Page 18 of One Night Rancher

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“Where did it come from?” she asked.

“I don’t know,” he said, peeling himself away from her. But the heat from her body remained, and he felt somewhat branded by it all.

“It’s probably your ghost,” he said. “Didn’t you want there to be a ghost?”

“I didn’t want itto scare me,” she said.

Then she looked up at him, her expression dazed. “Oh,” she said.


“I just told you I was a virgin.”

“Let’s put a pin in that,” he said. “By which I mean let’s not talk about it again.”

He hadn’t really meant to say the last part out loud. But he was a little bit tipsy, and even though the noise had done something to sober them up a bit, it wasn’t fully complete.

“Fine then. But let’s go see what it is.”

She got up and started to pull on his shirt. He pushed himself up, and grabbed hold of her arm. “Whoa. Did it ever occur to you that it might actually be an intruder?”

“No,” she said, her eyes wide. “I just thought it was a good old-fashioned haunting.”

“What if it isn’t?” he said. “That’s something to keep in mind. That’s why I’m staying with you. What if one of those perverts from the bar knew that you were staying here?”

“That’s creepy, Jace,” she said. “If I thought that the bar patrons were like that that I wouldn’t let them in.”

“I don’t trust anybody. Bottom line. So stay with me, and we’ll go see what it is.”

“I can’t even tell where it’s coming from.” Suddenly, there was another crash, and she pressed herself against him, and he became extremely aware of the way her breasts felt against his arm. Firm and full and high. And more than a little bit enticing.

A virgin.

What the hell?

What the hell?

He did not have time to focus on that, because he needed to see what was happening down the hall. Or maybe... He stopped and listened. Maybe down the stairs.

“Did you leave anything open when you went downstairs?”

“No. I didn’t open anything.”

“Did you hear anything when you went down there?”

“Again,” she said, “no. I didn’t.”

“Come on.”

The sound was consistent. And raucous.

“I doubt that’s a ghost,” she said.

“Oh, because they aren’t real?”

“No,” she said. “Because it’s an easy sound to follow, and anybody who had spent the night here previously could’ve followed it themselves. I would think that the haunting was a lot know, ambiguous.”

“Oh. Ambiguous haunting. As opposed to one of those big, obvious hauntings.”
