Page 5 of Monster Girl

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“You know, if the wind shifts y'all will be stuck looking like you’re constipated for the rest of your lives,” I offer conspiratorially before strolling past him to wait a few feet from the portal. Lexi lets out a choked sound behind me and my grin widens.

A sudden guffaw bellows out of the guy. “You’re insane,” he mutters under his breath once he’s calmed down before waving me to the portal, setting it for the academy. I shrug at his comment, not really concerned. With a pfft sound aimed toward him, I step through the rip in reality.

The experience is really weird, at first it’s like walking into jello, but that gradually fades until I feel like I’m in a freezer. I’m spat out on the other side, landing on my ass and feeling like a goddamn popsicle. “Stupid fucking portal. Could you have thrown me any harder? Fuck no, you cocksucking, prick of a—” My rant cuts off when Lexi steps easily out of the portal. My eyes narrow on her, and I growl as I push up to my feet, moving to stare glumly at my spilled coffee.Someone is going to die. Before I get a chance to choose who, Lexi’s muffled laughter has me giving her the finger.

“You’ll get used to it, Ness. Portals can be more resistant when you haven’t got your you know what yet.”

Grumbling, I nod before picking up my travel mug, wrapping it in a plastic bag, and stowing it into one of my many bags.

“There’s a coffee shop on campus. I’ll show you where it is once I have my class schedule and find Layla and Dan.”

I smother a yawn, then give her a muffled, “Okay.”

“I’ll show you to our dorm then I’ll head to the student building.”

Despite the fact that she’s engaged to be bonded, they can’t room together at the academy until they’re officially mated, so pushing back her ceremony date worked in her favour for getting to room with me for the semester. It sucks, but they have a strict no co-ed dorm rule unless bonded, after which you get moved to a special apartment on the grounds, setup for you and your mates. It’s necessary because lots of supes can have regular heats and more protective urges after bonding so they have their own separate building for mated groups or pairs. I’m just glad that Lexi and I get to room together this semester. I honestly don’t know what I’d do without her and as much as I wouldn’t say it out loud, I love that she pushed to do it this way so I’m not alone.

The campus is huge, and extremely diverse from what I can see. Just leaving the admin building where the portal is, there are trolls, ghouls, demons, demigods, and too many others to name. My chest clenches when I realise that I’m not one of the tallest women here. I’m six foot one, so even if I didn’t look a little different with my golden eyes and sharp nails, I typically stand out, but not here. I sigh, absolutely taken with this place already. Maybe I’m not going to hate my time here?

I’m dragged out of my thoughts by the sight of the campus and the academy itself.Holy hell. Wide cobblestone paths surround a well-kept oval that makes up the campus, but that’s not what has me staring. No, that would be the literal castle that stands tall behind the fancy-smancy garden paths. The majority of the building is built from sand coloured stone that’s freckled by brown bricks, with a dark brown peaked roof. Towers are dotted about the solid U-shaped structure. When I do a slow circle, my interest is piqued by the shadowed forest that surrounds the academy. I shake my head slowly, this is insane. I’m sure the inside of the truly ginormous structure must be made up of dozens of winding halls. I cringe inwardly, already dreading trying to find my way around. Before I can ogle the building some more, Lexi grabs my arm and drags me to the left, presumably towards our dorm room.

Yeah, you know how I thought before that I might end up liking this place? I was wrong. As we step into the building I groan. Everything is light and shiny inside of the building, and the furniture and appliances practically scream money. I should’ve expected it, but obviously I didn’t prepare myself enough. The aged, almost frozen-in-time impression that the outside gives had me fooled. This couldn’t be farther from our modest and cosy home in the monster forest.

We move through a hall before shuffling through a broad archway that opens into an open plan room. Other supes are dotted throughout the space, their posture relaxed as they chat with each other. Observing them, I realise most of the females are dressed up in preppy clothing and the men wear business casual styled outfits. I’m by far the most underdressed in the room. I feel completely out of place as we move into the room that seems to be set up as a chill space, with couches, beanbags and a huge wall mounted TV. Probably our dorm's common area. I fidget with the strap on my bag, before sitting it, along with the others on the ground for a minute. When Lexi turns to me her brows furrow in reaction to whatever my expression is right now.

Clearing my throat, I mumble, “You could’ve warned me.” I ruffle my hoodie, feeling completely underdressed and oddly self conscious. Lexi’s dressed in her usual stylish vintage look and stands out as well, but in a good way, unlike me. Usually I can just brush off the weird looks, but this time is different, these are my peers. People I’ll have to live in the same building with for the next two years.It’s an odd new reality, one that I didn’t realise would affect me so much.

When her features soften, I know she’s figured out what I’m referring to. “You’ll get used to it, Ness. I’m right here, and I won’t let anything happen to you.” I scrunch my nose up at her and mock scowl, when really I’m grateful as hell. Goddess, I’ve got an amazing best friend.

I open my mouth to ask her what our room number is when I notice a goblin beside us, in the process of moving one of my bags onto her luggage cart. She has pretty deep blue skin and delicate features.

“Excuse me,” I ask her softly.

Light blue eyes whip to mine, appearing startled. “Yes.”

“I can take those up if you’d like?” I offer, feeling awkward about someone doing stuff for me when I can happily do it myself.

Her face scrunches up, eyes narrowing fiercely, and my brows furrow.What did I say?“Goblin’s are no different than any supernatural species! How dare you—”

I cut her off as politely as possible, “Sorry, I didn’t mean it that way at all…?” I pause for her to fill in her name.

“Mavis,” she says, her expression relaxing slightly as she studies me.

A sincere, and sheepish smile pulls at my lips. “Mavis. I meant if you were busy, that I wouldn’t mind taking them to my dorm. It’s up to you though, if you’d like you can take them…” I trail off again, unsure how to fix the situation I unintentionally created.

Her expression clears and she smiles broadly. “Thank you for the offer, but I don’t mind. It’s my job, Miss.”

“Nessa,” I say, holding out a hand for her to shake.

She grips it with surprising strength considering her height of roughly four feet. The delicate wings that curl over her back are not dissimilar to a Sprites. Unlike a fae, her wings are almost butterfly-like in shape. Gracing me with one more smile, she leaves with a skip in her step. When I look up at Lexi I find her watching me with wide eyed disbelief, alongside a few of the supes standing nearby. I’m struck with the urge to be defensive, but I ignore it, opting to instead cock an eyebrow at them in a,“What the heck is that expression for?”meaning.

“Did you just charm a goblin enough that she smiled at you?” Lexi mutters.

A scowl twists my lips. “You mean I spoke to her like any other supe, not the help? How shocking of me.” I place a hand over my heart, sarcasm heavy in my voice. But with how quick Mavis was to anger, this must be a fairly common occurrence so I feel justified in my frustration. Others judging each other by their species might just be a tiny, itty bitty trigger of mine. With how others are so prejudiced when it comes to monsters, I think it’s rightfully so. Instead of answering my snark, Lexi sends me a scowl and shakes her head lightly. I instantly feel bad for arcing up at her and apologise. She accepts it easily. She knows me well, including the things that trigger my short fuse.

Lexi smiles encouragingly. “Go ahead, Ness. I’m going to go get my textbooks.”

The playful jealous look she throws me has a laugh tumbling from my lips, momentary anger forgotten. Yeah, I’ve already done all that, ha ha. I got all my books ordered online and sent to our room. I stick out my tongue at her before trailing down the hall and back out onto the campus. Hopefully I’ll be able to find the office.
