to let go.

“You must take care of the pregnancy, dear,” her mother said, patting her arm. Reika’s eyes widened.

“What? What do you mean?”
