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With those wordsblistering my brain so I could barely think, I hustled downstairs and dove back into the concert. Before I knew it, the crowd was all gathered, even larger than we’d hoped, and the first act was starting. The concert was made up of local talents, and the first was the high school band playing carols and seasonal favorites. Sure, it was small-town cheesy, and there was no way Lars Nilsen had ever thought he’d play someplace like this, but he’d agreed, and his performance would be the jewel in the crown of the best concert to ever be held in Briar Vale.

The evening flew by in a blur of costumes and sound boards, and spotlights. I stood on the sound stage deck at the back, sending prompts through my headset. We auctioned off local prizes and raised a lot that way. The ticket sales and concession sales were mounting, and seeing as everything had been donated, all the money could go to Sunshine Home.

Lastly, when the crowd was warm and happy, Lars stepped onto the stage.

The screaming and clapping were deafening. It was hard to believe that only weeks ago I hadn’t known who this man was who could dominate a crowd so effortlessly. He strolled onto the small stage like he owned it, without even a hint of nerves. He was a performer, and his confidence rolled off him, as he took everyone’s attention and held it in the palm of his hand. His introduction was quick and he started to play.

The music moved in waves over the crowd. He started with something rocky and loud. I’d actually heard it before, and I couldn’t believe that had been him all along. He played and everyone sang along. I lost track of how long it lasted, but when he came to the final song, it felt far too short. I wanted to watch him sing for hours and hours.

Before the last song, he spoke into the microphone first.

“This last song, I want to dedicate to Charlie Winter, who made all of this possible, and Sunshine Home.” He looked at the area in the crowd where the kids from the orphanage had special seats. “I know it might not seem like it now to you, but that place is special. It deserves appreciation. One day, when you’re older, you’ll understand that, even if it takes a while.” His words tugged tears from my eyes.

Had this whole thing laid one of his ghosts to rest? I could only hope so. He was too kind and warm to carry around so much sadness.

“In the name of giving back and paying forward, I’d like to make my own donation to Sunshine Home.”

Old Alfred appeared out the side of the stage, holding one of those huge checks. Excitement surged in me as I caught a glimpse of the amount. I nearly staggered over as I took in the six zeroes on the number. A million dollars. Lars Nielson had just donated a million dollars to Sunshine Home. The crowd went wild, as Lars started to strum an acoustic guitar, and bent close to the microphone. “Charlie, sugar, this one is for you.”

The volunteers around me gasped, turning to look at me, but I couldn’t look away from Lars. He started to sing a low, sweet ballad, with a melancholy chorus that made gooseflesh erupt across my body.

“Holy shit, Charlie. If you’re not going to sleep with that man, I am,” Lily murmured beside me. “Are you ok? Say something,” she prodded me as I listened to the lyrics of the song. It was a bittersweet song, about searching all over the world for something, and never finding it. The chorus implied that the idea of home was only an idea, not a place. It made me sad, as I realized that was how Lars had always felt. Where I’d always been at home in Briar Vale, he’d only had his parents, and after they’d died, he’d lost his home and them. It made me want to go back in time to that little lost teen and hug him tight and tell him it was going to be ok.

A tear ran down my face and dripped off my chin as I listened.

Lily nudged me. “Geez, why are you crying? You just smashed your fundraising target, and the hottest man in town is playing a song, just for you. I’d be doing a naked thank you dance right now if I were you.”

“I’m happy,” I muttered, wiping my tears away and finding a smile. Despite the sad song and the way the past made my heart ache, I was happy. Lars finished to thundering applause and I could see I wasn’t the only one who had cried at the last song.

Just like that, the night was over, and the work continued to see everyone safely off the property. I said goodbye to the other volunteers and Lily, as she waited around for me at the end. Chris had headed off earlier with the kids from the orphanage.

“So, are you giving me a ride, or should I get one with your brother?” Lily asked me, as we stood in the forecourt of the manor. Everyone had gone and would return tomorrow for the clean-up.

“I – I think I’m going to stay. Go with Will,” I told her.

Lily beamed at me. “Yeah, you are. Have fun with Lars, and by fun, I mean sex. Have sex with him, or forever regret not doing it,” Lily said, making me laugh as she backed toward Will’s car, idling beside mine, waiting for her.

“I’ll take it under advisement. Try not to kill each other on the way home,” I called to her, as she opened the car door.

“No promises!”

The car door slammed, and I turned toward the house, looming behind me. My breath fogged out in white puffs as I climbed the stone stairs.

I’d hardly raised my hand to knock at the door before it opened.

“You were so-,” I started, before my words flew from my head as I was pulled inside, and pressed against the wall beside the door. Lars kicked the heavy door shut, and the thud went right through me.

I stared up at him while my pulse started to gallop through me.

He leaned over me, caging me with his arms on either side of the wall. “Do you know how long I’ve been waiting for everyone to fuck off,” he growled.

My mouth suddenly drier than the desert, I shook my head. “Why?” I forced out, though I knew. I knew exactly how he felt because the same white hot, slippery urgency was pulsing through me.

“To get you alone, here, with me… finally,” he said slowly, his hands moving to push my jacket off my shoulders. It pooled at my feet. “I’m going to take my final kiss now,” he warned me. Excitement swept across me like a wave, flushing through my body, and leaving my nipples tingling and my panties damp. I might not have a lot of experience, but the feelings in my body couldn’t be misinterpreted. I wanted him. This was what desire felt like, and it was maddening. I needed to be touched by him, I needed his weight against me, pinning me down, and pushing inside me, and I needed it now.

“Take it then, I want you to,”I murmured, just before his lips landed on mine.

He had no idea I wanted him to take a whole lot more than that, but with the memory of our week together, his performance, and overwhelming generosity playing in my mind, I was done questioning whether I could handle my first time being with Lars Nilsen. Whatever happened after, I’d deal with it. Even just the memory was worth the heartache afterward, I decided at that moment, pressing myself deeper into his grip and kissing him back as hard as I could.
