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“What thugs did you have killed, King?” she asks in that determined tone that gets my dick fucking hard.

“The ones who beat you up per your father’s orders, of course. I couldn’t have them roam free after they hurt you.”

“Are you a brute?”

“I’m way fucking worse when it comes to you, sweetheart. You know that, I know that, and whatever is bothering you will know that when I destroy it. Now, spill. Is it Gwen? She’s right downstairs worried as shit about you, by the way. Did you by any chance find out your family has a genetic disease that will kill you when you’re a hundred years old?”

“No, you asshole. I’m pregnant.”

I’m about to tell her another batch of crazy theories running through my head when I finally circle back to the words that came out of her mouth.

“Did you just say you’re pregnant?”

“Yeah.” Her shoulders drop. “And I shouldn’t be. I’m on the pill, for God’s sake. But I felt weird yesterday and went for a checkup, and the doctor said I’m six weeks pregnant.”

I rake my eyes over her again. No wonder she’s been glowing lately. My dick liked to think it was because of how much cum he’s filling her with.

“Are you healthy?”

“Is that all you have to say?” She lifts her chin. “This is all your damn fault, you bastard. Once again, you had a fast swimmer that couldn’t even be stopped by birth control.”

“My dick is pleased to be up for the challenge.”

“That’s not a compliment.” She touches her hair, then her neck. “I shouldn’t be pregnant. I don’t know what to do about this. What will Gwen say?”

“Considering she married my best friend while I was in a coma, Gwen’s say in this should hold no importance. Besides, this is between you and me, sweetheart.”

“Do you…want this?”

“Do I want my baby inside you? Of course I fucking do. But not at the expense of your mental and physical state.”

She steps toward me. “Aren’t we too old for kids?”

“No one is ever too old for kids. Thirty-six is not old, sweetheart. It’s mature.”

“What if…what if I want this? I want to do it properly this time.”

“Then we’ll do it properly. This time, I’ll be with you every step of the way.”

She throws herself against my chest and I wrap my arms around her, kissing the top of her head. “I bet you’ll look sexy as fuck while you’re pregnant with my baby.”

“Stop it,” she chastises with a smile in her voice, then looks up. “Thank you.”

“For what?”

“For being the father of my children.”

“I would have no other mother for them. You’re mine, Mrs. Shaw.”

She pulls me down with a fistful of my shirt. “And you’re mine, Mr. Shaw.”

