Page 30 of One Night Rancher

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“Yeah, I’m done,” Cara said. “For now.”

She walked back down the bar, and he couldn’t help but watch the wiggle of her hips, the way her ass looked in those jeans.

It was like the floodgates had opened, and now that he had noticed, he couldn’t stop.

If you want to have sex with a virgin...

She couldn’t be a virgin. She just couldn’t be. And it wasn’t because he didn’t believe she was capable of making that choice, he just didn’t... She exuded sex appeal. She was so comfortable with herself. With her body. The way that she handled the men in the room was... She had them all eating out of the palm of her hand. She just seemed like a woman who wasexperienced. He had accepted that. He didn’t really ever think about it. They didn’t talk about that sort of thing. That was fine. It wasn’t part of their friendship. They were sort of open...

And now that he thought about it, he couldn’t remember her ever dating anybody, but the thing was, he was gone sometimes. And anyway, he figured that she probably had her share of hookups working at the bar and...

He looked at all the men sitting around the bar. The thought of any of them putting their hands on her made him so angry he couldn’t even see straight.

She leaned forward and started talking to two men down at the other end. They were getting an eyeful down her tank top, and the thing was, he knew that she knew it. And that if she didn’t want them to, she wouldn’t hold herself in that position. She was a woman in total control of herself. She knew exactly the effect that she had on men, and she was happy to have it.

He just couldn’t see...

But maybe that was his own wrongheaded thinking.

Maybe it showed what he knew about anything.

It was almost funny. That there was something he didn’t know about Cara Summers. That there was maybe something he didn’t understand about women.

And hell, sitting there looking at her like he was, he wondered if there were some things he maybe didn’t understand about himself. And that was a whole other Pandora’s box of freaky-ass shit he didn’t want to open.

His brothers and his burgers arrived a few moments later, along with their drinks, and he did his best to listen to Boone talk about his plans for the next rodeo season.

His plans to get on the road.

Flint had similar plans. And he realized just none of it... Resonated in him. Not anymore.

He shoved down his french fries.

“I think I’m going to stay here,” he said.

“Really?” Boone asked. “You’re not going back out there?”

“I want everything. I’ve made tons of money. It’s time for me to figure out the next thing. I need something that’s... I need something that’s mine.”

Right when he said that, he looked back behind the bar, and his eyes connected with Cara’s and, on God, he had not meant for that to happen. But it had, and it resonated down deep inside of him. Made him feel something he really wished he hadn’t.

“I mean, more power to you,” said Boone. “But I’m not done with the glory.”

“I mean, I could do with a little bit less infamy,” Flint mused.

Boone snorted. “It’ll pass,” he said. “Nobody’s going to remember that Tansey Martin wrote a song for you in another year.”

“It’s not about me,” said Flint, practically growling.

“It’s not? Because I seem to recall...”

“She didn’t love me,” said Flint. “If she had, I would’ve known.”

“You think so?” Boone asked.

“Yeah,” said Flint. “I think so. It was nothing.”

And Jace didn’t quite believe that. And maybe it was asinine of him, but he kind of liked the fact that his brother wasn’t really as certain about things as he tended to pretend.
