Page 44 of Forever Bite

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"Over my dead body!" she screamed, feeling her grip slipping on the baby.

Connor ripped the baby free, pulling it hard against his chest. The baby screamed, making anger flare hotter in Reika's body.

She clawed at him, scratching at his face, reaching for her child. She felt skin and blood cover her hands, and she clawed harder. "Give me my child!"

Mateo had floored it, and Owen was no longer near the vehicle. A wave of pain shot over Reika, and she felt blood still leaving her body. She couldn't fight anymore, and they knew it.

"Please!" she pleaded, hearing her child scream louder. "Please, don't do this. He's just a baby."

Connor pulled away from her, and the car came to a sudden halt. Mateo hopped out, rounded the vehicle, and reached through the open back doors, taking the baby from Connor. Connor then grabbed Reika, and she clawed at the handle of the door.

"No!" she screamed, feeling her heart twisting. If she got out, she was never going to see her child again. She knew that much. She wasn't giving up, and she'd rather die trying.

"Listen!" Connor barked, ripping her hands free of the handle. He shoved her back, slamming her hard into the ground. "That child is no longer yours. You understand? If you or Owen come for this child, you're killing him. I will kill your son without a second thought."

Reika froze, the last of her energy leaving her body. Connor let go, and she tumbled backward hard onto the side of the road. She watched Mateo shut the passenger door, holding her son close to his chest. She watched Connor get into the driver's seat.

"Please," she said. "Please, that's my baby. He needs me."

Connor drove off, and Reika screamed.

She didn't know how long she screamed and cried, but her head grew weak. She couldn't sit up, and she had no tears by the time Owen came.

"Reika!" Owen stopped in front of her in his wolf form.

"They took him," she said, staring up at the stars. "They took our baby."

"You need medical help," Owen said and bent over. "Please, Reika, try to climb on my back." Reika did, but Owen had to do most of the heavy lifting. Reika wasn't even sure she could hold on. What was the point? They took her child.

Owen flew back to the Lovell pack. Reika wondered if they would let her in. They said they never wanted to see her again, and yet here she was.

"She needs help!" Owen yelled, stopping in front of the guards. "She needs help! Help her!"

Everything moved at once, and Reika remembered her brother. She could almost say he looked worried for a second. Holo looked like she was staring at a ghost.

"Help her!" Owen begged, clutching onto Reika's hand. "Please."

It reminded her of when roles had been reversed. She wondered if he was just as worried as she had been when he was injured so long ago. Holo cleaned her, and she felt a needle pinch her.

"She's going to sleep," Holo commented. "She needs it if I'm going to save her. Her body has been through too much already."

Owen leaned down, kissing her forehead. "Don't stop fighting. I need you. I will be back with our son. He needs you."

Reika blinked, feeling the sudden sleepiness kicking in. "Owen … you can't go."

He frowned. "I'm getting our son."

"No!" she said, shaking her head. "You can't. I know you think you can, but they will kill him if you go. We will never see him again."

"My brother will not touch my child."

"You didn't see the look in his eyes," Reika said. "Please, trust me. You can't go." She felt the pull on her eyelids. "Promise me. Promise me you won't go."

"You're asking me to sit by while they could hurt our son!" Owen yelled angrily now. "I will not!"

"I'm asking you to stand by so they don't hurt our son. I'm asking you to save his life." Reika wanted to say more, but her eyes grew too heavy, and she fell into a deep sleep.

