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“So I took the liberty of picking out a few books that I thought you might like, but if you don’t, then you can browse for others. You can take them with you and once you’ve finished them, the magic will return them to the library.”

I grin and rub my hands together.Awesome, time to see just how well Mr. Vampire knows me.

Turns out Dylan knows me pretty well. One of the books he chose was one I’ve already read and loved, and while the other two are a little different to the ones I’d usually read, they’re definitely interesting. All of them are reverse harems and that little niggle at the back of my brain about the whole coordinated dates idea tries to scream at me, but I once again push it away. Unless they bring it up to me, I’m not going to go assuming only to get my heart—lust-addled brainbroken when it’s something I’ve made up in my head.

I pick one of the books and we both settle in to relax and read for a while. It’s something that I need after the hectic morning and by the time Dylan’s watch beeps again, I’m feeling rejuvenated and am buzzing with energy, ready to explore more of the marketplace.

So when he helps me to my feet, I go willingly. He leads me out of the library and I take a moment to press my hand to a wall and push my thankfulness into it. My magic responds, lurching forward to mingle playfully with that of the library and I sigh, shoulders slumping happily. This place is amazing and even if I only contributed to a few more years of life, it seems to have plenty of juice to keep up and running. The corner of my lip kicks up and I shove my hands in my pockets, strolling after Dylan. I’ll have to come back here for sure.

My brain is preoccupied as we walk through the bush to wherever I’m guessing Corin is waiting, so we don’t speak, a comfortable silence between us. My eyes narrow when it occurs to me. Personal portal travel. If I can figure out how to, or can unlock the ability to create and set my own portal, then I can come here or anywhere else, whenever I want. My brain had been skipping back to Oscar and the portal he activated for me to go through. With how unreliable and weak my powers were, it was never an option, but now if I can master it, it could be a game changer. In the past to get around, I had used an amulet I bought imbued with portal travel magic, but it’s limited compared to the possibilities it would open up for me if I could do it with my own magic. I’d also be able to get a lot of my information from trusted second parties and informants rather than go out in the field myself. I add it to my mental whiteboard of things to do until I can go back to the Academy, and nod decisively. I have a few days until I can leave, so now’s the perfect time to start studying.

Taking a deep breath, I hold it for several moments before releasing it slowly. I release all my tension with it and simply relish in the nature surrounding us. Though I can’t help but wonder what Corin has planned for me.

Chapter Five


“Yes,”Isayadamantly,crossing my arms as I stare at the ride in front of us, excitement bubbling under my skin.

“Yes? Are you sure, sweetheart?” His voice is low, expression serious as my eyes flick to his. “Once we’re on it, we’re stuck there so you won’t be able to change your mind.”

I laugh, gesturing to the unique looking ride with my hand and widen my eyes at him as though he’s insane. “This looks fucking amazing, why the heck would I change my mind?” I pull a face at him.This is nothing scary to me.

Alright, I might be behaving a little bratty at the moment, but I can’t seem to help it. After spending more time with the other two, less uptight supernatural’s, I wasn’t expecting Corin to be doing the whole blank-emotions-and-scowl-routine and it’s irritating me just a smidge. I figured he’d show me some more of that hidden fun side. The one he revealed to me that day in runes—if I didn't imagine it—then it’s buried somewhere deep today. Speaking of, his eyebrow quirks as his sceptical eyes dart between the ride and me, lips pressed into a flat line.

“Ye, have little faith,” I mutter, refocusing on the ride. The way it works seems fairly simple. Like all the rides here, it is mainly controlled and powered by magic. From where we’re standing, it looks as if the riders ahead of us are getting into a clear human sized bubble-thingy that has two seats in it. Once they’re strapped in, then they start the ride. Grinning wickedly, I watch as another pair of supes step into their bubble.

There are a few dozen of these large volcano shaped thingies of varying heights that are dotted sporadically around an oval field that has a rainbow fence as a barrier. The oval appears to be about the size of two football fields long, and two wide. Straining up on my tiptoes I try to count exactly how many volcano things there are but it’s too hard from this angle.

Once the bubble’s door has been shut and everyone is strapped in securely, the fae worker steps back and starts the ride. Which is where the fun begins. Cackling, I watch as the bubble is launched up into the air at a slight angle and the two supe’s scream. Their fear is more watered down than when I incite it, but I get a boost from it nonetheless. Squinting my eyes, I make a mental note to come back to that new tidbit later. The bubble is airborne for a few seconds before careening back down and hitting just above another volcano thingy before being launched up in the air again. This is repeated on the other volcanoes, but it must have a pattern because there are at least twelve other balls filled with people being tossed around the space, and I’ve yet to see any collide with each other.

Yep this is going to be epic. Turning back to Corin, I try to imbue every ounce of confidence I’m feeling in my smile as I beam at him. “I’m so ready for this.”

The grumpy bastard’s eyes narrow on my expression, but he doesn’t return my smile. I lick my slightly chapped lips and run my eyes over him from head to toe, trying to find evidence of what’s up his ass today, but I can’t spot anything. His usually black shaggy unkempt hair is tied back in a low ponytail, with a Viking braid running down each side of his head—probably to catch the wispy bits. The hairstyle allows me to actually see his features properly for the first time and I will admit to no one that I may have had to consciously pick my jaw up off the floor when I first saw him today. Something that amused him to no end if his little smirk was anything to go by.Ass. He shifts on his feet and the silver clamps dotted through his hair glint in the sunlight, drawing my attention. He’s dressed in a simple, black long sleeved button up shirt and dark jeans. I mentally melt just a teensy weensy bit.Why does he have to be so gosh darn hot?Then my eyes snag on that scowl again and I groan.

“That’s it. Who pissed in your Fruit Loops this morning?” I brace my hands on my hips, narrowed eyes practically fixed on him.

As what I said registers, a startled laugh bursts from him. “What?” he asks, brows raised.

I take a few heavy steps closer, leaving barely a foot of space between us. “I said, who pissed in your Fruit Loops this morning?”

That cool calm returns and I grunt, head tipping back to sigh loudly.Yep, I’m definitely still feeling bratty. Turns out I like to be spoiled, who knew?

“Fruit Loops?”

I huff another sigh and turn away so I can pace. “Of course you don’t know what Fruit Loops are. The horror. You may as well be telling me you don’t know what a unicorn is,” I mutter to myself. No wonder he’s so grumpy all the time. Going through life without trying those delicious sugary rainbow rings is a travesty.Stupid Mountain Man.

“So?” he questions patiently, returning my focus to him. “Are we going on the ride or not?”

I throw my hands up in an exasperated fashion.That’s only what I’ve been trying to convince you I want to do for the last ten minutes.“Yes, I am so ready. Come on, let's go.” I turn to stare at the fae ride again and my grin returns as we start towards it.

“If I die I’m going to come back and haunt your ass forever,” he mutters, trudging after me.

“Noted,” I say, then pause. “Wait, were you checking in with me so much because you don’t want to go on this ride?” I turn to him, eyebrows practically touching my hairline.Well this is a new development.

Those rainbow iris’s flit away from mine as a pink flush touches his cheeks.Goddess, I’m right. He dips his head, rubbing his palms on his thighs. “Naw, are you scared of heights, big guy?”

His flush deepens, but he scowls, shoulders hunching in a little. “No, I’m notscaredof heights, I just avoid them if I can.”
