Page 9 of Monster Girl

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I nod, picking at my fingers, suitably chagrined. A light flush winds its way onto my cheeks and I clear my throat, intentionally avoiding looking at Lexi. I’m ninety-nine percent sure that she’s holding in a snort right now. I should have just told the teacher. I know.

“Okay, well get to your next class. Mr James won’t take tardiness very well, best not to start off with a bad impression.” I simply nod, a little confused. I thought for sure I’d get verbally reprimanded or something for lying, but she’s not mentioning that at all. Also… next class? I mustn’t have been out for long. As if on cue, a bell rings to signal the end of class and I sit up like a jack in the box. The movement has me biting my tongue at the resulting stab of pain behind my eye. The strange teacher leaves and Lex helps me up.

“At least you have runes next,” Lexi reminds me. I nod, smothering a yawn. Yeah, no running around, thank the Goddess. I’d probably pass out again.

Lexi watches me like a hawk as she escorts me to my next class, her concern practically radiating from her pores. When we reach the door to my class I mumble, “See you back at the dorm.”

With a nod and another worried glance, Lexi disappears into the seemingly ever present flow of students and I slip into the room. With a quick scan of the class, I can already tell that this is going to be weird. An awkward feeling crawls up my throat when I see that the floor is basically one huge chalkboard and there are painted lines, not unlike the ones in the gym for fight circles, only smaller. Instead of desks we must be expected to each pick a circle.

With a tired sigh, I beeline for the back where currently there is no one sitting besides a mountain of a man whose face I can’t see. His head is bowed so his shaggy black hair half covers his face as he draws elegant whirls and runes inside a circle.Wow. That’s a high level rune circle. How the heck does he know it?I don’t realise I’ve stopped mid step until his head lifts and our gazes collide. My lips part but I have no clue what to say, and my mouth shuts with a sharp click when he waves his arm over the drawing in front of him and it vanishes like it never existed. My brows furrow, but I continue forwards, regaining my wits as I plop down in the circle beside him. At least I should physically be fine in this class because I’ve done all the theory, I just can’t imbue them with magic. I let out an exasperated puff of air. Sliding another glance at the guy next to me, I’m startled to find him already staring at me, having pushed his hair behind his ears so I can now see his features. Those dark green eyes hold me captive, the varying shades of green with faint flecks of gold entrancing. I don’t realise I’m staring until a faint blush rises to his cheeks.His thick lips and expressive eyes soften his otherwise sharp features. He’s attractive in an almost harsh way and his build and facial structure have a strong like-ness to that of the fae. Possibly a hybrid.

After maintaining eye contact for a moment longer, I let out a soft breath and flash him a smile before I turn back to face the front of the room. The teacher—Mr James, if what my magic instructor said is correct—lumbers into the room. My brows raise, but I’m quick to make my face neutral. He… he’s an ogre? Yep. The longer I study his features and body the more apparent it becomes. Cool. This entire school is so diverse.I’ve never met one in real life, but I’ve read about their species. He’s got the classic characteristics, larger than average, standing at a broad shouldered 6 foot 5 and wearing a scowl. His skin is a greyish shade, similar to that of a gargoyle when shifted. Mr James appears to be in his late forties, but for a supernatural being, that could mean he’s a few hundred years old, so it’s hard to tell.

Ten minutes into the class and my enthusiasm has dimmed substantially. His monotone voice has me forcing down the urge to drum my claws against the ground, just to speed up the energy in the room somehow. Goddess, how can one man be this dull. I should have expected it. Just because the academy is a supernatural one doesn’t mean the teachers are going to be any more enthusiastic or interesting during the classes. I practically lunge for the chalk when he finally releases us to draw a rune circle, which is basically a bunch of runes combined to create a specific spell, this time the one our teacher assigned to us. After they’re complete, the goal is to imbue them with magic. We’re expected to raise our hand when they’re done for him to inspect. The rune circle we were assigned to draw is quite basic and simply produces a harmless flare of light when done correctly. Smothering a yawn, I easily complete the runes in a few minutes, and raising my hand. Waiting, I take a peek at my circle neighbour expecting him to be done, only to pause when he’s seemingly struggling with the first part. What…?

When I search for the teacher I find him by the front of the class, not even looking up to check if anyone is done. Taking that as good fortune I refocus on the guy beside me.Maybe my eyes were playing tricks on me and it was a drawing that just happened to look like a really advanced rune?After a few more minutes of watching him painstakingly do it wrong then rub it out and start over, making a mistake that’s easy to fix, I lean closer to him. “You see this swirl? You’re drawing it backwards. If you turn it around and join these two pieces here and here, then it will be really easy to do the rest of the circle.”

Mountain Man’s head snaps up at the sound of my voice and I’m shocked to find his eyes are now a swirling mixture of a deep blue and purple, pink peeking out every now and then. Holy hell. A shiver runs down my spine, and my tongue darts out to wet my lower lip. When his hand moves, my focus is drawn to it, and something warm bursts in my sternum when he does what I explained and gets it right. I draw back, overwhelmed by all the mixed emotions from today. Only when I’m sitting back with my butt on my heels do I realise that Mr James has stopped in front of us. My eyes widen when I find his are narrowed, darting between us. Mountain Man ignores him, and curiously when I focus on his circle the rune we just worked on together is wrong again.

Before I have time to mull over it properly, Mr James interrupts my thoughts. “Miss…?”


