Page 52 of Strong as a Horse

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“You can fill them with whatever furniture and personal things you wanted, that was the one thing I didn’t want to overstep on,” Lance said.

“This is all so nice, Lance,” I breathed out. “It feels like too much.”

He grinned and walked to the door next to mine. “This one is for our baby. And it’s never too much. Our group deserves this.”

My heart warmed at him calling the baby ours. They all had embraced the baby as their own and the guys were like brothers… well, except for El and Riven who were definitely lovers.

The nursery was adorable. Someone had painted a mural of a forest on the wall. There was a horse that matched my soul-bonded horse perfectly. She whinnied softly, loving that she was represented as well.

El stepped up beside me and laughed. “There I am.” The raccoon was peeking out from the trees.

In fact, we were all there. The raven flying overhead, the bear stomping along the forest floor, and the antelope grazing nearby.

They had continued on with the forest theme for the rest of the nursery as well. The crib and rocking chair were made of wood. Stuffed animals lined the bookshelf and crib, all forest creatures of course.

The closet was open and waiting to be filled with baby clothes. Lance’s mom had done just enough to start, giving us the freedom to fill it with whatever else we wanted.

Everything was perfect.

“I guess it’s time to share my news,” I said, pulling out the envelope and looking at the guys.



Three months later

“Are you sure you’re up for this?” Zathrian asked. I rolled my eyes at his question; it was one I’d gotten way too much since finding out I was pregnant. Apparently, my mates thought I was delicate now that I was this far along.

“Is it because I’m a woman?” I questioned with fake innocence. “You’d better get that misogynistic stuff out of your head before our little girl comes along.”

He grinned. “I have a feeling she’ll be just as stubborn as you are. And it’s not that you’re delicate or a woman,” he deadpanned. “It’s because you are too independent.”

Now that I was in my third trimester, walking endlessly looking at properties was starting to swell my feet. Though, I wasn’t about to tell them that. At least not yet.

Lance had already figured it out. He rubbed my feet almost every night now and it was my favorite part of the day. Sometimes, he seemed to know what I needed before I did.

“What are we doing here? I thought that we were looking at a bar?” I questioned as I looked up at the old warehouse. The building itself had some fantastic architecture, from the carved stone columns and detailing to the old stained glass windows. Two metal garage doors were the only thing that gave away what the building was.

“I think it is. El chose this location, I think,” Lance said like that explained everything. At least this one was only a fifteen minute drive from our house, but it wasn’t a bar in any shape or form, which meant it was going to take a hell of a lot of work to make happen.

The door opened and Riven stepped outside. He was beaming. Apparently, he had already fallen in love with the property. He waved us inside.

“Just wait until you see. I know what you’re thinking, but keep an open mind,” he said.

The interior was exactly like I expected; a large open warehouse with cement floors and metal-lined walls. All except for one wall which had been ripped away, exposing the brick laying underneath.

Riven turned back to me. “This used to be a mechanic distribution warehouse. They supplied the shops in the city. It shut down about ten years ago and ownership has been tossed around a few times since, but nothing ever happened.”

“But look at this,” El cut in then, rushing forward and holding out a tablet. There was a 3D blueprint on the screen and a play button right in the middle. El hit play before I could even reach out. They had obviously put a lot of work in the presentation, to the point it felt like El and Riven were the ones selling it to me.

The video started with an empty warehouse before adding on walls and showcasing the exposed ceiling. It colored everything in as it went along. It felt as if I was watching this building be constructed before my eyes.

A large bar was built on one wall and then the bottles and shelves popped up behind it. Tables were sprinkled throughout the room and a DJ stand was built in the back along with a stage for live performances. A stairwell in the back led up where it showed a large office before the video traveled back down to the basement to show multiple store rooms. We never discussed offering food but they’d even added on a kitchen and an order window next to the bar, meaning it would up our game immensely. Most of the remaining bars in the city were either clubs or holes in the wall now that we’d all closed ours. This would take our group’s establishment to the next level.

The video panned out to show the front of the building with a fresh coat of paint and new doors. But it was the logo that got me.

Soulful Spirits.
