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FREE EXCERPT - Three Santas & I

Fuck, fuck, fuuuuuck. I stare at the email smirking at me through my computer monitor. I blink several times, take off my glasses, rub my eyes, slide them back on, then look again.Nope, nothing’s changed.I wasn’t hallucinating. Here it is, clearly spelled out. My bosses are coming to town! They’ll be visiting our office tomorrow. On the last workday before the holiday break. This is a complete nightmare, a disaster waiting to happen.

I know what you’re thinking. You think I’m being dramatic, that things can’t possibly be that bad.Well, think again!

Here’s the deal. I’ve been working for Fi-Corp for three months, and every time I’m faced with the three co-owners of the company, I turn into a complete mess. I’m talking stuttering, standing frozen in place, bumping into shit, dropping stuff. It’s pathetic. I’m so fucking lucky it was our branch’s Managing Director who hired me. I would have failed miserably in an interview with The Three Hot Suits!

Fi-Corp is a multi-billion dollar financial group. I work at its Central California branch, and I really love my job as Head of HR for our local pool of fifty employees. Love that I know every single one of them and have the opportunity to work on so many different projects. From recruiting and on-boarding, to payroll, training… Well, I don’t exactly enjoy every aspect of my job. The severance handling part is no fun.And if you don’t get your shit together, you’re gonna be the next one to get severed.

“Talking to yourself again?”

I startle at the sound of a throaty, feminine voice coming from my office door.

“Shit, Yasin! You almost gave me a heart attack!”

She saunters in, closes the door, and elegantly settles into the seat facing me, crossing her long legs, and quirking a sarcastic eyebrow at me.

Yasin Dia, our Managing Director, is a tall, curvy, dark-skinned, classic-Hollywood style beauty. Always impeccably dressed in designer pencil skirts, silk blouses, and fancy high-heels. With cheekbones to die for and long black hair tumbling down her shoulders. I may have a bit of a girl crush on her, but I’m also kinda scared of the woman, because she’s such a baddie.

“You sure it’smegiving you palpitations?” Yasin enquires.

I let out a groan and drop my head on top of the desk.

Without looking up, I mumble, “you saw the email?”

Of course, Yasin saw the email. If the bosses are coming to visit, she’s obviously in the loop.

“Girl, get yourself together. You’re a fucking badass. What is it with you and these guys? Yes, they’re fine. But you’re fucking hot, funny, smart, and great at your job. There’s no reason for you to lose control around these men, or any other.”

I nod enthusiastically.

“You’re absolutely right. I will be calm, collected, and professional.”

I straighten in my seat, pushing my shoulders back.

“There you go, atta girl. Now you just keep that attitude up while they’re here, yeah?”

My eyes grow wide… Will I, for once, act like the productive member of society I am around my bosses? Who are also the top and only contenders on my spank-bank…

Yasin watches doubt invade my features then shakes her head in disgust.

“Girl, you screwed.”

I mumble to myself, “I wish.”

“What was that?”

“No… nothing?” I sort of answer, but mostly ask.

Yasin shakes her head again, leaving me with, “girl, you’re a mess.”

I know she’s s right. I’m pathetic. I have no business panting after my bosses, and more so, three of them. They’re rich, famous in our professional spheres, older, mature, sophisticated, and simply out of my league. But I’ve never felt this way about any man, let alone several!

Ethan Allen of the baby face, ever-present five-o’clock shadow, and dark, soulful eyes. Alex Montgomery with his bulky frame, permanent scowls, and that hard, carved jaw I wanna lick… And Vaughn Seymour. Tall, dark, and handsome doesn’t even begin to cover his six-foot-plus of fine male ass.

Yeah, I’m fucking screwed…
