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It wasn’t elegant, it was urgent. He groaned against my mouth as I bit his lip. Our teeth clashed as he picked me up, his arms clamping around my waist and flattening me against his front. He stumbled up the stairs, holding me close, all the while kissing me mercilessly.

“I could walk, you know,” I murmured, as he carried me down the long hall toward his room.

“Nope, I’m not letting go of you, in case your phone rings, or someone appears out of nowhere. You’re not getting away from me this time, Charlie,” Lars murmured, kicking his bedroom door shut. The room had a fire burning low in the grate, and the orange light was cozy and intimate. He set me on the bed, and immediately tugged me to the edge, flipping my dress up and tugging my pantyhose down. My boots went flying, as well as my panties, and I barely had time to be embarrassed before he pushed my thighs wide, his eyes landing right on my exposed core.

“I’ve been waiting to taste you for a week, and I can’t wait one more second.”

With that, he leaned in and licked me. I nearly jumped off the bed. The feeling was so carnal and unsettling, I didn’t know how to handle it. Luckily, Lars was ready for my squirming, with his hands clamping onto my thighs, he held me wide, burrowed his tongue inside me, and then slid up to my clit and sucked the bud into his mouth, lathing it with his tongue. Wordless noise left me, an incoherent mess of exclamation, shock, and need. I babbled on senselessly as he dipped a finger inside me and then another.

“Fuck, you even feel tight around my finger, sweetheart, how the hell is that?” He lifted his mouth off me to ask, pumping his hand slowly into me.

“I’m a virgin,” I blurted out senselessly. He stilled and the mounting climax that had been rushing toward me stalled. “Hey!”

“This is your first time?” he asked, his voice full of wonder. I nodded frantically at him, twisting his dark waves between my fingers and trying to tempt his face back where I needed it.

“Yes, but don’t worry, I’m on the pill,” I panted.

“Good to know, but that’s not the main point here,” Lars muttered.

“I know it’s not all the protection, but I trust you,” I told him quickly. Why did I trust him so much? He was a rockstar, for heaven’s sake. He could be dripping in diseases for all I knew. At that moment, I didn’t care, or moreover, I trusted he wasn’t. He would have told me, or not let it go this far.Unless he doesn’t know, an insidious little voice whispered inside my head.

“I’m not going to lie, it’s a turn-on to hear you say that, but you should know, I don’t sleep around. Despite what you might think of musicians, my life is pretty tame. I’m a workaholic,” he said, kissing up my thigh, making my muscles shake. “The real question is if you’re sure you’re ready for this – we’ve only been on three dates.”

“I’m ready, I’m really, really ready,” I blurted out, my enthusiasm making me cringe with embarrassment.

A grin curled Lars's lips and he beamed at me for a moment. “Thank fuck, because if you blue-balled me again at this moment, I might seriously die from lack of blood flow to my head. Now, where was I?”

Then he leaned in and put his mouth back on me, making my toes curl up. I clutched the bedding beneath us, as he licked me with increasing speed and a rhythm that destroyed my sanity. His fingers were thrusting into me fast now, rubbing all the sensitive places inside me that made me feel like flying.

“Oh right,” he teased me as I rose and rose. “Right here,” he muttered, and lathed my clit furiously, as his fingers curled inside me. I exploded against his face, my hips bucking and writhing, my body tensing all over, wave after wave of pleasure washing through me.

While his name was still on my lips, and my entire being was still pulsing with feeling, Lars loomed over me, stripping off his clothes as if they’d offended him, and lining his cock up with my entrance. I glanced down, only just taking in the bobbing, flushed head of him before he pressed inside me slowly.

“This might sting-,”

“I can take it,” I panted in his ear, raising my hips to meet him. I just wanted him inside me, and then I could adjust. He paused halfway in, and kissed me hard, biting my lip and distracting me as his hips slid home. I barely felt the twinge deep inside. The stretch was something else, and I lay beneath him, feeling impaled for a long moment, until he started to move, cursing softly, and groaning all the while. It didn’t hurt nearly as much as I’d thought it would, and soon, even the slightest sting of pain faded away, and only pleasure remained. His hips picked up their pace, sliding in and out of me with increasing urgency. I felt the same urgency inside me, as I rushed back toward another climax. This time, the peak approaching promised to be deeper and even more bone-shaking. His hips pistoned into me, while one hand snaked between us to rub my puffy clit, and the other palmed my breast. His mouth never stopped kissing me, his tongue sliding against mine, his heart pressed against mine. It felt unbearably intimate, and I loved every single second. I shattered in his arms,



The last thing on earth I wanted to hear, as I slowly woke the next morning, was the doorbell. Sure, I knew that the volunteers were returning to clear up, but that wasn’t until noon. I squinted at the clock and cursed as I made out the time. Who the hell was waking me up at ten am, when I finally had my arms around a naked Charlie?

I had planned a slow start, waking her in the best way, but now, as the doorbell sounded a second time, I was forced out of bed. Cursing the entire way, I pulled on a pair of loose pants and headed down the wide, curved staircase.

Pulling open the heavy door, I practically barked at the person standing there.

“What is it?”

I was surprised to see Phil’s unwelcome face staring at me with interest.

“Nice to see you too. Sleeping in, were we?”

“Why are you here?” I grunted. Crap, it wasn’t someone I could just send away. I stepped back to let him in as the freezing cold wind blew against my naked chest.

“Because I went back to the label, and I think you’ll like what they had to say.” He sounded smarmy and smug.

“What is it?” I asked him, right there in the hall.