“Miss Nessa, your hand is up.”

I drop it quickly and gesture to the work in front of me. The guy beside me makes a low, almost choked sound and my eyes dart to him and back to my circle. It’s like he’s only just noticed that I’ve completed all the runes.

“Well done, this is all correct. Now, add your magic.” I swallow hard and focus on the greasy haired teacher in front of me.Seriously! Did the headmaster not tell any of my teachers that I don’t have my magic yet?It’s almost as though he wants to make things more difficult for me. My eyebrows dip and an uncomfortable pang hits my gut. Why does that thought ring true? With a tired sigh I shove the thoughts out of my mind for now and focus on Mr James.

“I can’t.”

His features pinch, and a prominent wart on his nose sticks out even further. “Why on earth not?”

By now the entire class is watching our exchange, and I have to grit my teeth so I can get the words out. “I’m struggling with my magic, I can’t access it properly, yet.”

Mr James’s reaction is not the one I was expecting. Instead of a simple dismissal or something about why I’m in this class if I don’t have use of my magic, it’s utter disbelief and anger. “Lies. I won’t take refusal in my class, you applied to this academy for a reason. So. Do. It.”

I throw my hands up in exasperation and touch the runes, knowing nothing will happen. I’ve done this thousands of times in the safety of my bedroom, and I feelsomethingflow through the mechanics of the rune, but before I can actually imbue it with my magic, I hit an internal brick wall. I don’t say any of this to Mr James though, he can go live under a bridge.Oh, wait, that’s trolls isn’t it?Sorry Oscar, I mentally whisper in apology. Anyway, he doesn’t deserve to know what’s actually happening.

This time, though, when I touch it it’s like I’m being electrocuted, and I yank my fingers away with a yelp. I’m trembling on the inside, but I also know instinctively that if I touch that part inside me that is supposed to be where my magic rests I’ll be able to make the rune work this time. I’m not going to do it here though. But it’s like when I touched the ground I started absorbing magic. I’m pulled out of my thoughts when a warm hand touches my wrist.Mountain Man. My head jerks up and my gaze clashes with his as shivers travel up my arm from where we’re connected. This time his eyes swirl between colours for longer, in a hypnotic pattern, and his shaggy black hair hangs over his forehead, almost hiding those beautiful orbs from me. A heady feeling fills my body until I’m practically trembling from the adrenaline rush fizzing in my veins and a bonfire scent surrounds me. Suddenly the feeling comes to a peak and it’s as though something clicks into place inside me.

I freeze at the odd sensation, noticing the way Corin’s eyes widen, pupils dilating and I can’t help but wonder if he’s feeling this as well.

Without actually looking at Mr James I mumble, “See I don’t have any magic.” Normally if anyone with magic touches a complete rune it will draw the magic out of you to activate it, whether you want it to or not. It’s never been like that for me though. Thankfully, the bell goes and I somewhat regretfully break the connection between the Mountain Man and I by gently tugging my hand from his grasp. I grab my bag, then hightail it from the room so I can’t do any more staring or draw the teacher's temper on me for no reason. Yeah, it’s definitely time to go back to the dorm and gorge on some vanilla ice cream with Lex.

Chapter Five — Corin

Ifocusonkeepingmy heartbeat steady as I listen from the shadows. The headmaster's grating voice has me gritting my jaw. He’s whining on the phone to someone. “So you don’t want me to do anything with the girl?... But—”

There’s a tense silence and the low buzz from the other person on the call has my ears twitching.Shit. I can’t pick up on what the other person is saying. Before I can decide whether to risk giving away my position by moving closer, the headmaster rushes out, “Of course. My apologies.”

I flex my fingers when a click sounds through the now silent office as he sets down the phone. It seems he’s worked up into a tizzy over the new girl who has been thrown straight into her third year. The school rumour mill has taken notice as well, but I don’t bother taking any of the other student’s whispers too seriously. The headmaster's swallow is audible and he begins to mutter under his breath, pacing back and forth.

Sensing that there is no use staying here any longer as it’s been hours, I let my head drop back for a moment, and slowly blink up at the ceiling.Still no physical evidence. I’ve been at this fucking academy for years and still nothing solid.They have to slip up eventually, is what I reassure myself, but my patience is wearing dangerously thin, as is that of my employer. Using one of my powers, I keep my form invisible to the untrained eye as I exit the office, not returning to normal until I hit an empty alcove. Once I’m visible again I move through the halls silently, keeping my eyes focused straight ahead. The sea of students part as I approach, but when I step outside and start to cross the field my feet grind to a halt.

Bright golden eyes hold my attention as they survey the area, and from my vantage point I can very clearly make out the guy beside her.Oscar. My eyes narrow to slits and my hands flex, noting how his arm brushes hers as they walk. Jealousy rolls over me, but it’s not the fact he’s near her, it’s thatIwant to be by her side as well. I want to talk to her, touch her soft skin, kiss those pouty lips. Fuckingworshipher. Ever since my fingers gripped her wrist I haven’t been able to get her out of my head and it’s driving me insane.

Every time I’ve seen her over the last few days Oscar has been glued to her side. For a moment my powers stir, but I grip them in a stranglehold and force them back down. Using my powers to drag her over to me isn’t going to fix anything. Her posture is relaxed and she tucks a lock of short dark hair behind her ear before ducking inside her dorm building.Nessa.
