Page 17 of One Night Rancher

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Incollege? No. That was when she realized he meant...high school. When they’d been friends.

“Why didn’t I know that?” she asked, her tongue feeling loose and lazy. And she was annoyed that she had asked that. But she was annoyed that he had mentioned it.

“Did you want me to tell you that I got a fake ID and went to the next town and hooked up with some woman in a bar?”

“You didn’t,” she said.

“No. Not kidding. That’s what I did. I didn’t figure that an inexperienced virgin should inflict their inexperience on another virgin, you know what I mean?”

She frowned and wrinkled her nose. “Yeah. Sure.”

“I don’t know. It just never seemed like the thing to me. I’m still like that. I don’t like to have a fling with women too close to home.”

She frowned. “Right.”

They should not be having this weird, wine addled conversation because she was already in a strange space, and now she was grumpy with it.

And they were supposed to be watching a comedy. Granted, one they had watched multiple times before, but still.

“I’ve never had sex with a virgin, actually,” he said.

And that did something weird to her. To her body. Her soul.

And she knew, she knew that she needed to stop herself from saying something. She knew that she needed to get a grip. She knew that none of this whole conversation was about her. Or maybe it was. Maybe it was about their friendship. The fact that they were now, and had always ever been friends. So while maybe he hadn’t confessed to his sexual shenanigans when they were in high school, he didn’t think anything of telling her now. Which... Hurt, actually. He should be a little bit uncomfortable talking to her about sex. It should make him imagine having sex with her. She hadgreatboobs.

And he was a straight man. Why wasn’t he into her boobs? It wasn’t fair. There were all kinds of random men at the bar who would love to see them. And Jace just seemed immune. And he was sitting there talking about sex. Like it was nothing.

“Well,” she said, “I guess you’re not half the stud that I thought you were,” she said.

“I’m not?”

“Yeah,” she said. “I would’ve thought that you had sex with all kinds of virgins. Corrupter of innocents and whatever.”

“No,” he said. “One of the few things I haven’t done.”

“Well,” and she could hear it in her head before it came out of her mouth, and there was some reasonable rational part of her that was crouched in the corner shouting: don’t say it, Cara. But that rational, reasonable part of her was drowned out by Wine Cara, who had some opinions and wanted to express them. Wine Cara was a bitch, and later, she and Wine Cara were going to have a stern conversation. But she was just on the ride right now. “If you wanted to have sex with a virgin, I can help you with that.”

“Excuse me? Are you offering to find me a virgin through your bar contacts?”

He didn’t understand.

She could turn back now.

She didn’t.

“No,” she said, pushing his shoulder. “If you wanted to have sex with a virgin, just have sex with me.”


Jace was frozen. And for a full ten seconds you could’ve heard a pin drop. Except then suddenly there was a huge crash, and Cara scampered across the distance between them and pressed herself against his chest, her eyes wide. “What the hell was that?”

“I don’t know,” he said, and he didn’t know if he was answering her question about the noise, or if it was about the fact that she had just told him she was a virgin and essentially offered to have sex with him.

His heart was thundering hard, and he told himself it was because of the crash, because it had startled him. And not because Cara was pressed up against him.

Which he told himself was because of the wine. Everything that had just happened was because of the wine. And there was no call getting all worked up about that. No call getting angry. Or reading too much into it or anything like that.

Except, they probably needed to figure out what that noise was.
